Health Science and Services

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
IUS/07 MED/36 MED/42 MED/44 SECS-P/10
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing basic knowledge in the field of the rights of the disabled persons and the rights of the workers, in order to be able to analyze and respond to the needs of assistance, to evaluate the relationship between benefits, risks and costs, to evaluate the epidemiological data and knowledge of its use for health promotion and disease prevention in individuals and in the community. It provides knowledge in the field of legislation, norms and the fundamental elements that regulate the healthcare organization in social medicine; it aims at learning the concepts of occupational disease, the risk factors and the risk assessment and the fundamental norms for health protection in the workplace and specific aspects in protection of the disabled workers.
Finally, it provides the theoretical basis of radiation protection and their main consequences in the workplace.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
· analyze and respond to the needs of assistance, by evaluating the relationship between benefits, risks and costs;
· evaluate epidemiological data and apply these to the field of health promotion and disease prevention in individuals and in the community.
· evaluate epidemiological data and learn how to use it for health promotion and disease prevention in individuals and in the community;
· discuss the main methodologies involved in the field of social medicine and health care organization;
· discuss the legislation governing the health care organization;
· use assessments and methodologies for evaluating and reviewing the quality of services.
· discuss the principles of ergonomics and apply these to the problems of participation in the activities of daily life in patients with physical and / or mental disabilities;
· discuss the rights of the disabled persons and the rights of the employees;
· discuss the theoretical foundations of radiation protection and its application in work settings.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Be enrolled in the 3rd year of the program
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam
Labour law
Course syllabus
: labor law, sources, the Constitution, the law, collective labour agreements, individual employment contracts, subordination. The union, union rights, subordinate employment contract, cooperative work, ancillary work, the contract of employment, detachment, smart working. Placement regulations, protected categories, proof, classification, object of the service, the modification of duties, the rights and the duties of the worker. Working hours, the power of control of the employer, disciplinary power, bullying, harassment in the workplace, gender discrimination, the security of the employee, illness, pregnancy, parental leave, resignation, dismissal.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons
Teaching Resources
The bibliography will be suggested by the teacher at the beginning of the course
Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy
Course syllabus
Properties of ionizing radiation; Directly ionizing radiation interactions. Interactions of indirectly ionizing radiation.
Biological effects of radiation; Risk / Benefit Analysis. Dose optimization. Absorbed dose, dose equivalent, effective dose, their unit of measurement.
Radiation protection legislation; Use of personal protective equipment; Potential exposures; Accidents involving over exposure to ionizing radiation.
Potential and ongoing pregnancy; Babies and infancy.
Justification and individual exposure; Informed consent; Appropriate use of previous clinical and technical information, and alternative procedures. Definition and use of the reference diagnostic levels.
Elements of radiological technique; X-rays (nature and production); Choice and use of radiodiagnostic equipment; Factors that influence the radiation dose; Dosimetry; Quality assurance and control; Fluoroscopy; Digital fluoroscopy; TC; Interventional procedures
Vascular imaging; Image quality in relation to the dose; Correct use of contrast media
Production of ionizing radiation. Radiobiology; Indications of radiotherapy
Radiotherapy procedures and equipment: Dosimetry; Radio awareness; Target volumes;
Radiation protection and specific regulations for radiotherapy; Early and late side effects
Atomic structure and radioactivity; Radioactive decay; Indications of nuclear medical investigations; Procedures, instrumentation and equipment for Nuclear Medicine. Quality assurance and quality controls; radiopharmaceuticals; Preparation of individual doses; Dose calibration; Radiation protection and specific legislation in nuclear medicine; Protection of organs at risk
Pregnancy and breastfeeding; Special provisions for patients with radioactivity; Radioactive waste procedures.
production of images, Safe management of an MRI site, protection of health professionals, patient protection, recording, informed consent.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons
Teaching Resources
Pubblicazione "La radioprotezione nelle attività sanitarie""
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The fundamental methodologies to preserve and promote the health of the individual and of the communities, of the main legislative norms that regulate health organization;
the principles and applications of preventive medicine and health promotion in local communities;
Epidemiological data and learn about its use for health promotion and disease prevention in individuals and communities;
Essential principles of health economics.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons
Teaching Resources
AAVV (Barbuti, Fara, Giammanco, Baldo, Borella). Igiene - Medicina Preventiva - Sanita' Pubblica, Edises
Occupational medicine
Course syllabus
Introduction and objectives of the course.
Health concept.
The three levels of prevention (primary, secondary and tertiary). Occupational medicine: definition and evolution over time.
The concept of risk as a probabilistic event. Risk assessment and prevention: the approach.
Physical and biomechanical agents pathologies. Ergonomics concepts.
Psychosocial risk, Chemical risk. Notes on professional tumors.
Disability among Italian workers., Notes on specific legislation and on that relating to occupational medicine in general.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons
Teaching Resources
Appunti e lucidi del docente, discussione di esempi pratici e simulazioni di situazioni reali.
Organization studies
Course syllabus
- Main concepts of Business Organization
- History, theories and schools: Taylor, Fayol, Likert, Simon and others
- Elements of organizational design
- From Product to Service
- Process management
- Regulatory views
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons
Teaching Resources
The bibliography will be suggested by the teacher at the beginning of the course
Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy
MED/36 - IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Cazzoli Marta
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Labour law
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Thiebat Daniele
Occupational medicine
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: De Matteis Sara
Organization studies
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Boara Marco
Educational website(s)
To be decide by previous e-mail