Physiology of Integrated Systems I
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course is aimed to enhance knowledge in the functional integration of organ systems for the maintenance of body homeostasis. In particular, the course is designed to address the aspects of development and plasticity of those integrated systems involved.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course the students will be able:
- to recognize the role played by the different physiological systems in the body's integrated responses;
- to apply this knowledge to understand the disease onset mechanisms that may allow the identification of new therapeutic targets.
- to recognize the role played by the different physiological systems in the body's integrated responses;
- to apply this knowledge to understand the disease onset mechanisms that may allow the identification of new therapeutic targets.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
(non attivo nel 22/23)
Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
The course imply the knowledge of basic concepts in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, acquired in previous courses
Assessment methods and Criteria
The course is followed by a specific exam, covering all the topics presented, aimed to verify that the objectives have been achieved. In detail, the exam consists of two/three questions concerning the main topics covered during the course. The production of graphs and/or schemes describing the physiological phenomena would be frequently requested. Time of exam is about 30 minutes. In order to pass the test, the student must answer all general questions; the assessment is expressed in /30.
Module I
Course syllabus
The Module 1 will cover the following topics: Sensation and sensory processing
(Sensory systems and perception. Organization of sensory system: how peripheral sensory information is elaborated at integrated at the CNS. Insights: Nociception)
Movement and its central control (the organization of the motor system: how a brain-programmed action is translated into motion. Processes that program and control the execution of actions, their interaction with motion perception. Insights: mirror neurons).
Learning and Memory. (the neural and functional organization of short and long term memory processes and their role in human cognition. Molecular and cellular bases; neuronal plasticity; brain aging)
Speech and language (Origins of language; language acquisition; the brain areas dedicated to language, the Broca area and the Wernicke area; aphasia; the lateralization of language; dyslexia; reading processes and considerations on the writing process). The sleep (The functional and neural structure of sleep control; biochemistry and physiology of sleep).
(Sensory systems and perception. Organization of sensory system: how peripheral sensory information is elaborated at integrated at the CNS. Insights: Nociception)
Movement and its central control (the organization of the motor system: how a brain-programmed action is translated into motion. Processes that program and control the execution of actions, their interaction with motion perception. Insights: mirror neurons).
Learning and Memory. (the neural and functional organization of short and long term memory processes and their role in human cognition. Molecular and cellular bases; neuronal plasticity; brain aging)
Speech and language (Origins of language; language acquisition; the brain areas dedicated to language, the Broca area and the Wernicke area; aphasia; the lateralization of language; dyslexia; reading processes and considerations on the writing process). The sleep (The functional and neural structure of sleep control; biochemistry and physiology of sleep).
Teaching methods
The course is based on frontal teaching, by using slides and/or videos. Material of lectures will be provided on UNIMI-Ariel website
Teaching Resources
Carbone, Aicardi, Maggi
Fisiologia dalle molecole ai sistemi integrati
Ed. Edises ISBN 9788879599795
Autori vari
Fisiologia Umana. Fondamenti
Ed. EdiErmes - ISBN 9788870515442
Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
Human Physiology- An integrated approach
Ed. Pearson International Edition, Benjamin Cummings ISBN 0134605195
Fisiologia dalle molecole ai sistemi integrati
Ed. Edises ISBN 9788879599795
Autori vari
Fisiologia Umana. Fondamenti
Ed. EdiErmes - ISBN 9788870515442
Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
Human Physiology- An integrated approach
Ed. Pearson International Edition, Benjamin Cummings ISBN 0134605195
Module II
Course syllabus
The Module 2 will cover the following topics: cardiovascular function integration (Integrated control of cardiac output and blood pressure; modulation by autonomic neurons and catecholamines; baroreceptor reflex).
Control of body temperature (Body temperature balance: heat production, gain and loss. Peripheral and central mechanisms of control). Integrated function of endocrine system
(Type of hormones, their mechanisms of action, hypothalamus -pituitary axis- Role of hormones in growth, calcium balance, glucose balance, metabolism; nervous and endocrine control of male and female physiology reproduction).
Fluid and electrolyte balance (Role of kidney and behavioral mechanisms in water balance and salt balance; integrated control of volume and osmolarity; acid-base balance).
Regulation of gastrointestinal function and eating behavior. (Role of enteric nervous system; role of gastrointestinal peptides; role of hypothalamic and peripheral signals involved in food intake process).
Control of body temperature (Body temperature balance: heat production, gain and loss. Peripheral and central mechanisms of control). Integrated function of endocrine system
(Type of hormones, their mechanisms of action, hypothalamus -pituitary axis- Role of hormones in growth, calcium balance, glucose balance, metabolism; nervous and endocrine control of male and female physiology reproduction).
Fluid and electrolyte balance (Role of kidney and behavioral mechanisms in water balance and salt balance; integrated control of volume and osmolarity; acid-base balance).
Regulation of gastrointestinal function and eating behavior. (Role of enteric nervous system; role of gastrointestinal peptides; role of hypothalamic and peripheral signals involved in food intake process).
Teaching methods
The course is based on frontal teaching, by using slides and/or videos. Material of lectures will be provided on UNIMI-Ariel website
Teaching Resources
Carbone, Aicardi, Maggi
Fisiologia dalle molecole ai sistemi integrati
Ed. Edises ISBN 9788879599795
Autori vari
Fisiologia Umana. Fondamenti
Ed. EdiErmes - ISBN 9788870515442
Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
Human Physiology- An integrated approach
Ed. Pearson International Edition, Benjamin Cummings ISBN 0134605195
Fisiologia dalle molecole ai sistemi integrati
Ed. Edises ISBN 9788879599795
Autori vari
Fisiologia Umana. Fondamenti
Ed. EdiErmes - ISBN 9788870515442
Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
Human Physiology- An integrated approach
Ed. Pearson International Edition, Benjamin Cummings ISBN 0134605195
Module I
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours
Module II
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours