Agricultural Machinery and Livestock Plants

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Goal of the course is the understanding of the fundamental principle upon which the operation of agricultural tractors, implements and plants normally used in agricultural processes are based.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of the characteristics of modern agricultural tractors and farm machinery used in today agriculture. Criteria for the technical evaluation of their performances and methods for the optimisation of their technical and economic management.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
U.D.1 Agricultural machinery
Basic concepts and laws of mechanics. Work, energy and power. Efficiency.
Diesel engine. Torque-speed and power-speed curves. Exhaust treatments.
Types and function of tractors. Frame structure. Power transmission. Tires and traction.
Hitching systems. Tractor useful power. Technical management of tractors.
Farm machinery. Type, operational characteristics and managing criteria of machinery for: soil tillage, fertiliser distribution, crop planting, crop protection.
Hay and forage harvesting. Combine harvesters. Harvesters for processing tomatoes and potatoes. Special harvesters for horticultural crops.

U.D.2 Livestock equipment and plants
The tractor for the livestock farm: Multiutility. Tool. Telehandler. Mountain hydrostatic
The Front Loader: Safety Issues. Ballast sizing
Haymaking: The theory of haymaking. The machines for cutting and conditioning of forage and elements of operational choice. The machines for turning the forage and elements of operational choice. The forage swathing machines and operational choice elements. The machines for pressing the forage and elements of operational choice. The machines for stacking and transporting forage (loose and packed).
Forage silage: The forage harvester. The construction sites for the collection of the shredded material
The milking plant: Description. The various components. Sizing of the milking parlor (basic concepts)
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the basic mechanical and physical quantitities and units, and as well of the main processes of agricultural production
Teaching methods
Lectures (7 CFU). Numerical applications and examples (1,5 CFU). Technical visits (0,5 CFU).
Teaching Resources
Bodria, Pellizzi, Piccarolo- Meccanica e meccanizzazione agricola (Edagricole). Fiala - Esercizi di meccanica agraria (Ed. CUSL).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam has a written and an oral part. The final grade is the average evaluation of both the two parts.
The written part aims at evaluating the knowledge about practical aspects and proper selection of agricultural machinery, It consists of numerical exercises with similar contents to the examples solved in classroom.
The students who pass the tests during the lessons can directly access to the oral exam.
The oral part consists of a discussion of the theory aspects covered during lectures.
Field activity: 8 hours
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 60 hours