History of Artistic Literature
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The course deepen the critical knowledge of written texts made in every artistic environment, at different times, taking into account that every example of Artistic Literature is the result of a complex process and is filtered by the dominant thinking currents.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student achieves a good level of knowledge of the fundamental texts produced by artists, scholars and amateurs and acquires the indispensable tools for framing artistic production over time and in different places. The course aims to focalize the disciplinary vocabulary of the History of Art and Art crticism.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Outlines of the History of Art Literature and an in-depth study of Italian collection of portraits of Illustrious Men from the 15th to 17th centuries
Part 1: Introduction. History of Art Literature from Vitruvio to Vasari. General Features.
Part 2: History of Art Literature after Vasari up to the first History of Art Chair (1901) in Italy. Themes and insights.
Part 3 : Italian collections of portraits of Illustrious Men from the 15th to the 17th century: sources and history.
Part 1
Introduction. History of Art Literature from Vitruvio to Vasari. General Features.
Julius Schlosser Magnino, La Letteratura artistica. Manuale delle fonti della storia dell'arte moderna, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1964.
This book is out of catalogue, but students can download it (in Italian for free) from the official website of the Heidelberg University :
Students will study the following chapters of the book
- I libro = from Chapter I, number 2.-Nell'Occidente latino; please study: A), B), C) excluding parts written in small size fonts, D); Chapter II; Chapter III: please study starting from number 2, La bottega del Trecento.
- II libro = please study Chapter I, La Letteratura storica, excluding parts written in small size fonts; Chapter cap. II, I teorici del primo Rinascimento, excluding parts written in small size fonts; Chapter IV, Sulle tesi teorico artistiche del primo Rinascimento and Chapter V, excluding parts written in small size fonts.
- IV libro = Chapter III, please study: Continuazione degli studi su Vitruvio, excluding parts written in small size fonts.
- V libro = Il Vasari: please study it, excluding final bibliography.
Many fundamental topics (like Vitruvio, Plinio, Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio etc) will be illustrated during classes gradually available on the website:
ariel.unimi.it, Storia della Letteratura artistica.
Part 2
History of Art Literature after Vasari up to the first History of Art Chair in Italy. Themes and insights.
Julius Schlosser Magnino, La Letteratura artistica. Manuale delle fonti della storia dell'arte moderna, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1964.
This book is out of catalogue, but students can download it (in Italian for free) from the official website of the Heidelberg University :
Students will study the following chapters of the book :
- VI libro = please study Chapter I, Scritti storici e periegesi, and Chapter II, Gli scritti sulla teoria dell'arte nel periodo del Manierismo, excluding parts written in small size fonts.
- VII libro = please study Chapter I, La storia universale romano-fiorentina, and Chapter III, Alcune osservazioni , excluding parts written in small size fonts.
- VIII libro = please study Chapter I, La storiografia artistica locale, excluding parts written in small size fonts, and Chapter II, La letteratura dei Ciceroni, up to the end of the section about Giovanni Battista Marino.
- IX libro = please study Chapter I, La teoria artistica italiana del secolo XVII, excluding parts written in small size fonts.
This book (Schlosser) ends with Neoclassicism; please add, and study, from:
Ferdinando Bologna, La coscienza storica dell'arte in Italia. Introduzione alla "Storia dell'Arte in Italia", Torino UTET 1982 oppure Milano Garzanti, 1992.
- Chapter VI (Dalle Scuole seicentesche al "Sistema delle Scuole" di Luigi Lanzi),
- Chapter VII (Dall'Ottocento a Longhi. L'Italia artistica tra soppressione ideologica delle diversità e recupero comparato delle culture locali)
- Conclusion
This book is out of catalogue, but students can download these selected chapters from the website:
ariel.unimi.it, Storia della Letteratura artistica.
And then, please add and study:
Udo Kultermann, Storia della Storia dell'arte, Vicenza Neri Pozza 1997,
from p. 39 to p. 229, excluding pp. 113-115; 183-190, 198- 202, 219-220.
This book is out of catalogue, but students can download these selected parts from the website: ariel.unimi.it, Storia della Letteratura artistica.
Many fundamental topics will be illustrated during classes gradually available on the website:
ariel.unimi.it, Storia della Letteratura artistica
Part 3 : Italian collections of portraits of Illustrious Men from the 15th to the 17th century: sources and history.
To study this part of the course (which does not pertain to students planning to take the 6 CFU exam), a pdf anthology of texts collected by the teacher (maximum 100 pages) must be prepared.
N.B.: the anthology will be made available to students on the ARIEL platform close to the exposition of Part C of the lectures (not before: the course is being composed, defined, as it is proposed to students, shaping itself in progress). In addition, powerpoints shown in class, containing images, texts and sources, will also be posted-always on ARIEL. The powerpoints are for study (for attending and nonattending).
Not attendant students will read:
Rudolf e Margot Wittkover, Nati sotto Saturno. La figura dell'artista dall'antichità alla Rivoluzione francese, Torino, Einaudi 2016
Part 1: Introduction. History of Art Literature from Vitruvio to Vasari. General Features.
