Professional Laboratories

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing practical tools for the application of clinical reasoning in occupational therapy, for the use of measurement scales and patient assessment and for the management of dynamics in groups.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to elaborate clinical reasoning on case studies, to use assessment and evaluation tools, to discuss and manage group dynamics.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Laboratory 1
The teacher presents the evaluation tools in classroom taught lessons, also with the help of videos, based on real cases. The class is then divided into small groups to facilitate the practical application of the theoretical issues. Each group has to try out the different methods and evaluation tools presented by the teacher during the initial session.

Laboratory 2.
The workshop takes place in the form of role-playing and is based on real cases encountered during the internship. The students propose difficult and complex situations that they would like to discuss and reflect on together with the group. During the roleplay each student has a role; either he/she participates actively in the role-playing or acts as an observer. The laboratory is led by an occupational therapist experienced in group dynamics.

Laboratory 3.
The workshop aims at providing moments of reflection on the professional role of occupational therapists and how to promote the profession in the various areas of application. After a brief introduction and presentation of the workshop, the student will be asked to extract a topic that he/she will then have to deepen, such as the presentation of occupational therapy in high schools, to the parents of a disabled child, during Open Days, to employers. At home and individually the student will have to produce articles, leaflets, videos etc related to the topic of the argument extracted. As a conclusion of the workshop, the result will be presented and discussed in the classroom.
Prerequisites for admission
Be enrolled in the program
Teaching methods
Professional Laboratory 1: class room taught lesson, presentation of video films, group work
Professional Laboratory 2: roleplaying
Professional Laboratory 3: class room taught lesson, individual work, presentation and discussion of the individual work
Teaching Resources
The educational material is delivered to students both in paper form and via the web and prepared by each teacher in relation to the topics covered.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Professional laboratory 1
The laboratry consists in learning the techniques and tools for assessing motor skills of the upper limbs. Learning is verified in pairs by performing, on the teacher's instructions, one of the tests presented during the laboratory.

Professional laboratory 2
The simulation in the laboratory is closely related to the in-depth seminars and lectures scheduled by the second year's curriculum and aims at deepen practical and technical skills in the relational dynamics between the patient and the occupational therapist (or other professionals who intervene on the patient) in all areas of occupational therapy. The laboratory is organized in role-playing, based on real cases encountered during the internship. At the end of the course, the student will write a report on the most significant experiences presented during the laboratory.

Professional laboratory 3
Each student will individually prepare articles, leaflets, videos for the promotion of the profession addressed at the multi / interprofessional team, institutions, schools, workplaces and / or the communities; each student will present the proposal to fellows and discuss their point of view in a specific session.
- University credits: 3
Laboratories: 45 hours
Professors: Cunningham Julie, De Sena Carolina, Pastori Marco
Professors: Cunningham Julie, De Sena Carolina, Pastori Marco