History of East Asian Art
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The course gives to the students a general knowledge of Japanese art history from a historical, linguistic and technical point of view. It offers a reflection on the relations with China, Korea, South Asia and Europe during the centuries. Painting, sculpture, architecture and applied arts will be studied, from pre-historical eras to Edo period and the opening of Japan to Western culture (1868).
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of the Japanese historical-artistic chronology also with reference to China. Basic knowledge of Japanese terms in the historical-artistic field (Eras and periods, movements, schools, artists, techniques, supports) and their correspondent Italian and English terms. Knowledge of Japanese artistic developments in the Asian context. Capacity to express with a language adequate to Japanese art categories and obtainment of the necessary instruments to describe/catalogue Japanese art objects.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to the history of Japanese art, from the first Capitals to the Meiji Restoration 1868 (60 ore, 9 cfu)
- Part A (20 ore, 3 cfu):
[Introduction to the Japanese art history. From the introduction of Buddhism, to the first Capitals of Nara (710-794), Heian (784-1185) and Kamakura (1185-1333)]
- Part B (20 ore, 3 cfu):
[Main artists and art streams in Japan from Muromachi period (1333-1573) to Momoyama period (1573-1603)]
- Part C (20 ore, 3 cfu):
[Introduction to premodern and modern production: from Edo period t(1603-1868) o Meiji Era (1868-1912)]
Introduction to the history of Japanese art, from the first Capitals to the Meiji Restoration 1868 (60 ore, 9 cfu)
- Part A (20 ore, 3 cfu):
[Introduction to the Japanese art history. From the introduction of Buddhism, to the first Capitals of Nara (710-794), Heian (784-1185) and Kamakura (1185-1333)]
- Part B (20 ore, 3 cfu):
[Main artists and art streams in Japan from Muromachi period (1333-1573) to Momoyama period (1573-1603)]
- Part C (20 ore, 3 cfu):
[Introduction to premodern and modern production: from Edo period t(1603-1868) o Meiji Era (1868-1912)]
Prerequisites for admission
Capacity to read, study and understand texts written in English. Be aware it's necessary to learn also basic technical words in Japanese/Chinese
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons by use of projections in power point and videos. Lessons at Oriental Art Museums in Italy and/or at temporary exhibitions held during the period of the course. Proposal of seminars with Japanese and East Asian professors, curators, artists. Calendar of the lessons and details of activities will be published during the course online and through advises on Ariel.
Teaching Resources
Part A
-Mason, Penelope, "History of Japanese Art", Prentice Hall and Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 2005 (manual, to study up to Kamakura period included)
Suggestion to go in deep on Heian period:
- Carpenter, John T., Mc Cormick, Melissa, "The Tale of Genji. A Japanese classic illuminated", New York, THE MET 2019 (pdf online MET website)
- Lessons materials
Part B
-Mason, Penelope, "History of Japanese Art", Prentice Hall and Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 2005 (manual, from Muromachi period up to Momoyama period included)
-Lessons materials
Part C
-Mason, Penelope, "History of Japanese Art", Prentice Hall and Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 2005 (manual, the whole final part on Era Meiji)
-Suggestions to go in deep about ukiyo-e:
-Menegazzo R., "Hokusai Hiroshige Utamaro", Skira, 2016
-Menegazzo R., "Hokusai. Sulle orme del maestro", Skira 2017
-Menegazzo R., "Kuniyoshi. Il visionario del Mondo Fluttuante", Skira 2017
Suggestions to go in deep about Rinpa school:
T. Carpenter, John, "Designing Nature. The Rinpa Aesthetic in Japanese Art", New York, THE MET 2012 (pdf online MET website)
-lessons materials
-Mason, Penelope, "History of Japanese Art", Prentice Hall and Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 2005 (manual, to study up to Kamakura period included)
Suggestion to go in deep on Heian period:
- Carpenter, John T., Mc Cormick, Melissa, "The Tale of Genji. A Japanese classic illuminated", New York, THE MET 2019 (pdf online MET website)
- Lessons materials
Part B
-Mason, Penelope, "History of Japanese Art", Prentice Hall and Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 2005 (manual, from Muromachi period up to Momoyama period included)
-Lessons materials
Part C
-Mason, Penelope, "History of Japanese Art", Prentice Hall and Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 2005 (manual, the whole final part on Era Meiji)
-Suggestions to go in deep about ukiyo-e:
-Menegazzo R., "Hokusai Hiroshige Utamaro", Skira, 2016
-Menegazzo R., "Hokusai. Sulle orme del maestro", Skira 2017
-Menegazzo R., "Kuniyoshi. Il visionario del Mondo Fluttuante", Skira 2017
Suggestions to go in deep about Rinpa school:
T. Carpenter, John, "Designing Nature. The Rinpa Aesthetic in Japanese Art", New York, THE MET 2012 (pdf online MET website)
-lessons materials
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam, 6 cfu or 9 cfu. Student is requested to briefly present (few minutes) a free-choice subject among those studied during the course to demonstrate the capacity to research autonomously bibliographic and iconographic materials with a critical approach and an adequate language. Questions by the teacher aim to ascertain the comprehension of the concepts and the knowledge of the specific language, the main currents and personalities of Japanese art history, as well as the capacity to analyse a work among those presented during the course. The exam is valued with a vote out of thirty which will be communicated at the end of the discussion with immediate approval.
Lessons: 60 hours
Menegazzo Rossella
Educational website(s)
on appointment