General Psychiatric Rehabilitation

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
L-ART/06 MED/25 MED/48 MED/49
Learning objectives
Know the general principles of psychiatric rehabilitation with particular reference to the different age groups of users and the different social spheres of influence. acquire the ability to critically evaluate the rehabilitation acts within the health team in a logic of quality improvement. To acquire the ability to contribute to the organization of psychiatric rehabilitation activities through the definition of priorities and the appropriate use of the available resources, allowing the colleagues to do their own activities, ensuring a continuative and qualitative service; to study the main principles of psychiatric rehabilitation in order to evaluate the different interventions and reduce the costs (cost-benefit target); to acquire the ability to use the different fields of research about psychiatric rehabilitation.
Expected learning outcomes
To acquire the ability to know how to organise a rehabilitative plan, considering the patient's needs and specific areas of disability and his perspectives;
- to acquire the ability to face with ethical and deontological responsibilities and problems that emerge in people's assistance with particular attention to rehabilitation interventions; - Acquire the ability to organize, improve and evaluate the rehabilitation plans within the healthcare team in order to improve the quality;
- to acquire the ability to respond to the needs of the patient and use a correct psychiatric rehabilitation, cooperating with different colleagues;
- to acquire the ability to contribute to the organization of psychiatric rehabilitation activities, defining priorities and using appropriately the available resources, delegating other activities to the colleagues, granting a continuative and qualitative service.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
General psychiatric rehabilitation 1
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment of the learning will take place through a oral /written test.
The evaluation criteria used will be the ability to list and organize the acquired knowledges as well as their application for the resolution of short questions. The evaluation of the teaching will be expressed in 30th and will be the result of the weighted average of the votes acquired in each module of the teaching. Ongoing written tests may be planned towards the end of the course. The results of the tests will be communicated to the students through online verbalization system of university.
Course syllabus
From basic theoretical models to evidence-based techniques. The daily life of rehabilitative action. Integrated final professional work. Construction of individual projects. Rehabilitation from acuity to work integration. Introduction to the Integrated Course
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Ba G "Strumenti e tecniche della Riabilitazione psichiatrica", FrancoAngeli Ed.

Vita A., Dell'Osso L., Mucci A. (a cura di), Manuale di clinica e riabilitazione psichiatrica - vol 2, Giovanni Fioriti Editore, 2019

Venditelli N., et al. (2003), L 'intervento cognitivo comportamentale nel servizio psichiatrico di diagnosi e cura, ediz. Ermes

Pallavicini F. (2020). Psicologia della realtà virtuale: Aspetti tecnologici, teorie e applicazioni per il benessere mentale. Mondadori Università [estratti indicati a lezione]

Terapia psicologica integrata (IPT) - Programma per la riabilitazione del paziente schizofrenico di Brenner (cap. 1-3); Invernizzi - McGraw-Hill Editore
La riabilitazione cognitiva della schizofrenia, a cura di A.Vita, Springer Editore
Documents provided by teachers
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative
Course syllabus
Prognosis of psychotic disorders and schizophrenia, conceptual reference models and their evolution. The process of de-institutionalisation, from the closure of psychiatric hospitals to the mental health departmental model. Organization of psychiatric services with a view to rehabilitation aimed at a recovery model. Rehabilitation interventions in different areas of the psychiatric services network.

General concepts and historical background Models of references in TO: ICF, MOHO; PEO, CMPO; MOVI, OTIPM Gamic dimension and To Instruments of intervention of the TERP Occupational therapy in RPS: objectives, areas of intervention and planning; individual and group interventions Occupational therapy and therapy. General concepts and historical background Models of references in TO: ICF, MOHO; PEO, CMPO; MOVI, OTIPM Gamic dimension and To Instruments of intervention of the TERP Occupational therapy in RPS: objectives, areas of intervention and planning; individual and group interventions

Objectives and main methods of structured and unstructured evaluation in psychiatry
Psychological evaluation and patient functioning (social, relational)
Evaluation tools used in rehabilitation (VADO, Recovery Star, other)
Testing evaluation tools with clinical case discussion.

Role of cognitive deficits in mental disorders and impact on psychosocial functioning; main scientific evidences. Cognitive remediation principles. Individual and group cognitive remediation models. Cognitive assessment tools for psychiatric rehabilitation.

Evolution of psychiatric care (with particular reference to Italian law): custody, control and care.
Psychiatric service of diagnosis and treatment: role and functions. Individual and group rehabilitative interventions in SPDC. Experimental experiments on"no restraint" methods in inpatients dept.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Ba G "Strumenti e tecniche della Riabilitazione psichiatrica", FrancoAngeli Ed.

Vita A., Dell'Osso L., Mucci A. (a cura di), Manuale di clinica e riabilitazione psichiatrica - vol 2, Giovanni Fioriti Editore, 2019

Venditelli N., et al. (2003), L 'intervento cognitivo comportamentale nel servizio psichiatrico di diagnosi e cura, ediz. Ermes

Pallavicini F. (2020). Psicologia della realtà virtuale: Aspetti tecnologici, teorie e applicazioni per il benessere mentale. Mondadori Università [estratti indicati a lezione]

Terapia psicologica integrata (IPT) - Programma per la riabilitazione del paziente schizofrenico di Brenner (cap. 1-3); Invernizzi - McGraw-Hill Editore
La riabilitazione cognitiva della schizofrenia, a cura di A.Vita, Springer Editore
Documents provided by teachers
Scienze tecniche dietetiche applicate
Course syllabus
Theoretical outline of nutrition sciences; Prevention of malnutrition and obesity in patients with different psychiatric pathologies. Individual and personalized dietetic interventions; Setting up psychoeducational projects.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Ba G "Strumenti e tecniche della Riabilitazione psichiatrica", FrancoAngeli Ed.

Vita A., Dell'Osso L., Mucci A. (a cura di), Manuale di clinica e riabilitazione psichiatrica - vol 2, Giovanni Fioriti Editore, 2019

Venditelli N., et al. (2003), L 'intervento cognitivo comportamentale nel servizio psichiatrico di diagnosi e cura, ediz. Ermes

Pallavicini F. (2020). Psicologia della realtà virtuale: Aspetti tecnologici, teorie e applicazioni per il benessere mentale. Mondadori Università [estratti indicati a lezione]

Terapia psicologica integrata (IPT) - Programma per la riabilitazione del paziente schizofrenico di Brenner (cap. 1-3); Invernizzi - McGraw-Hill Editore
La riabilitazione cognitiva della schizofrenia, a cura di A.Vita, Springer Editore
Documents provided by teachers
Cinema, fotografia e televisione
Course syllabus
Models of treatment mediated by artistic techniques aimed at social inclusion. Artistic techniques and psychiatry.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Ba G "Strumenti e tecniche della Riabilitazione psichiatrica", FrancoAngeli Ed.

Vita A., Dell'Osso L., Mucci A. (a cura di), Manuale di clinica e riabilitazione psichiatrica - vol 2, Giovanni Fioriti Editore, 2019

Venditelli N., et al. (2003), L 'intervento cognitivo comportamentale nel servizio psichiatrico di diagnosi e cura, ediz. Ermes

Pallavicini F. (2020). Psicologia della realtà virtuale: Aspetti tecnologici, teorie e applicazioni per il benessere mentale. Mondadori Università [estratti indicati a lezione]

Terapia psicologica integrata (IPT) - Programma per la riabilitazione del paziente schizofrenico di Brenner (cap. 1-3); Invernizzi - McGraw-Hill Editore
La riabilitazione cognitiva della schizofrenia, a cura di A.Vita, Springer Editore
Documents provided by teachers
Cinema, fotografia e televisione
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Cavaletti Federica
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative
Lessons: 50 hours
Scienze tecniche dietetiche applicate
MED/49 - FOOD AND DIETETIC SCIENCES - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours