Occupational Therapy Iv
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing theoretical and practical skills in assessing the occupational performance of the adult patient and how to take in charge the patient in occupational therapy; how to implement an occupational therapy process following the results obtained from the evaluation; how to develop an observational ability of the affective-relational aspects of the person engaged in activity.
These objectives are pursued in patients with cognitive, behavioural, motor problems due to traumatic or ischemic neurological lesions, or as a consequence of hand surgery.
These objectives are pursued in patients with cognitive, behavioural, motor problems due to traumatic or ischemic neurological lesions, or as a consequence of hand surgery.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to observe and evaluate the adult neurological or hand surgery patient, for rehabilitation in occupational therapy.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
- Occupational therapy in the patient with spinal cord injury (dottssa Crivelli)
The framing of problems and definition of the neurological level of the person with spinal cord injury; Global Rehabilitation in Unipolar Spinal Unit; Occupational Therapy in the patient with paraplegia; Occupational Therapy in the patient with quadriplegia; Transfer techniques for the paraplegic and quadriplegic patient: practical tests with assistive devices and simulation; Wheelchair training for the patient with paraplegia: practical tests of the main pushing techniques, balancing on the rear wheels and overcoming small obstacles in the wheelchair.
- Motor learning after stroke (Dott. Nardiello)
Overall aims and programme: Learning of human movemnt in neurological impairments; Pathological reflexes and motor patterns; The hemiplegic patient in Occupational Therapy (OT); Neglect in OT; The Bobath approach with the neurological patient in OT: theoretical assumptions of the Bobath approach; Identifying the modality of the therapeutic approach in rehabilitation; Acquisition of pathological patterns in the hemiplegic patient: how to deal with the symptoms during the treatment; Postural passages, balance and track release; Guiding in daily life activities; Movement simulation and movement guidance.
I.C.F. (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health)
- Occupational therapy and hand rehabilitation in adults and children (dottssa Pagliaro).
Introduction to hand rehabilitation: an educational innovative professional approach; Introduction to thermoplastic materials: characteristics and properties, indications, contraindications, choice of materials, anatomical elements to be considered; The role of OT in pediatric rehabilitation of the hand; The role of OT in impairments of the peripheral nervous system; OT in burns; Correct immobilisation and early mobilisation: the basic assumption in the rehabilitation of fractures and ligament injuries of the wrist and fingers.
- Occupational therapy in acquired brain injuries and cognitive problems (dottssa Penna)
Acquired Brain Injuries: what the Consensus Conference establishes for the definition, classification, prognostic factors, response to needs; Vegetative State and Minimum Consciousness State (SMC); Promote learning after a brain injury: get back in touch with the environment through OT; factors that limit / slow down the recovery of contact (memory, attention, motivation, behavior); therapeutic guide in activities; The phase of the outcomes of the brain injuries: methodology of taking the person into charge: discussion with case studies.
Encounting the patient with frontal behavior problems in the OT setting (excess, lack, awareness).
Occupational therapy and cognitive disorders.
- Canadian models and tools of occupational therapy (dottssa Ianes)
Transfer the theoretical concepts contained in the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) and the Canadian Practice and Process Framework (CPPF); introduction to the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). The acquired knowledge will allow to define the "occupation-based" practice; define the term "client-centered practice" and recognize its fundamental components; apply the CMOP-E to clinical cases of practical experiences; describe the COPM assessment procedure in clinical practice and when its use is indicated.
- Occupational therapy in the elderly with cognitive impairment (dottssa Petrucci)
: Analysis of the different brain areas in progressive diseases and functional and behavioral deficiency; evaluation of persons with dementia inherent to the cognitive, perception , behavioral and functional areas; Guidelines for functional activities; Requirements for the selection and application of OT activities with the patient; Activities in order of gravity: levels of activity, logical sequences, adaptation of activities; Verbal non Verbal communication; OT activities in various levels of the disease: mild, moderate and severe level;
The meaning and selection of the play in the various levels of the disease; Cognitive therapy for the patient with memory, social, perception, and behavioral deficiency: The patient and the caregiver at home: planning of activities; evaluation of methods to analyze behavioral, functional and environmental problems; Guidelines for ADL; Factors that influence home activities; Presentation, description, solution and compensatory strategies in the ADL: feeding, clothing, hygiene and domestic activities; Analysis of the home environment regarding abnormal behaviors: solutions, strategies and caregiver education.
