Foundations of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The course introduces the fundamental principles of the atomic structure of matter, of the chemical bond, of the states of aggregation of matter, of its properties and transformations (Teaching Unit 1 of General and Inorganic Chemistry), and provides a basic knowledge of nomenclature, structure and reactivity of the main functional groups present in organic molecules (Teaching Unit 2 of Organic Chemistry).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to: understand the ability of a substance to react and estimate the corresponding energy exchanges in environment-related applications; apply the fundamental principles of matter, chemical and chemical reactivity of the solutions to the subsequent disciplines of the CdL that depend on these principles for a correct understanding, facing environmental pollution problems related to chemistry using the scientific method, mastering knowledge and tools
basic necessary to identify and describe the main structural characteristics, the physico-chemical properties and reactivity of a given organic molecular system. The student will acquire skills to evaluate chemical problems in the industrial, economic, environmental and social fields.
basic necessary to identify and describe the main structural characteristics, the physico-chemical properties and reactivity of a given organic molecular system. The student will acquire skills to evaluate chemical problems in the industrial, economic, environmental and social fields.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
If the sanitary conditions will recommend the delivery of teaching remotely, the lessons will take place in synchronous on the Teams platform.
The teaching materials will be available on Ariel.
The teaching materials will be available on Ariel.
Course syllabus
The Teaching Unit 1 of the course offers a strict introduction to the basic, theoretical and experimental principles of general chemistry, with clear links to the environmental sciences. We intend to present the concepts of chemistry in a logical order that fosters their understanding by the student, starting from the properties of atoms and molecules, then exploring thermodynamics and equilibrium, to make a brief discussion of kinetics. As learning outcomes, the following understanding are expected: i) the atomic model, chemical bonds and properties of matter; ii) aspects related to thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium; iii) the theory of acids and bases, and equilibria in solution; iv) electrochemical notions; v) the principles of chemical kinetics. Particular attention will be paid to the description of the chemical elements and to the periodic properties with the aim of favoring the understanding and the role of chemistry in the real world.
The main contents of the Teching Unit 1 can be summarized as follows:
· Definitions of matter and brief overview of nomenclature.
· Atomic models, periodic table and periodic properties.
· The chemical bond: ionic, covalent and exceptions to the octet rule. The metallic bond.
· Liquid, solid and gaseous states. Phase transitions and phase diagrams.
· Chemical thermodynamics: enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free energy; first, second and third principles of thermodynamics.
· Chemical equilibrium: equilibrium reactions, equilibrium constants, equilibrium response to physico-chemical changes.
· Acids and bases: definitions of Arrhenius, Broensted, Lewis; acid-base equilibria; pH scale.
· Equilibrium in aqueous solution. Mixed solutions and buffer; titrations; solubility equilibria.
· Overview of electrochemistry.
· Chemical kinetics: reaction rate; concentration and time; reaction mechanisms; catalysis.
The Teaching Unit 2 of the course focuses on organic chemistry and the main topics are here below listed.
Representation of the structural formula of organic molecules and their reactions in organic chemistry. Alkanes and cycloalkanes. Alkenes and alkynes. Alkyl halides. Alcohols. Ethers, epoxides and thiols. Carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones). Carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Aromatic compounds. Amines. Cases of environmental interest.
The main contents of the Teching Unit 1 can be summarized as follows:
· Definitions of matter and brief overview of nomenclature.
· Atomic models, periodic table and periodic properties.
· The chemical bond: ionic, covalent and exceptions to the octet rule. The metallic bond.
· Liquid, solid and gaseous states. Phase transitions and phase diagrams.
· Chemical thermodynamics: enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free energy; first, second and third principles of thermodynamics.
· Chemical equilibrium: equilibrium reactions, equilibrium constants, equilibrium response to physico-chemical changes.
· Acids and bases: definitions of Arrhenius, Broensted, Lewis; acid-base equilibria; pH scale.
· Equilibrium in aqueous solution. Mixed solutions and buffer; titrations; solubility equilibria.
· Overview of electrochemistry.
· Chemical kinetics: reaction rate; concentration and time; reaction mechanisms; catalysis.
The Teaching Unit 2 of the course focuses on organic chemistry and the main topics are here below listed.
Representation of the structural formula of organic molecules and their reactions in organic chemistry. Alkanes and cycloalkanes. Alkenes and alkynes. Alkyl halides. Alcohols. Ethers, epoxides and thiols. Carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones). Carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Aromatic compounds. Amines. Cases of environmental interest.
Prerequisites for admission
The student who accesses this course has a good preparation in the fundamentals of mathematics and physics, as well as knowledge of the basics of general chemistry. The prerequisites required are normally provided by the courses taught in the upper secondary school.
Teaching methods
The course is structured in a theoretical section (frontal lessons: 7 ECTS) plus lab activities (2 ECTS), the latter with the aim of starting the student to acquire basic knowledge on analytical and synthetic methodologies in the in the field of general inorganic and organic chemistry.
Teaching Resources
Teaching Unit 1 of the course calls for the adoption of the following textbook: Fundamentals of General Chemistry, Francesco Demartin, 1st edition, EdiSES, 2022, pp. 554 ISBN: 9788836230839.
Teaching Unit 2 of the course calls for the adoption of the following textbook: Organic Chemistry. Edited by Bruno Botta, Ed. Ermes, 2013.
In addition to the lessons, the teacher provides the projected slides, which are to be considered study guidelines, not as alternative textbook.
Teaching Unit 2 of the course calls for the adoption of the following textbook: Organic Chemistry. Edited by Bruno Botta, Ed. Ermes, 2013.
In addition to the lessons, the teacher provides the projected slides, which are to be considered study guidelines, not as alternative textbook.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment consists of 2 mid-term written examinations, or of a single oral exam on all the topics covered. Participation in the written examinations is at student's discretion. The oral exam may not be taken only if the student receives two positive marks in both intermediate written exams. The written test consists of numerical exercises, true/false and open-ended questions.
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Beretta Giangiacomo, Magni Mirko, Marzorati Stefania, Nasti Rita, Trasatti Stefano Pierpaolo Marcello
Beretta Giangiacomo, Trasatti Stefano Pierpaolo Marcello
1° turno esercitazioni
Magni Mirko, Marzorati Stefania2° turno esercitazioni
Magni Mirko, Nasti RitaEducational website(s)
Wednesday 13:30-12:30, other days by appointment
via Golgi 19, Building 5A (Chemistry), West Wing, mezzanine, room R20-O