Part 2: History of Art Literature after Vasari up to the first History of Art Chair (1901) in Italy. Themes and insights.
Part 3 : Italian collections of portraits of Illustrious Men from the 15th to the 17th century: sources and history.
Part 1
Introduction. History of Art Literature from Vitruvio to Vasari. General Features.
Julius Schlosser Magnino, La Letteratura artistica. Manuale delle fonti della storia dell'arte moderna, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1964.
This book is out of catalogue, but students can download it (in Italian for free) from the official website of the Heidelberg University :
Students will study the following chapters of the book
- I libro = from Chapter I, number 2.-Nell'Occidente latino; please study: A), B), C) excluding parts written in small size fonts, D); Chapter II; Chapter III: please study starting from number 2, La bottega del Trecento.
- II libro = please study Chapter I, La Letteratura storica, excluding parts written in small size fonts; Chapter cap. II, I teorici del primo Rinascimento, excluding parts written in small size fonts; Chapter IV, Sulle tesi teorico artistiche del primo Rinascimento and Chapter V, excluding parts written in small size fonts.
- IV libro = Chapter III, please study: Continuazione degli studi su Vitruvio, excluding parts written in small size fonts.
- V libro = Il Vasari: please study it, excluding final bibliography.
Many fundamental topics (like Vitruvio, Plinio, Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio etc) will be illustrated during classes gradually available on the website:
ariel.unimi.it, Storia della Letteratura artistica.
Part 2
History of Art Literature after Vasari up to the first History of Art Chair in Italy. Themes and insights.
Julius Schlosser Magnino, La Letteratura artistica. Manuale delle fonti della storia dell'arte moderna, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1964.
This book is out of catalogue, but students can download it (in Italian for free) from the official website of the Heidelberg University :
Students will study the following chapters of the book :
- VI libro = please study Chapter I, Scritti storici e periegesi, and Chapter II, Gli scritti sulla teoria dell'arte nel periodo del Manierismo, excluding parts written in small size fonts.
- VII libro = please study Chapter I, La storia universale romano-fiorentina, and Chapter III, Alcune osservazioni , excluding parts written in small size fonts.
- VIII libro = please study Chapter I, La storiografia artistica locale, excluding parts written in small size fonts, and Chapter II, La letteratura dei Ciceroni, up to the end of the section about Giovanni Battista Marino.
- IX libro = please study Chapter I, La teoria artistica italiana del secolo XVII, excluding parts written in small size fonts.
This book (Schlosser) ends with Neoclassicism; please add, and study, from:
Ferdinando Bologna, La coscienza storica dell'arte in Italia. Introduzione alla "Storia dell'Arte in Italia", Torino UTET 1982 oppure Milano Garzanti, 1992.
- Chapter VI (Dalle Scuole seicentesche al "Sistema delle Scuole" di Luigi Lanzi),
- Chapter VII (Dall'Ottocento a Longhi. L'Italia artistica tra soppressione ideologica delle diversità e recupero comparato delle culture locali)
- Conclusion
This book is out of catalogue, but students can download these selected chapters from the website:
ariel.unimi.it, Storia della Letteratura artistica.
And then, please add and study:
Udo Kultermann, Storia della Storia dell'arte, Vicenza Neri Pozza 1997,
from p. 39 to p. 229, excluding pp. 113-115; 183-190, 198- 202, 219-220.
This book is out of catalogue, but students can download these selected parts from the website: ariel.unimi.it, Storia della Letteratura artistica.
Many fundamental topics will be illustrated during classes gradually available on the website:
ariel.unimi.it, Storia della Letteratura artistica
Part 3 : Italian collections of portraits of Illustrious Men from the 15th to the 17th century: sources and history.
To study this part of the course (which does not pertain to students planning to take the 6 CFU exam), a pdf anthology of texts collected by the teacher (maximum 100 pages) must be prepared.
N.B.: the anthology will be made available to students on the ARIEL platform close to the exposition of Part C of the lectures (not before: the course is being composed, defined, as it is proposed to students, shaping itself in progress). In addition, powerpoints shown in class, containing images, texts and sources, will also be posted-always on ARIEL. The powerpoints are for study (for attending and nonattending).
Not attendant students will read:
Rudolf e Margot Wittkover, Nati sotto Saturno. La figura dell'artista dall'antichità alla Rivoluzione francese, Torino, Einaudi 2016
Prerequisites for admission
Summary knowledge of the main lines of developement of the Western History of Art from the late antiquity to today.
Teaching methods
All the lessons of the course will take place with the help of powerpoints containing texts and images. The slides will then be made available to students on the ARIEL website of Storia della Letteratura Artistica
Teaching Resources
In "Programma" you'll find the bibliography and other informations about the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning will be verified through an oral interview aimed at recognizing the actual preparation of the student on the topics discussed in the lessons, the texts in the program, the critical skills acquired during the course of study and the use of a proper specific language (that is quite important). It will be assessed as insufficient the performance of those students showing learning gaps, inappropriate language, no orientation within the recommended bibliography.
Lessons: 60 hours
Sacchi Rossana
Educational website(s)