The framing of problems and definition of the neurological level of the person with spinal cord injury; Global Rehabilitation in Unipolar Spinal Unit; Occupational Therapy in the patient with paraplegia; Occupational Therapy in the patient with quadriplegia; Transfer techniques for the paraplegic and quadriplegic patient: practical tests with assistive devices and simulation; Wheelchair training for the patient with paraplegia: practical tests of the main pushing techniques, balancing on the rear wheels and overcoming small obstacles in the wheelchair.
- Motor learning after stroke (Dott. Nardiello)
Overall aims and programme: Learning of human movemnt in neurological impairments; Pathological reflexes and motor patterns; The hemiplegic patient in Occupational Therapy (OT); Neglect in OT; The Bobath approach with the neurological patient in OT: theoretical assumptions of the Bobath approach; Identifying the modality of the therapeutic approach in rehabilitation; Acquisition of pathological patterns in the hemiplegic patient: how to deal with the symptoms during the treatment; Postural passages, balance and track release; Guiding in daily life activities; Movement simulation and movement guidance.
I.C.F. (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health)
- Occupational therapy and hand rehabilitation in adults and children (dottssa Pagliaro).
Introduction to hand rehabilitation: an educational innovative professional approach; Introduction to thermoplastic materials: characteristics and properties, indications, contraindications, choice of materials, anatomical elements to be considered; The role of OT in pediatric rehabilitation of the hand; The role of OT in impairments of the peripheral nervous system; OT in burns; Correct immobilisation and early mobilisation: the basic assumption in the rehabilitation of fractures and ligament injuries of the wrist and fingers.
- Occupational therapy in acquired brain injuries and cognitive problems (dottssa Penna)
Acquired Brain Injuries: what the Consensus Conference establishes for the definition, classification, prognostic factors, response to needs; Vegetative State and Minimum Consciousness State (SMC); Promote learning after a brain injury: get back in touch with the environment through OT; factors that limit / slow down the recovery of contact (memory, attention, motivation, behavior); therapeutic guide in activities; The phase of the outcomes of the brain injuries: methodology of taking the person into charge: discussion with case studies.
Encounting the patient with frontal behavior problems in the OT setting (excess, lack, awareness).
Occupational therapy and cognitive disorders.
- Canadian models and tools of occupational therapy (dottssa Ianes)
Transfer the theoretical concepts contained in the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) and the Canadian Practice and Process Framework (CPPF); introduction to the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). The acquired knowledge will allow to define the "occupation-based" practice; define the term "client-centered practice" and recognize its fundamental components; apply the CMOP-E to clinical cases of practical experiences; describe the COPM assessment procedure in clinical practice and when its use is indicated.
- Occupational therapy in the elderly with cognitive impairment (dottssa Petrucci)
: Analysis of the different brain areas in progressive diseases and functional and behavioral deficiency; evaluation of persons with dementia inherent to the cognitive, perception , behavioral and functional areas; Guidelines for functional activities; Requirements for the selection and application of OT activities with the patient; Activities in order of gravity: levels of activity, logical sequences, adaptation of activities; Verbal non Verbal communication; OT activities in various levels of the disease: mild, moderate and severe level;
The meaning and selection of the play in the various levels of the disease; Cognitive therapy for the patient with memory, social, perception, and behavioral deficiency: The patient and the caregiver at home: planning of activities; evaluation of methods to analyze behavioral, functional and environmental problems; Guidelines for ADL; Factors that influence home activities; Presentation, description, solution and compensatory strategies in the ADL: feeding, clothing, hygiene and domestic activities; Analysis of the home environment regarding abnormal behaviors: solutions, strategies and caregiver education.
Prerequisites for admission
Be enrolled in the 2nd year of the program.
Teaching methods
Traditional class room lectures, laboratories, narrative medicine (dottssa Crivelli)
Online lessons (Ianes)
Traditional class room lectures and interactive lessons, group work (dott Nardiello)
Traditional class room lectures and laboratory (dottssa Pagliaro)
Traditional class room lectures are carried out with the projection of slides. Interactive lessons with the help of slide shows are displayed while discussing daily living activities (hygiene, clothing, feeding, sewing, design, clay and adapted games) where students are required to take part actively in the analysis of functional, cognitive and behavioral problems and to discuss hypothetical solutions including environmental adaptations (Petrucci).
Online lessons (Ianes)
Traditional class room lectures and interactive lessons, group work (dott Nardiello)
Traditional class room lectures and laboratory (dottssa Pagliaro)
Traditional class room lectures are carried out with the projection of slides. Interactive lessons with the help of slide shows are displayed while discussing daily living activities (hygiene, clothing, feeding, sewing, design, clay and adapted games) where students are required to take part actively in the analysis of functional, cognitive and behavioral problems and to discuss hypothetical solutions including environmental adaptations (Petrucci).
