Interdisciplinary Vocational Course 1

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
ING-IND/22 MED/09 MED/23 MED/28 MED/31 MED/33 MED/49 MED/50
Learning objectives
- Acquire basic knowledge of the technical, operational and management aspects typical of each of the professions in the area of technical health sciences with reference to cardiovascular and cardiac pathologies, locomotor apparatus, hearing, dietary and odontostomatological deficits.
- Acquire knowledge in the specific fields of knowledge related to the sphere of scientific research, in the planning of protocols for the prophylaxis of dental and cardiac metabolic diseases as well as the knowledge of diseases of the musculoskeletal system · To organize and design the production and use of orthopedic devices.
Expected learning outcomes
- Use this knowledge for the organization and management of health services provided by personnel with technical functions in the medical area.
- Use basic knowledge for research and training projects in the technical sciences.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be written. It will mainly consist of multiple choice questions with the addition of some open questions, in addition it will be possible, at the discretion of the teacher, to carry out an additional oral test.
Materials science and technology
Course syllabus
Introduction to Biomaterials
Classification of Biomaterials (based on their chemical nature; based on the effects produced on the material by the biological environment)
Metallic materials; polymeric materials; ceramic materials; composite materials; biological materials
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises and group work
Teaching Resources
Di Bello - Biomateriali - Collana di Ingegneria Biomedica, Patron Editore, 2004
Pietrabissa - Biomateriali per protesi ed organi artificiali - Collana di Ingegneria Biomedica, Patron Editore, 1996
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
Categorization according to CV risk score
Examination of the individual CV risk factors
Vaccinations in adulthood
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises and group work
Teaching Resources
LG ESC sul RCV 2016
LG ESC sull'Ipertensione arteriosa 2018
LG ESC-EAS sulle dislipidemie 2016
Manuale COCIS 2017
Standard di cura AMM-SID 2018
Documento di consenso e raccomandazioni per la prevenzione cardiovascolare in Italia 2018 SIPREC
Piano Nazionale Prevenzione Vaccinale PNPV 2017-2019
2013 IDSA Clinical Practice Guidelines for Vaccination of the Immunocompromised Host
Rapporto Vaccini 2017
Guida alle controindicazioni alla vaccinazione
Heart surgery
Course syllabus
Elements of anatomy and cardiac physiology
Pathophysiology of the main cardiac pathologies
Invasive and non-invasive instrumental diagnostic methods
Ischemic heart disease
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises and group work
Teaching Resources
Oral diseases and dentistry
Course syllabus
Ministerial Guidelines for the promotion of oral health in children and adults.
Ministerial Guidelines for the prevention and clinical management of dental trauma in individuals of developmental age
Ministerial Guidelines for the promotion of oral health and prevention of oral pathologies in individuals of developmental age who must undergo chemo and radio therapy.
Group work for the application of the LG Recommendations within the community
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises and group work
Teaching Resources
Linee Guida Ministeriali in tema di salute orale, scaricabili gratuitamente all'indirizzo
Course syllabus
Elements of anatomy-physiology of the auditory and vestibular system, of the nose and paranasal sinuses, of the pharynx, of the larynx, of the salivary glands and of the neck.
Pathologies of the external, middle and internal ear
Pathologies of the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses
Major salivary gland pathologies
Pathologies of the pharynx and larynx
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises and group work
Teaching Resources
Slide by the teacher.
Musculoskeletal system diseases
Course syllabus
Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system
Pathophysiology of the musculoskeletal system
Medical-surgical correction of the main pathologies of the musculoskeletal system
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises and group work
Teaching Resources
Slides by the teacher.
Food sciences and dietetics
Course syllabus
Body mass index
-Nutrition and epigenetics
- Anatomo-physiology of pregnancy and placental nutrient transport systems
-Nutrition of the woman in the perinatal period and long-term outcomes of the future adult.
-Obesity, undernutrition and deficiencies of micronutrients and macronurtrients in the perinatal period
- Gestational diabetes and fetal growth retardation
-Perinatal supplementation: indications and nutritional management of the woman
- Management of the vegetarian diet during pregnancy
-Translational maternal-fetal research
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises and group work
Teaching Resources
Materials provided by the teacher
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
"The oral cavity and its pathologies".
- Brief outline of anatomy of the oral cavity
- Disanimation of the most frequent oral pathologies, their manifestations and their causes
- Prosthetic rehabilitations of the oral cavity
- Principles of home oral hygiene
"Assistance to the person with dementia: critical issues and prospects.
- Dementias: a tragic reality and a challenge today for tomorrow
- dementia and the oral cavity: needs and critical issues
- What dental care for the patient?
"Oral health in the fragile person: organizational / care aspects"
- The experience of the U.O.C. Dentistry of ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco
- Model of patient care project both in hospitalization and at home
- The importance of multidisciplinarity, the "call" of civil society and the search for resources, or "networking".
Teaching methods
The courses will include lectures with the possible addition of laboratory exercises and group work
Teaching Resources
Scientific articles provided by the teacher
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 24 hours
Food sciences and dietetics
MED/49 - FOOD AND DIETETIC SCIENCES - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Mando' Chiara
Heart surgery
MED/23 - HEART SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Polvani Gianluca
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Materials science and technology
Lessons: 8 hours
Musculoskeletal system diseases
MED/33 - ORTHOPAEDICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Oral diseases and dentistry
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Ghezzi Mario
MED/31 - OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours