Human Anatomy and Histology

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
BIO/16 BIO/17
Learning objectives
At the end of the course the student should
to know the methods and morphological survey tools
learn about the morphology of the cells and tissues of the human organism;
know the main mechanisms through which is realized the maturation of germ elements, fertilization and development of the human organism;
be able to observe, describe and identify the different organelles of the eukaryotic cell, the various tissues and their localization within the bodies; know: the organization of the human body, the shape and the seat of the organs of the various systems of the body and the main structural features that are the basis of organ functions
Expected learning outcomes
Acquire the knowledge of the morphology, microscopic and submicroscopic structure of cells and tissues, particularly with regard to those of the human organism; to know gametogenesis.
Describe the general architecture of the human body and the structure of the organs in relation to their functional role.
Know the basic use of the optical microscope for the observation of histological samples, prepared according to conventional methods.
Observe histological preparations, in order to discuss, describe and identify the morphological features of the various tissues and organs; demonstrate that the necessary knowledge for subsequent courses was acquired.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
Students should know cell biology.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist in:
· A written test with multiple choice questions (18 on anatomy and 12 on histology in 30 minutes) on the topics included in the course program; each question has 5 answers/one is correct. Passing the quiz (18 correct answers) is required for continuing with the exam.
· A practical test consisting of the observation, description, and recognition of micrographs under the microscope: a micrograph is shown for the description and identification of tissues (histology test), and a micrograph for the description and classification of an organ (test of microscopic anatomy).
· The oral exam includes a discussion of the topics included in the course program.
Assessment parameters: knowledge in the field of histology and anatomy, ability to recognize and describe organs and tissues based on their microscopic characteristics, and ability to understand the organization of the human body. The ability of critical reasoning and the efficacious communication of the information with the appropriate terms will be also assessed.
The final mark (/30) will consider the result of the three tests.
Course syllabus
Lining epithelia: structure, ultrastructure, locations, and functions. Morphological and functional polarity of epithelial cells. Relationships with the connective tissue. Simple and compound epithelia. Regeneration of epithelia.
Glandular epithelia: structure, ultrastructure, secretion processes.
Exocrine glands: classification criteria. Examples of exocrine glands according to various classification criteria.
Endocrine glands: classification criteria, secretion modalities, and chemical nature of the hormone secretion. Cytological and histological characteristics of the main endocrine glands: islets of Langerhans, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, parathyroid glands, thyroid gland.
Sensory epithelia: general characteristics. Examples.
Proper Connective tissue: structure, ultrastructure, locations, and functions. Extracellular matrix: amorphous substance, proteoglycans, glycoproteins, fibers (collagen, reticular and elastic). Cell populations: fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, plasma cells, adipocytes. Loose forms, dense forms. White and brown adipose tissue.
Cartilage tissue: structure, ultrastructure, locations, and functions. Cartilage hyaline, elastic, and fibrous.
Bone tissue: compact and spongy architecture. Microscopic structure of lamellar and non-lamellar bone tissue. Periosteum and endosteum. Extracellular matrix (organic and inorganic components). Bone tissue cells (osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts). Mention the processes of direct and indirect ossification.
Blood: structure and functions. Hematocrit value. Plasma. Corpuscular elements: erythrocytes and platelets. Granulocytes (neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils) and agranulocytes (lymphocytes and monocytes). Leukocyte formula. Hematopoiesis: outline.
Muscle tissue: structure, ultrastructure, locations, and functions. Skeletal striated muscle tissue: striated muscle fiber structure, myofibrils, myofilaments. Cardiac striated muscle tissue: structure of the heart muscle cell. Smooth muscle tissue.
Nervous tissue: structure, ultrastructure, functions. Neuron: ultrastructure of the cell body, axon, and dendrites. Classification of neurons. Axon flow. Unmyelinated and myelinated nerve fibers, myelination process. Synapse. Glia of the PNS, of the CNS and microglia.
Teaching methods
Lessons and practicals with microscopic slides (all are compulsory)
Teaching Resources
Junqueira - Istologia - Testo Atlante (Junqueira Mescher) Ed. PICCIN
Istologia e Anatomia Microscopica (Wheater)-Masson
Human anatomy
Course syllabus
General anatomy: General principles of body organization. Anatomical terminology. Definition and classification of anatomical spaces, apparatuses, and of organs.
Musculoskeletal system: Head, neck, chest, and abdominal walls and spaces. Classification of joints and bones. Vertebral column.
Blood circulatory system: general organization and function. External and internal morphology of the heart. Morphological and functional analysis of atrioventricular and semilunar valves. Localization and function of the cardiac conduction system, pericardium. Blood vessels: morphology and function of arteries, veins, capillaries. Function of anastomoses and collateral circles. Definition of pulmonary and district circulation. Description of the superficial venous circulation.
Lymphatic system: lymphatic vessels and lymph. Lymphoid organs: thyme, spleen, lymph nodes, and tonsils.
Respiratory, digestive, urinary system, male and female reproductive systems: description of the general morphology of the organs, their localization/ relationships; structure and morpho-functional features of organs and apparatuses. Ultrastructure of pulmonary alveoli, nephron (renal corpuscle and air-blood barrier), liver (hepatocytes, bile capillaries), lining epithelium of the small intestine (enterocytes and microvilli).
Nervous system: General principles of neuroanatomy and classification of sensory.
Central nervous system: systematic description of organs, inner cavities, and liquor system.
Principles of neuroanatomy; principles of main sensory and motor pathways, control systems (cerebellum and basal ganglia). Reticular formation, limbic system, hypothalamus, and control of the visceral functions. Somatotopism.
Peripheric nervous system: description of spinal and encephalic nerves; somatic and visceral innervation. Autonomic nervous system.
Tegumentary system: general organization.
Teaching methods
Lessons and practicals with microscopic slides and with 3D models (all are compulsory)
Teaching Resources
Martini FH, Anatomia Umana. (Edizione VII). Napoli: Edises, 2019.
McKinley M, O'Loughlin VD. Anatomia umana II edizione italiana sulla V in lingua inglese. Padova: Piccin, 2019.
Patton K.T. et al. Anatomia umana. Approccio integrato tra struttura e funzione. Edra, 2020.
Saladin KS. Anatomia Umana.). Padova: Piccin, 2018.
BIO/17 - HISTOLOGY - University credits: 3
Informal teaching: 8 hours
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Cassani Barbara
Gruppo 1
Professor: Sartori Patrizia Mirella
Gruppo 2
Professor: Sartori Patrizia Mirella
Human anatomy
BIO/16 - HUMAN ANATOMY - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 8 hours
Lessons: 28 hours
Appointment via e-mail
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences for Health - via Mangiagalli 31, Milan