Teaching Resources
dottssa Crivelli:
- Marquez, M., Valsecchi, L et alt., La persona con lesione midollare, ed Carocci, 2012dottssa
dottssa Pagliaro:
- Pajardi, G. La Chirurgia della Mano, Piccin, Nuova Libraria
- Scott W. Wolfe MD et al. (2016) Green's Operative Hand Surgery 7e
dottssa Penna:
- Kielhofner, G., Model Of Human Occupation Theory and Application, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins
- Polatajko, Townsend, Enabling occupation II e Habiliter à L'occupation, CAOT
- Meyer, S., De Boeck, De L'Activitè a la participation, Solal
- Kielhofner, G., L'Intervista sulla Storia della Performance Occupazionale OPHI-II, Franco Angeli
- Carrocci Faber, Le Funzioni esecutive Valutazione e Riabilitazione
- Della Sala, S., Beschin, N., Il cervello ferito, Giunti
- Lurija, A., Un mondo perduto e ritrovato, Ed Riuniti
- Ramachandran, La donna che morì dal ridere (storie incredibili sui misteri della mente umana), Oscar Mondadori
- Grossi e Traiano, Neuropsicologia dei lobi frontali (sindromi disesecutive e disturbi del comportamento), ed. Il mulino
dottssa Petrucci:
- Guaita A. Petrucci BM.: Vivere con l'Alzheimer, Demetra, 2021
- Liscio M. e Galli R. L'operatore e il paziente Alzheimer. McGraw Hill , 2007
- Petrucci B.M. e Tiraboschi P "A passeggio con Mr. l'Alzheimer" UTET, 2008
- Petrucci, BM, Demenze, in Valsecchi L. Terapia Occupazionale. Solei Press 1996
- Vito N. 2003 "Manuale di ausili e cure del paziente geriatrico a domicilio. UTET
- Asprea B., Fabbo A, Del Zanna, Petrucci BM. "Guida all'Alzheimer e le altre demenze" ED Tecniche Nuove
- Marquez, M., Valsecchi, L et alt., La persona con lesione midollare, ed Carocci, 2012dottssa
dottssa Pagliaro:
- Pajardi, G. La Chirurgia della Mano, Piccin, Nuova Libraria
- Scott W. Wolfe MD et al. (2016) Green's Operative Hand Surgery 7e
dottssa Penna:
- Kielhofner, G., Model Of Human Occupation Theory and Application, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins
- Polatajko, Townsend, Enabling occupation II e Habiliter à L'occupation, CAOT
- Meyer, S., De Boeck, De L'Activitè a la participation, Solal
- Kielhofner, G., L'Intervista sulla Storia della Performance Occupazionale OPHI-II, Franco Angeli
- Carrocci Faber, Le Funzioni esecutive Valutazione e Riabilitazione
- Della Sala, S., Beschin, N., Il cervello ferito, Giunti
- Lurija, A., Un mondo perduto e ritrovato, Ed Riuniti
- Ramachandran, La donna che morì dal ridere (storie incredibili sui misteri della mente umana), Oscar Mondadori
- Grossi e Traiano, Neuropsicologia dei lobi frontali (sindromi disesecutive e disturbi del comportamento), ed. Il mulino
dottssa Petrucci:
- Guaita A. Petrucci BM.: Vivere con l'Alzheimer, Demetra, 2021
- Liscio M. e Galli R. L'operatore e il paziente Alzheimer. McGraw Hill , 2007
- Petrucci B.M. e Tiraboschi P "A passeggio con Mr. l'Alzheimer" UTET, 2008
- Petrucci, BM, Demenze, in Valsecchi L. Terapia Occupazionale. Solei Press 1996
- Vito N. 2003 "Manuale di ausili e cure del paziente geriatrico a domicilio. UTET
- Asprea B., Fabbo A, Del Zanna, Petrucci BM. "Guida all'Alzheimer e le altre demenze" ED Tecniche Nuove
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written with open questions (Penna, Crivelli, Ianes, Petrucci, Pagliaro)
Oral (Nardiello)
Oral (Nardiello)
Practicals: 75 hours
Lessons: 10 hours
Lessons: 10 hours
Artusi Martina, Crivelli Nadia, Ianes Patrizia, Nardiello Mariano, Pagliaro Rossella, Penna Noemi