Biological and Morphological Sciences

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
BIO/13 BIO/16 MED/03
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
The prerequisites consist of anatomical, histological, biological and medical genetic knowledge needed to pass the entrance test to CdS
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final written exam is structured in 80 multiple choice questions:
Section i: 30 multiple choice questions on Anatomy (tot. 30 marks)
Section ii: 30 multiple choice questions on Biology (tot. 30 marks)
Section iii: 20 multiple choice questions on Medical genetics (tot. 30 marks)
The test results will be calculated on the media score obtained in each module and the results will be published on the ARIEL website of the course, together with the electronic report.
Biologia applicata
Course syllabus
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; cell organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; junctions; Matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: fluid mosaic model; transport through the membrane.
Cellular communication: mode of communication between cells.
Cell cycle and its regulation: phases of the cycle; control system; apoptosis; the cancer cell.
The reproduction of living things: asexual and sexual reproduction; mitosis, meiosis and their comparison; gametogenesis; fertilization; differentiation.
DNA replication: central dogma of biology replication at the molecular level; DNA damage repair.
Transcription: various types of RNA; RNA synthesis; maturation of messenger RNAs.
Translation and genetic code: genetic code and its properties; protein synthesis mechanism; post-translational modifications.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; the nucleosome; gene structure (intron-exons); control of gene expression.
Teaching methods
The course consists of frontal lectures (30 hours in class for Anatomy, 20 hours in class for Biology, 10 hours in class for Medical genetics) during which the students can intervene with questions. All the lectures are supported by PowerPoint presentations, made available to the students on the ARIEL website. The textbook is merely recommended as a resource to help clarify concepts.
Teaching Resources
R. Roberti, G. Alunni Bistocchi, C. Antognelli, V. N. Talesa "Biochimica e Biologia per le professioni sanitarie" Seconda Edizione Ed.: McGrawHill.
Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Berenbaum "Elementi di biologia e genetica" Ed.: Zanichelli.
Campbell, Reece "Biologia & Genetica". Ed.: Pearson.
De Leo, Ginelli, Fasano " Biologia e Genetica". Ed.: Edises.
Anatomia umana
Course syllabus
Nervous tissue: morphology and classification of neurons, axonal transport, myelination; neuroglia.
Nervous system: definition, organ composition, functions. General principles of neuroanatomy; functional meaning of the different nerve devices. Anatomical basis of the mechanisms of transduction, conduction and transmission of the nerve impulse; signs of phylogeny of the nervous system (centralization, encephalization, telencephalisation).
Axial and supra-axial organs, arch structure of the central nervous system; last common pathway; constructive principles of the somatosensory and motor pathways. Reflected and integrated answers; somatotopy.
Sensitivity classification and considerations on the morphological basis of pain.
Central nervous system: concise systematic treatment of the organs; internal central cavities; CSF circulation.
Peripheral nervous system: general information on the spinal and cranial nerves with particular reference to the acoustic state, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory and hypoglossal nerves; principles of somatic and visceral innervation.
Sympathetic nervous system.
Sensory organs and systems.
Teaching methods
The course consists of frontal lectures (30 hours in class for Anatomy, 20 hours in class for Biology, 10 hours in class for Medical genetics) during which the students can intervene with questions. All the lectures are supported by PowerPoint presentations, made available to the students on the ARIEL website. The textbook is merely recommended as a resource to help clarify concepts.
Teaching Resources
Slides provided by the teacher.
- Neuroanatomia di Cinti e Giordano - Edi.Ermes
Genetica medica
Course syllabus
Human genome and karyotype; chromosome number abnormalities and non-disjunction at meiosis and associated diseases
Chromosome structural abnormalities (inversions, translocations, deletions, duplications) and related pathologies
Gene mutations (silent, missense, non-sense, frameshift, splicing); genetic polymorphisms (SNP, microsatellites)
Transmission of genetic traits and Mendel's rules; dominant and recessive traits; genealogical trees
Autosomal and sex chromosome-linked diseases and modes of inheritance (dominant and recessive); chromosome X inactivation
Gene mutation penetrance, variable expressivity, genetic heterogeneity; de novo germinal and somatic mutations and mosaicism
Atypical mechanisms of inheritance: disorders associated to dynamic mutations; mitochondrial and multifactorial diseases
Teaching methods
The course consists of frontal lectures (30 hours in class for Anatomy, 20 hours in class for Biology, 10 hours in class for Medical genetics) during which the students can intervene with questions. All the lectures are supported by PowerPoint presentations, made available to the students on the ARIEL website. The textbook is merely recommended as a resource to help clarify concepts.
Teaching Resources
Korf -Irons - Genetica e Genomica Umane - Edi-Ermes
- Neri-Genuardi - Genetica Umana e Medica - Ed Edra
- Thompson &Thompson - Genetica in Medicina - Ed Edises
Anatomia umana
BIO/16 - HUMAN ANATOMY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Limanaqi Fiona
Biologia applicata
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Limanaqi Fiona
Genetica medica
MED/03 - MEDICAL GENETICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Ratti Antonia
Educational website(s)