Raw Materials and Technologies in Chocolate and Confectionery Industries
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the chemical-physical and technological concepts that enable them to tackle the problems of sweet products production and the development of new products with competence.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to manage the processing technologies to obtain the main confectionery products and the factors that affect their quality.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Recall of fundamental conceps (moisture, water activity, isotherms, rheology etc.). Main raw materials and their technological properties. SUGAR&CONFECTIONERY. Sugar industry. Sugar properties. Corn syrup: process and properties. Candies (hard candies, toffees, fudges, gummies, gelatins, fondant, tablets, licorice, dragée...): product definition, raw material specifications, operative conditions. The sugar-free products: sugar substitutes, regulations, applications.
COCOA&CHOCOLATE. Sector and market description. Regulations and product definitions. Cocoa varieties, cultivation and practices. Bean composition and quality. Cocoa processing and technology; process and factors influencing the quality. Chocolate manufacturing processes. Chocolate quality and defects. Flavor development during processing.
FRUIT&DERIVATIVES. Fruits in syrups, candied fruits, jams, marmalades etc.: regulations and product definitions, operative conditions, quality and defects.
HONEY: Regulations and product definitions, process, quality and defects.
OTHER PRODUCTS: ready to eat breakfast cereals, granola bars, clusters, 'torrone', 'croccante'. Cookies (ingredients, technology and quality parameters).
COCOA&CHOCOLATE. Sector and market description. Regulations and product definitions. Cocoa varieties, cultivation and practices. Bean composition and quality. Cocoa processing and technology; process and factors influencing the quality. Chocolate manufacturing processes. Chocolate quality and defects. Flavor development during processing.
FRUIT&DERIVATIVES. Fruits in syrups, candied fruits, jams, marmalades etc.: regulations and product definitions, operative conditions, quality and defects.
HONEY: Regulations and product definitions, process, quality and defects.
OTHER PRODUCTS: ready to eat breakfast cereals, granola bars, clusters, 'torrone', 'croccante'. Cookies (ingredients, technology and quality parameters).
Prerequisites for admission
Students must be familiar with the main unit operation of food technology.
Teaching methods
Lectures. Seminars held by experts from industry and/or academia. Technical visits. In accordance with teachers, planned seminars will be carried out by the students.
Teaching Resources
Slides provided by teachers, book chapters and scientific papers available on the ARIEL platform (https://ariel.unimi.it).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation, based on knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking of the topics, will consist of an oral discussion. Part of the final grade (up to 3/30) is related to the personal contribution to a project such as a short oral presentation or the discussion of a scientific paper regarding the topics debated during the lessons.
AGR/15 - FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - University credits: 6
Field activity: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Cappa Carola, Casiraghi Ernestina Maria
upon appointment
Settore Didattico Colombo, Via Mangiagalli, 25; IV floor, room n. 4058