General Psychology
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge and tools needed for a conscious and correct management of the behavioral, psychological and social-relational aspects that characterize an individual and that are essential for the rehabilitative profession. To this end, the course includes a part aimed at providing the foundations of general psychology, essential for an understanding the mechanisms of individual behavior; a second part aimed at framing the behavior of the individual in a social and group dimension; and a third part in which the theoretical, methodological and psychometric aspects of neuropsychological tests in the neurological and psychiatric field will be examined, with particular attention to the methods of use and interpretation of the data obtained from the tests.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired knowledge of the ways in which the individual's behavior and his psychological processes are structured and modified according to events, individual experiences and social interactions. He will also have acquired methodological and psychometric knowledge of the various neuropsychological tests in the neurological and psychiatric fields, with particular reference to the correct interpretation of the data obtained with the various tests.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is needed
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination
Psicologia generale
Course syllabus
- Introduction: Health and Health Approach Models, Biomedical Model, Biopsychosocial Model
- Psychology as a bio-psycho-social science: definition, theoretical, methodological approaches. Experimental, developmental, social, clinical psychology. The role of psychology in health.
- Biological Bases of Behavior & Nature Culture Debate
- Stress: definitions and characteristics. Biopsychosocial model of stress. Chronic and acute stressful situations. Responses to stress and coping strategies. Stress Health & Disease
- Perception, learning, memory
- Motivations and emotions. Emotions, their characteristics and components; Primary or basic emotions and secondary or complex emotions; Emotion regulation and management.
- Emotional intelligence, empathy and their characteristics and development; relationship between cognitive, emotional and relational development.
- Communication: basic characteristics of interpersonal communication, verbal and non-verbal communication, communication and auditory impairment, hints on pragmatic of human communication.
- Psychology as a bio-psycho-social science: definition, theoretical, methodological approaches. Experimental, developmental, social, clinical psychology. The role of psychology in health.
- Biological Bases of Behavior & Nature Culture Debate
- Stress: definitions and characteristics. Biopsychosocial model of stress. Chronic and acute stressful situations. Responses to stress and coping strategies. Stress Health & Disease
- Perception, learning, memory
- Motivations and emotions. Emotions, their characteristics and components; Primary or basic emotions and secondary or complex emotions; Emotion regulation and management.
- Emotional intelligence, empathy and their characteristics and development; relationship between cognitive, emotional and relational development.
- Communication: basic characteristics of interpersonal communication, verbal and non-verbal communication, communication and auditory impairment, hints on pragmatic of human communication.
Teaching methods
Face-to face lectures on the different topics included in the course supported by powerpoint presentations.
Teaching Resources
Psicologia generale per le professioni medico-sanitarie, a cura di M. Bassi, A. Delle Fave, UTET, 2015.
Materials provided by lecturer (slides, scientific articles).
Materials provided by lecturer (slides, scientific articles).
Course syllabus
- Neuropsychological assessment: general definition,
- Usefulness and applications of neuropsychological examination
- The neuropsychological history
- Requirements for a neuropsychological tool (standardisation, reliability, validity)
- Definition of neuropsychological testing
- Quantitative and qualitative evaluation
- Definition of calibration and standardisation
- Psychometric aspects of the neuropsychological test (Z points, equivalent scores)
- Pollutant variables a neuropsychological assessment
- A categorization of test tools in neuropsychological field
- The choice of the test instrument
- Tests to assess frontal function
- Tests to assess mnesic function
- Usefulness and applications of neuropsychological examination
- The neuropsychological history
- Requirements for a neuropsychological tool (standardisation, reliability, validity)
- Definition of neuropsychological testing
- Quantitative and qualitative evaluation
- Definition of calibration and standardisation
- Psychometric aspects of the neuropsychological test (Z points, equivalent scores)
- Pollutant variables a neuropsychological assessment
- A categorization of test tools in neuropsychological field
- The choice of the test instrument
- Tests to assess frontal function
- Tests to assess mnesic function
Teaching methods
Face-to face lectures on the different topics included in the course supported by powerpoint presentations. The main test used will be described and presented.
Teaching Resources
Materials provided by lecturer (slides, handouts).
Psicologia sociale
Course syllabus
- Personal Identity/Social Identity;
- Causal attribution;
- Social representations;
- Stereotype, prejudice, stigma.
- Causal attribution;
- Social representations;
- Stereotype, prejudice, stigma.
Teaching methods
Face-to face lectures on the different topics included in the course supported by power point presentations and videos.
Teaching Resources
Slides and articles provided by lecturer
David G. Myers Psicologia Sociale, McGraw-Hill Milano, 2013 (2° edizione).
Capitoli:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13.
Paola Villano Pregiudizi e stereotipi, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2013 (Nuova edizione)
David G. Myers Psicologia Sociale, McGraw-Hill Milano, 2013 (2° edizione).
Capitoli:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13.
Paola Villano Pregiudizi e stereotipi, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2013 (Nuova edizione)
Psicologia generale
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Prato Previde Albrisi Colombani Emanuela
Psicologia sociale
M-PSI/05 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Giordano Maria Teresa
M-PSI/03 - PSYCHOMETRICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Zago Stefano