Corporate Tax Law (commands, controls and compliance)

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The first part of the course aims to illustrate the general notions of tax law, with particular reference to the procedures for implementing taxes. In this part of the course, the investigative powers available to the tax authorities will be studied in depth, as well as the institutions aimed at settling disputes between the tax authorities and companies, even preventively.

The second part of the course will be dedicated to the deepening of the main taxes applicable to companies, i.e. IRPEF, IRES and VAT. Particular attention will be given to the transition from balance sheet profit to taxable income and to the so-called reinforced derivation principle.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will have to demonstrate that he has acquired an adequate knowledge of main tax law principles and operating mechanisms of corporate taxation.

Furthermore, it will be necessary to demonstrate the ability to apply the notions learned to concrete cases and, in particular, evaluate the tax implications of the main acts of management.

Lastly, the student must demonstrate his ability to express the notions acquired with property of language and argumentative coherence."
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
General Part: 1.- Concept and classification of taxations. 2.- Sources. 3.- Principles (constitutional and EU). 4.- The structure of tax: obligation and taxable person. 5.- Dynamics of tax: Declaration. Administrative preliminary activity. Tax assessment notice. Collection. Refunds. 6.- The administrative sanctions. 7.- The process (jurisdiction and contestable act).

A particular attention will be given to compliance instruments.
During the course the book "G.Marino, Corporate tax governance, il rischio fiscale nei modelli di gestione d'impresa" will be presented
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. The teacher will provide slides of the topics studied in class and the slides related to the second part of the course (i.e. special part).
Teaching Resources
F. Tesauro, Istituzioni di diritto tributario, Parte generale - Utet, last edition

alternatively (choesen by the student):
F. Tesauro, Compendio di diritto tributario - Utet, last edition
D. Stevanato, Fondamenti di diritto tributario - Le Monnier, last edition

Student must also know the legislation, by means of an updated General Tax Code (or download from the website the rules studied during the lectures).

The lecturer will make available to students the slides used during the lectures, that will deepen the "special part".
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral examination consists in an interview which shall verify students' knowledge of program, its understanding, the acquisition of a proper language, the capability of synthesis and rielaboration.
Italian students who participated in Erasmus program abroad, and students who participate in Erasmus program in Italy will access directly the oral examination as the other students do.
IUS/12 - TAX LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 63 hours