Design and Evaluation of Development Policies

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Knowledge and comprehension of the main theoretical approaches and tools to analize and evaluate the human development processes and their main actors, in all the steps of the policy, program and project cycle management: agenda setting (identification), formulation, decision making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Capacity to understand and elaborate on the theoretical links with other disciplines and research areas that are relevant for development policies. Basic knowledge and ability to apply main methodologies and operational tools for the Project Cycle Management, especially in the sector of international cooperation for development.
Expected learning outcomes
Capacity of analysing, selecting and using the project design and evaluation tools promoted by public cooperation agencies and NGOs.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
First part:
1. Brief introductory analysis of the existing global situation concerning poverty, inequality, and human development, based on the capabilities approach.
2. Presentation and in-depth analysis of some specific sectors' critical issues (education, health, food security).
Second part:
1. Explanation of the main phases of the Project Cycle (identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation), through direct participatory analysis of a case-study.
2. A detailed explanation of the Logical Framework Approach
3. Introduction to projects' evaluation: main methodologies, standards, and tools.
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required. The preferred option is that the student take the exam of the course "Development Policies" before attending this course and before taking the exam.
Teaching methods
Lessons will be integrated by an interactive and participatory in-depth analysis of the operative tools used for project design and evaluation.
Teaching Resources
The following list of documents is the basis but it will be probably updated: students are required to refer to the course page on myAriel.
1. UNDP, "Unpacking deprivation bundles to reduce multidimensional poverty", pages 1-23.
2. J.D. Sachs, "The Age of Sustainable Development". ONLY THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS:
a) 8. Education for All (pages 251-274)
b) 9. Health for All (pages 275-316)
c) 10. Food Security (pages 317-354)
3. "The new European Consensus on Development", ONLY SECTIONS 3, 4 e 5, Pages 37-56.
4. UNDP, "Human Development Report 2016. Human Development for Everyone" - ONLY pages 104-133.
5. UNDP, "Human Development Report 2019. Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: Inequalities in human development in the 21st century", ONLY CHAPTER 2 and 7, pages 73-93 and 223-253.
6. UNDP, "Human Development Report 2022. Uncertain times, unsettled lives. Shaping our future in a transforming world", ONLY CHAPTER 1 (ONLY pages 29-50) AND CHAPTER 6 (ONLY pages 177-191).
7. EuropAid Cooperation Office, "Project Cycle Management Guidelines", ONLY pages 1-49, 57-84, and 100-125. + The Addendum written by the professor concerning the updated terminology (available on myAriel).
8. OECD/DAC Network on Development Evaluation, "Better Criteria for Better Evaluation. Revised Evaluation Criteria Definitions and Principles for Use".
9. Save the Children, "Evaluation Handbook", ONLY from page 20 (starting from section "Choosing your data collection methods and tools") to 26 AND from page 36 to 52.
10. Taylor M. et al., "Evaluating community projects - A practical guide", from pag 2 to page 7.
Almost all the documents are available in the course page on myAriel.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Two options are available:
1. A written assignment plus a brief oral test:
- Individual or group project on a case study (production of a Logical Framework)
- Oral test on selected readings
2. Final written test and/or oral test on the whole list of studying material.
Detailed information regarding both the options is available on the course page on myAriel.
SPS/07 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Ponti Patrizio