Agricultural Genetics
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
Provide knowledge of the fundamental priciples of heredity: trait inheritance, basic concepts of quantitative genetics. Introduce the mechanisms linking genotype to phenotype based on flux of information within the cell from DNA replication to gene expression and regulation. Provide knowledge of the different types of mutations underpinning genetic diversity. Introduce basic concepts of bacterial and viral genetics and DNA technologies. Provide knowledge of the concept of Dawinian evolution with focus on genetic changes within populations. Introduce basic principles of animal and plant breeding.
Expected learning outcomes
Understanding and being able to apply tools for genetic data analysis and interpretation, basic statistical approaches for formulation and validation of genetic models. Ability to understand the relationship between genotype and phenotype as a theoretical basis for crop and animal breeding programmes. Understand the principles underlying programs for biodiversity preservation.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Mendelian genetics, genetic information, the chromosomal theory of inheritance, genetic linkage and mapping, structure and replication of genetic material, protein synthesis and genetic code, organization and transmission of the genetic code. Fundamentals of Quantitative genetics and Population genetics. Chromosome and gene mutations. Plant propagation and genetic structure: allogamy, autogamy and vegetative propagation. Genetic constitution of the main cultures: natural populations, ecotypes, synthetic populations, clones, inbred lines, hybrids. Essential of genetics improvement in plant breeding: hereditability of the characters and selection, recurrent selection, inbred line extraction, backcrossing, hybrid varieties and chemical and physical mutagenesis. The green revolution and its genetic basis. Genetically Modified Plants (GM crops): resistance to pests and herbicides.
Prerequisites for admission
It is advisable to have followed a basic chemistry course
Teaching methods
The course will be held by the teacher frontally in the classroom and in synchronous mode by the Teams platform with the use of support devices (slides, video materials, documents).
Field trips at research centres about the selection of main crops.
Field trips at research centres about the selection of main crops.
Teaching Resources
1. Lecture notes for the course are available on the Ariel website.
2. G. Barcaccia and Mario Falcinelli, "Genetica e genomica" Volume I. General Genetics. Liguori Editore.
3. G. Barcaccia and Mario Falcinelli, "Genetica e genomica" Volume II. Genetic Improvement. Liguori Editore.
Texts and reference materials: F. Lorenzetti, S. Lorenzetti, and D. Rosellini, "Uomini e Semi." Patron Editore Bologna.
2. G. Barcaccia and Mario Falcinelli, "Genetica e genomica" Volume I. General Genetics. Liguori Editore.
3. G. Barcaccia and Mario Falcinelli, "Genetica e genomica" Volume II. Genetic Improvement. Liguori Editore.
Texts and reference materials: F. Lorenzetti, S. Lorenzetti, and D. Rosellini, "Uomini e Semi." Patron Editore Bologna.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of learning will take place through a written test with types of closed, structured and open questions. The evaluation criteria will concern the quality of theoretical knowledge possessed and the adequacy of references to sources;
- ability to apply and use the knowledge and methodologies proposed in relation to real contexts;
- ability to autonomously and personally re-elaborate learning.
An oral exam is not planned, but it is possible to arrange an appointment by email.
Exams are scheduled:
Exams at the end of the first semester.
- ability to apply and use the knowledge and methodologies proposed in relation to real contexts;
- ability to autonomously and personally re-elaborate learning.
An oral exam is not planned, but it is possible to arrange an appointment by email.
Exams are scheduled:
Exams at the end of the first semester.
AGR/07 - AGRICULTURAL GENETICS - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Pilu Salvatore Roberto
Educational website(s)