Workshop: Concepts and Data for Local Policies
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The Laboratory aims to provide the basis for conceptual analysis in social sciences: from Aristotelian logic to the most recent developments. The Laboratory also intends to offer the first notions on measurement, operationalization, indicators and indices. Learning will be interactive and practical thanks to classroom presentations and work on concepts mainly drawn from the various areas of local policies.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will test themselves using concepts related to local public policies, engaging in the exciting path that leads from definition to measurement. At the end of the workshop, students will have the tools to analyze concepts, operationalize the variables and build indicators and indices.
Lesson period: First trimester
Assessment methods: Giudizio di approvazione
Assessment result: superato/non superato
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
First meeting: Introduction to concept analysis
Sartori, Giovanni (1970), "Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics", American Political Science Review, 64, 4, pp. 1033-1053.
Second meeting: Concept formation and treatment: the classic approach
Sartori, Giovanni (1984), "Guidelines for Concept Analysis", in G. Sartori (ed.) Social Science Concepts: A Systematic Analysis, Beverly Hills, Cal.: Sage, pp. 15-88.
Third meeting: Concept formation and treatment: the classic approach
Gerring, John (2001), "Concepts: General Criteria" (ch. 3), in J. Gerring, Social Science Methodology. A Criterial Framework, Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-64.
Forth meeting: Concept formation and treatment: reacent approaches
Collier, David and Mahon, James (1993), "Conceptual "Stretching" Revisited: Adapting Categories in Comparative Analysis", American Political Science Review, 87, 4, pp. 845-855.
Collier, David and Levitsky, Steven (1997), "Democracy with Adjectives. Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research", World Politics, 49, 3, pp. 430-451.
Fifth meeting: Concept formation and treatment: reacent approaches
Goertz, Gary (2020), "Intension-Extension: Concept Structure and Empirical Description" (ch. 9), in G. Goertz, Social Science Concepts and Measurement, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 244-271.
Recommended readings
Goertz, Gary (2020), "), "Introduction: An Ontological-Semantic Approach to Conceptualization and Measurement" (ch. 1), "The Basic Framework for Conceptualization and Measurement" (ch. 2), "Guidelines for Creating Concepts:
Ontology, Semantics, and Definitions" (ch. 3), in G. Goertz, Social Science Concepts and Measurement, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 1-97.
Sixth meeting: Conceptualizing: exercises
Seventh meeting: Concept formation and treatment: strategies and measurements
Adcock, Robert and Collier, David (2001), "Measurement Validity: A Shared Standard for Qualitative and Quantitative Research", American Political Science Research, 95, 3, pp. 529-546.
Recommended readings
Gerring, John (2001), "Strategies of Definition" (ch. 4), in J. Gerring, Social Science Methodology. A Criterial Framework, Cambridge Mass.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 65-86.
Collier, David and Adcock, Robert (1999), "Democracy and Dichotomies: A Pragmatic Approach to Choices about Concepts", Annual Review of Political Science, 2, pp. 537-565.
Eight meeting: From concepts to measurements: operationalization, indicators e indices
Goertz, Gary (2020), "Mapping Meaning: Linking Concepts with Data-Indicators" (ch. 4), in G. Goertz, Social Science Concepts and Measurement, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 98-135.
Munck, Gerardo L. (2009), "Producing and validating political data", in G. Munck, Measuring Democracy, A bridge between scholarship & politics, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 53-85.
Recommended readings
Hancké, Bob (2009), "Constructing Data" (ch. 4), in B. Hancké, Intelligent Research Design, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 85-107.
Ninth meeting: From concepts to measurements: classifications e typologies
Marradi, Alberto (1990), "Classification, typology, taxonomy", in Quality and Quantity, 24, pp. 129-157.
Recommended readings
Collier, David, Laporte, Jody and Seawright, Jason (2008), "Typologies: Forming concepts and creating categorical variables", in J.M. Box-Steffensmeier, H.E. Brady and D. Collier, The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 152-173.
Goertz, Gary (2020), "Typologies" (ch. 8), in G. Goertz, Social Science Concepts and Measurement, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 215-243.
