Occupational Therapy Iii

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing the theoretical / practical skills in assessing and treating the occupational performance of the adult patient in occupational therapy; to implement an occupational therapy process taking into account the results of the evaluation; to develop observation ability in the interaction skills of a patient engaged in activity.
These objectives are pursued in patients with orthopedic-traumatological, rheumatologic and mental health problems.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to observe and evaluate the patient with musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders as regards to occupational therapy.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Definition and analysis of the Evidence Based Occupational Therapy (EBOT) process; explanation on how to do a well-built clinical question, how to look for evidence within databases; deontology in occupational therapy practice; ethics in occupational therapy practice, universal rights of the human beings;

Basic concepts of occupational therapy in adults with neurological deficits
Assessment of areas of occupation: parameters for establishing the level of occupational performance
The interview as an instrument of the Occupational Therapist: OPHI-II
The process in occupational therapy for the identification of the occupational problem (OPPM)
Occupational performance assessment tools: COPM (Canadian Occupational Performance Measure) and VQ (Volitional Questionnaire)

Pain in rheumatology; clinical outlines of the disease in rheumatoid arthritis; joint deformity; deformities of the wrists and fingers; main goal of the rehabilitation team and in occupational therapy; taking into charge the patient; evaluation in occupational therapy of the rheumatological patient; elements of joint protection; taking into charge of the patient with rhizarthrosis; taking into charge of the arthritic patient: similarities and differences; prevention of falls in the elderly; bone fragility in the elderly; surgical treatment: hip prosthesis, endoprosthesis, osteosynthesis; the complications; prevention of dislocations; strategies / adaptations / assistive technology to regain autonomy; practical demonstrations of joint protection strategies and assistive technology for patients with arthritis and femoral prosthesis.

Laws governing mental health and the network of services; brief description of the psychiatric diseases that the occupational therapist will meet in treatment; the structures in which the occupational therapist will be able to work; The evaluation of occupational performance according to the MOVI Model: interview, evaluation activities and case study; from evaluation to planning of the rehabilitation project

Introduction to the carpentry workshop. Construction of wooden objects ("decorative" objects, small assistive devices, objects for therapeutic use); Activity analysis.
Watch videos and discuss clinical cases.
Prerequisites for admission
To be enrolled in the 2nd year of the program
Teaching methods
- Classroom lessons and interactive lessons, group work
- Classroom lessons for the presentation and study of assessment tools. Groupwork and discussion: practical work with the evaluation tools.
- Use of videos of real cases to promote the ability to observe and analyze the occupational performance of persons with neurological problems engaged in activities.
- Wood work laboratory
Teaching Resources
Taylor, M.C. (2007). Evidence-based Practice for Occupational Therapists (2nd edition). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Pomponio, G. & Calosso, A. (2005). EBM e metodologia della ricerca per le professioni sanitarie. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche.
Il codice deontologico dell'AITO (2008)
Cunningham, J. (2006) Essere nel fare, F. Angeli, Milano, pp 243-251
Savater, F. (2002) Etica per un figlio. ed. Laterza

Kielhofner, G., Model Of Human Occupation Theory and Application, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins
Polatajko, Townsend, Enabling occupation II e Habiliter à L'occupation, CAOT
Meyer, S., De Boeck, De L'Activitè a la participation, Solal
Kielhofner, G., L'Intervista sulla Storia della Performance Occupazionale OPHI-II, Franco Angeli

Nava T Riabilitazione delle patologie reumatiche. Approccio integrato. Ed. Edra, 2016
Simon L, Brun M, Houlez G: Artrite reumatoide ed economia articolare. Documenta Geigy, 1983
De Lorenzi S: L'economia articolare nel trattamento dell'artrite reumatoide, Ed.Speciale Riabilitazione Milano, 1997
Nava T.La riabilitazione integrata delle malattie reumatiche .Ed.Masson 2006
Sigismondi F,Maddali Bongi S: Artrite reumatoide cd-rom Lab2000, Novartis-Smith&Nephew
Villabruna L: L'economia articolare cd-rom
Villabruna L: L'economia articolare nelle malattie reumatiche
Cunningham Piergrossi J et al.Essere nel fare ed.Franco Angeli, 2006 (cap.9)
Salter M,Cheshire L: Terapia della mano ed.UTET, 2002 (capp.13-14-15)
Trombly C, Radomsky M: Occupational therapy for physical dysfunction, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002 (Cap.44)
Redaelli T., Valsecchi L: Terapia occupazionale Metodologie riabilitative e ausili Ed Solei Press, 1996 (cap.13)

Cunnigham Piergrossi, J. Essere nel fare, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2006
Crouch, R. B. Occupational therapy in psychiatry and mental health.
Hemphill, B., The evaluative process in psychiatric occupational therapy
Fidler, G. & Fidler, J., Occupational therapy: a communication process in psychiatry
Cunnigham Piergrossi, J., Nicholls, D., De Sena Gibertoni, C., Psychiatry thinking in occupational therapy

Michael Martin, Educare con le arti e i mestieri, Edizioni Educazione Waldorf, 2013
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test
Practicals: 45 hours
Lessons: 30 hours