Practical Aspects of Post-Partum Reproductive Pathologies in High Producing Dairy Cows
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
To give students the basic knowledges of the etiopathogenetic mechanisms regarding the principal reproductive pathologies in postpartum high producing dairy cows. Attention will be paid about the interactions between predisposing and actual factors at the origin of the so called reproductive tecnopathologies with the aim to teach the best actions to perform an adeguate prevention of the reproductive post partum pathologies.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will have acquired information and understanding about the origin and ethiopathogenesis of peripartum reproductive diseases in the context of intensive breeding and how to handle these pathologies in relation to managerial, environmental and individual factors. Students will also acquire practical experience and communication skills regarding diagnosis, control and prevention of these diseases, including the possibility of interchange during field trips and the evaluation of audiovisual material.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The program is organized to give students the basic knowledges of the etiopathogenetic mechanisms regarding the principal reproductive pathologies in postpartum high producing dairy cows. Attention will be paid about the interactions between predisposing and instrumental factors at the origin of the so called reproductive tecnopathologies with the aim to teach the best actions to perform an adeguate prevention of the reproductive post partum pathologies.
LECTURES (16 hours)
Fetal membranes retention 2 h
Pathologies of the first post partum period 4 h
Pathologies of the Hypothalamus/hypofisis/ovarian axis restart 6 h
Pathologies occurring after the first ovulation period 4 h
Evaluation of pathological genital organs ex vivo 4 h
Evaluation of postpartum bovine at the farm 8 h
Protocols of sample collection for laboratory exams 4 h
LECTURES (16 hours)
Fetal membranes retention 2 h
Pathologies of the first post partum period 4 h
Pathologies of the Hypothalamus/hypofisis/ovarian axis restart 6 h
Pathologies occurring after the first ovulation period 4 h
Evaluation of pathological genital organs ex vivo 4 h
Evaluation of postpartum bovine at the farm 8 h
Protocols of sample collection for laboratory exams 4 h
Prerequisites for admission
Students should have acquired competences about Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology of domestic animals and Management of reproduction in farm animals or Management of reproduction in domestic animals.
Teaching methods
Attendance is strongly recommended for lectures and exercises.
Frontal lessons, laboratory and farm practices in small groups are given.
During lectures, students are involved by stimulating their interest and encouraging them to participate by asking questions and by asking to summarize parts already covered in previous lessons.
In hands-on group practices, the student is accompanied in the practical learning while personally carrying out hands-on activities to achieve autonomy in the manual skills necessary to recognize the peripartum pathologies in the dairy cow in order to contribute, assisting the farm veterinarian, in the prevention and treatment of reproduction pathologies in high production cow
Frontal lessons, laboratory and farm practices in small groups are given.
During lectures, students are involved by stimulating their interest and encouraging them to participate by asking questions and by asking to summarize parts already covered in previous lessons.
In hands-on group practices, the student is accompanied in the practical learning while personally carrying out hands-on activities to achieve autonomy in the manual skills necessary to recognize the peripartum pathologies in the dairy cow in order to contribute, assisting the farm veterinarian, in the prevention and treatment of reproduction pathologies in high production cow
Teaching Resources
- Slides of the Lectures in Ariel
G. Sali, Manuale di Teriogenologia bovina, edizioni Edagricole 1995, Bologna
Hafez ESE, Biologia e Tecnologia della riproduzione nelle specie animali di interesse zootecnico, Editoriale Grasso, 1984, Bologna
GESTIONE CLINICA DELLA RIPRODUZIONE BOVINA-editor G.Sali, - Casa Editrice Le Point Veterinaire Italie (2013)
Arthur's Ostetricia e Riproduzione Veterinaria, ottava edizione. Ed Italiana a cura di Claudio De Fanti, Giraldi editore, 2008
G. Sali, Manuale di Teriogenologia bovina, edizioni Edagricole 1995, Bologna
Hafez ESE, Biologia e Tecnologia della riproduzione nelle specie animali di interesse zootecnico, Editoriale Grasso, 1984, Bologna
GESTIONE CLINICA DELLA RIPRODUZIONE BOVINA-editor G.Sali, - Casa Editrice Le Point Veterinaire Italie (2013)
Arthur's Ostetricia e Riproduzione Veterinaria, ottava edizione. Ed Italiana a cura di Claudio De Fanti, Giraldi editore, 2008
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is organized in a written test, composed of multiple choices and open questions, aimed at assessing the acquisition of the knowledges relating to the topics covered during the course both during the theoretical lessons and during the practical lessons. Minimum approval grade is 18 and the maximum grade is 30 "cum laude" (with honors).
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Cremonesi Fausto