Tenth meeting: Measurements: exercises
Sartori, Giovanni (1970), "Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics", American Political Science Review, 64, 4, pp. 1033-1053.
Second meeting: Concept formation and treatment: the classic approach
Sartori, Giovanni (1984), "Guidelines for Concept Analysis", in G. Sartori (ed.) Social Science Concepts: A Systematic Analysis, Beverly Hills, Cal.: Sage, pp. 15-88.
Third meeting: Concept formation and treatment: the classic approach
Gerring, John (2001), "Concepts: General Criteria" (ch. 3), in J. Gerring, Social Science Methodology. A Criterial Framework, Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-64.
Forth meeting: Concept formation and treatment: reacent approaches
Collier, David and Mahon, James (1993), "Conceptual "Stretching" Revisited: Adapting Categories in Comparative Analysis", American Political Science Review, 87, 4, pp. 845-855.
Collier, David and Levitsky, Steven (1997), "Democracy with Adjectives. Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research", World Politics, 49, 3, pp. 430-451.
Fifth meeting: Concept formation and treatment: reacent approaches
Goertz, Gary (2020), "Intension-Extension: Concept Structure and Empirical Description" (ch. 9), in G. Goertz, Social Science Concepts and Measurement, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 244-271.
Recommended readings
Goertz, Gary (2020), "), "Introduction: An Ontological-Semantic Approach to Conceptualization and Measurement" (ch. 1), "The Basic Framework for Conceptualization and Measurement" (ch. 2), "Guidelines for Creating Concepts:
Ontology, Semantics, and Definitions" (ch. 3), in G. Goertz, Social Science Concepts and Measurement, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 1-97.
Sixth meeting: Conceptualizing: exercises
Seventh meeting: Concept formation and treatment: strategies and measurements
Adcock, Robert and Collier, David (2001), "Measurement Validity: A Shared Standard for Qualitative and Quantitative Research", American Political Science Research, 95, 3, pp. 529-546.
Recommended readings
Gerring, John (2001), "Strategies of Definition" (ch. 4), in J. Gerring, Social Science Methodology. A Criterial Framework, Cambridge Mass.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 65-86.
Collier, David and Adcock, Robert (1999), "Democracy and Dichotomies: A Pragmatic Approach to Choices about Concepts", Annual Review of Political Science, 2, pp. 537-565.
Eight meeting: From concepts to measurements: operationalization, indicators e indices
Goertz, Gary (2020), "Mapping Meaning: Linking Concepts with Data-Indicators" (ch. 4), in G. Goertz, Social Science Concepts and Measurement, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 98-135.
Munck, Gerardo L. (2009), "Producing and validating political data", in G. Munck, Measuring Democracy, A bridge between scholarship & politics, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 53-85.
Recommended readings
Hancké, Bob (2009), "Constructing Data" (ch. 4), in B. Hancké, Intelligent Research Design, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 85-107.
Ninth meeting: From concepts to measurements: classifications e typologies
Marradi, Alberto (1990), "Classification, typology, taxonomy", in Quality and Quantity, 24, pp. 129-157.
Recommended readings
Collier, David, Laporte, Jody and Seawright, Jason (2008), "Typologies: Forming concepts and creating categorical variables", in J.M. Box-Steffensmeier, H.E. Brady and D. Collier, The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 152-173.
Goertz, Gary (2020), "Typologies" (ch. 8), in G. Goertz, Social Science Concepts and Measurement, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 215-243.
Tenth meeting: Measurements: exercises
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The first taught class will consist in the presentation of the Lab and in the introduction to the analysis of concepts. Subsequent lessons will combine student presentations, lectures, joint discussions and other group assignments.
Teaching Resources
See previous session
Assessment methods and Criteria
To get credits, students have to attend at least 8 out of 10 meetings. Students are required to actively take part
during meetings and exercises. By the end of the Lab, all students have to present and critically discuss one of the readings assigned during the course and present a short essay that critically analyzes and operationalizes a concept.
during meetings and exercises. By the end of the Lab, all students have to present and critically discuss one of the readings assigned during the course and present a short essay that critically analyzes and operationalizes a concept.
SPS/04 - POLITICAL SCIENCE - University credits: 3
Laboratory activity: 20 hours
Regalia Marta