German Ii

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Along with their receptive, productive and interactive skills in German, students will also strengthen their mediation skills (which the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages considers a true fourth competence). Students will therefore be capable of translating, paraphrasing and summarizing B1-level texts while also taking into consideration differences between cultures. In particular, in accordance with the Degree objectives, systematic treatment will be given, from both a theoretical and applied perspective, to morphosyntactical and lexical (also phraseological) knowledge skills. The course is annual and covers two semesters.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will attain an intermediate level of German, which will allow them to express themselves (in both written and spoken German) with relative fluency on known topics. In addition to receptive, productive and interactive skills, students will also acquire mediation skills (considered by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languags as a true fourth competency). Students will therefore be capable of translating, paraphrasing and summarizing B1-level texts while also taking into consideration existing cultural differences. The students will also acquire metalinguistic knowledge that will allow them to recognize, understand and actively use morphosyntactic and lexical structures of a certain complexity; they will be able to identify the various types of complements and argument clauses of German, they will acquire the use of Korrelate; they will also expand their lexical knowledge, systematizing it also from a theoretical point of view (based on the semantic relationships between lexemes).
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course includes three modules of "Lingua tedesca" (Translation; Translation and tourism language; Translation and legal language) and "Language Practice Sessions".
The programme is the same for attending and non-attending students.
Teaching language for the modules of "German Lnguage": German (Italian for the translation of German texts).
Teaching language for the "Language Practice Sessions": German.

The module offers an introduction to the science of translation and the activity of translating from German into Italian, analysing the peculiarities of the German and Italian languages and translation problems (e.g. structural, syntactic and morphological). The translation relates to literary texts and to journal texts.

The module focuses on the analysis of tourist texts and their translation from German into Italian: various text genres (including tourist guides and hotel presentations) are the subject of translation.

The module focuses on legal language as a LSP and highlights the inseparable combination of "Recht und Sprache". German legal texts translated into Italian are analysed. This analysis is followed by the translation of texts from German into Italian.
Prerequisites for admission
Very good competence in written and spoken German (level B1).
Excellent proficiency in written and spoken Italian (level C2).
Very good competence in German linguistics (morphology, syntax, phonetics, lexicography).
Teaching methods
Lectures with the use of multimedia supports
Teaching Resources
-Cinato Kather, Lucia (2011): Mediazione linguistica tedesco-italiano. Hoepli.
- Schreiber, Michael (2016): Grundlagen der Übersetzungswissenschaft. De Gruyer.
- Texts from various books and websites
- Slides and exercises published on Moodle

- Texts from various books and websites
- Slides and exercises published on Moodle

- Texts from various books and websites
- Slides and exercises published on Moodle

To participate in the "esercitazioni", students are asked to purchase the following book for the first lesson:

Dafkompakt B1 NEU (ISBN 978-3-12-676315-8)

Recommended grammar:

Grammatica tedesca con esercizi. Die neue Gelbe" von Dreyer und Schmitt (ISBN-13: 978-3190472550). Hueber Verlag
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment method "German Linguistics": intermediate tests or exam during official exam sessions.
Assessment method "Language practice sessions": intermediate computer-based tests or exam during official exam sessions.
Intermediate tests ("German Linguistics"): they take place at the end of each module. Types of questions: exercises similar to those carried out in class (e.g. translation of short texts); theoretical questions (e.g. definition of "Übersetzung", of "Tourismussprache"). The students who pass the three intermediate tests (at least 18/30 for each) do not have to take the oral exam during official exam sessions.
Intermediate computer-based tests ("Language practice sessions"): they take place at the end of each semester. Types of questions: exercises similar to those carried out in class and at home. The students who pass the two intermediate tests do not have to take the official written exam.
Official exam: "Language Practice Sessions" + "German Linguistics":
1. "Language Practice Sessions" (May 2023, September 2023, January 2024): it is a computer-based test. The official written exam is preparatory to the official oral exam.
2. "German Linguistics" (June, July 2023 September 2023, January, February 2024): it relates to the three modules of "German Linguistics". It consists of questions of a theoretical nature (e.g. definition of Übersetzung", of "Tourismussprache") and practical (translation of short texts). Both intermediate and official exams take place in German.
Additional important information:
- The marks obtained by students in the various intermediate tests during academic year 2022-2023 will be valid until the last exam session of the academic year, i.e. 28 February 2024 included. After that date, students will have to sit and pass all the tests again (including the ones they may have successfully sat in the past), according to the new syllabus (which may be different; please check it for changes).
- The final grade for "German Language II" is made up as follows: average of the marks for the three official modules (provided that all marks are sufficient - at least 18/30 - to which the marks for the Exercises are added if necessary.
In the case of the Exercises, the assessment will be by the following grades: insufficient, sufficient, good, excellent. Depending on the grade obtained in the Exercises, there may be an increase in the arithmetic mean from which the final grade is derived: sufficient none extra point; good 0.5 points extra; excellent 1 point extra.
- Updates and information will be published on the Ariel platform ( and on LabOnline. Students are strongly advised to check Ariel and LabOnline regularly so as to be up to date will all information and instructions.
L-LIN/14 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - GERMAN - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Sesto San Giovanni (MI) Piazza Indro Montanelli 1
Piazza Indro Montanelli -Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni- V piano - studio 5012