Complementary Course: Crimmigration Issues (complementary module of the Criminal Law Clinic)

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course "Issues in Crimmigration", an integrative module of the legal Clinic In Criminal Justice course, aims to provide students with the essential tools to frame the problems of so-called crimmigration law, i.e. the discipline that intertwines immigration law with criminal law institutions and categories. Students are provided with an overview of the subject in order to understand: 1) the theme of criminalisation of foreigners through norms that enalize violations of conduct governed by immigration law; 2) the problem of entry and permanence in the territory for those who have been convicted in criminal proceedings; 3) the apparatus of instruments that are formally administrative in nature but substantially criminal (expulsions and administrative detention). The course, which has an eminently practical focus, in addition to providing a concise overview of the main regulatory sources on the subject and the most interesting case law, aims to involve students through the analysis, in-depth analysis and discussion of cases encountered during the experience of the legal clinic, also through the comparison with the testimonies of qualified individuals working in the area, bearers of significant experience in the topics covered.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will actively experiment with the proposed topics in order to navigate the issues of crimmigration as well as to learn how to frame and handle cases that emerge from the legal clinic experience. Through the 'learning by doing' method typical of the legal clinic, the student will train to develop a 'problem solving' mentality, acquiring legal skills aimed at moving between the plurality of sources and institutions peculiar to the subject. The contact with foreign users of the legal information desk in crimmigration, implemented as part of the clinic, will also provide an opportunity to start acquiring skills that are increasingly in demand for the lawyer or legal practitioner in today's complex intercultural society.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
-general framework of the subject, supranational, European and national sources in crimmigration;
-summary analysis of the regulations on entry visas and residence permits; international and national protection; judicial appeals on entry and residence and their balancing grounds; the regulations on foreigner's offences and on immigration; administrative and judicial expulsions; execution of expulsions; appeals on expulsions; administrative detention in the CPR (Centres for Stay for Repatriation), in hotspots and other places of restriction;
-analysis of practical cases also in the light of the most significant case law;
-simulation of cases and supervision in the preparation of the final contribution for students attending the legal clinic.
Prerequisites for admission
Examinations in Constitutional Law, Institutions of Private Law, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure are preparatory. Given the particular methodology of the course, access is restricted to fourth- and fifth-year students only.
Teaching methods
The course includes 8 hours of lessons dedicated to providing a general overview of the international, European and national sources on immigration and aimed at understanding the rules that most specifically pertain to the peculiar mixture of the discipline of the law of foreigners with that of criminal law.
The remaining 12 hours will be dedicated, under the guidance of the lecturer, to the analysis, discussion and supervision of practical cases that have emerged from the experience of the clinic, also through group work and the comparison with the testimony of subjects working in various capacities in the area. The activities will take place partly at the university premises and partly at other locations (the legal information desk for foreign citizens).
Teaching Resources
Bibliographic references, sentences, slides will be made available during the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Attendance of the course and the specific activity proposed within the framework of the legal clinic (legal information desk aimed at foreign citizens) allows the award of three training credits. Students who do not participate in the counter activity will be required to be actively involved in the simulation of a case proposed for the purpose of awarding these credits.
IUS/17 - CRIMINAL LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Oddi Paolo
Professor: Oddi Paolo