Hindi I
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
At the end of the first year course, the students will be supposed to know devanagari alphabet, to read and pronounce properly simple and basic texts written in Hindi, to deal with simple oral conversations and dialogues and to translate, using a bilingual dictionary, simple texts from Hindi to Italian language. As far as oral expression and communication abilities are concerned, the students will be supposed to be able to introduce themselves, to talk about their family, their daily routine, as well as to describe the place they live in and the people they are related to (family members, friends, etc.). They should be able to express simple feelings, needs and ideas, they should also be able to talk about the things they like, their hobbies and their dislikes as far as food, clothes, daily activities and duties are concerned. Students will be also supposed to deal with some common experiences such as buying a train ticket in an Indian railway station, asking how to reach an address, ordering some food in a restaurant, doing some shopping in an market, asking informations about someone else's life, gathering informations related to a meant-to-do journey. Students will be also trained to understand native speakers talking about everyday topics: listening comprehension will be considered as much important as reading comprehension. At the end of the course students will have to master a basic vocabulary of at least 500 words.
Expected learning outcomes
The course means to promote students' abilities in three areas: reading, listening and talking. Students are expected to know the main structures of Hindi grammar and syntax and to master a range of Hindi basic vocabulary. Students will be expected to reach a basic, but fluent, knowledge of spoken as well as written Hindi.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course currently not available
Lessons: 60 hours