Nutritional Requirement During Lifetime and Pathological Aspects of Nutrition

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
BIO/09 MED/05
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and competences on nutritional needs of human beings, focusing also on the pathological aspects resulting from over-or under-feeding.
The unit of Nutritional needs will provide students with most and actual notions on nutrition and bioenergetic, also focusing on the description of the most important macro- and micronutrients. The nutritional needs at different life stages (from fetal to aging) will be faced, considering also some particular physiopathological conditions and sport.
The unit of Pathology will provide knowledge on metabolic biomarkers and pathologies, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, eating disorders and bone metabolism. The emerging role of gut microbiota will be also discussed.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the teaching the student must demonstrate that she/he has acquired knowledge on nutrition physiology, as well as on bioenergetic and nutritional aspects of macro and micronutrients. This knowledge must be placed considering the different phases of human life, from fetal to the elderly. The student will develop a critical approach to the nutritional aspects, demonstrating a solid competence, which can resolve the information based on a solid scientific basis from those, sometimes unfounded, but widely spread out.
At the end of the teaching the student must demonstrate a solid knowledge on metabolic pathologies and eating disorders.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
The course imply the knowledge of basic concepts in Physiology, Pathology and Biochemistry acquired in previous courses
Assessment methods and Criteria
The "Nutrition during the Life" unit evaluation is a frontal examination, which consists of two/three questions concerning the main topics covered during the course. Time of exam is about 20 minutes. In order to pass the test, the student must answer all general questions; the assessment is expressed in /30.
The "Pathologic aspect of Nutrition" unit evaluation is a frontal examination, starting from a topic decided by the student. Then, starting from the topic discussed, other aspects of the course will be evaluated.
The final mark is the weighted average of the assessment of the tests obtained in each units ("Nutrition during the Life" and "Pathologic aspect of Nutrition") of the course.
Nutritional requirement during lifetime
Course syllabus
The Unit of "Nutrition during the Life" will address the following topics:
Introduction to the course, neuroendocrinology, food needs (2h)
Energy balance and metabolic homeostasis: fat and lean mass (2h)
Central control of nutrition, nervous and neuroendocrine Part1 (2h)
Central control of nutrition, nervous and neuroendocrine Part2 (2h)
Peripheral control of nutrition: hormones involved (2h)
Peripheral control of nutrition: role of nutrients and diet (2h)
Macronutrients (2h)
Micronutrients (2h)
Macronutrients and Pregnancy (2h)
Micronutrients and Pregnancy (2h)
Nutrition and breast feeding (2h)
Nutrition, child, weaning (2h)
Nutrition, child, developmental age (2h)
Nutrition and the elderly Part 1 (2h)
Nutrition and the elderly Part 2 (2h)
Nutrition and physical activity (4h)
Artificial nutrition and pathologies (2h)
Nutrition and pathological conditions: celiac disease, galactosidase / glycogenosis, nervous diseases (4h)
The course also includes seminar activities, during which students will be stimulated and coordinated in deepening some of the proposed topics.
Teaching methods
The course is based on frontal teaching and seminars, by using slides and/or videos. Material of lectures will be provided on UNIMI-Ariel website
Teaching Resources
Slides and materials will be provided on UNIMI-Ariel website.
We suggest the following books:
Alimentazione, Nutrizione e Salute. Debellie & Poli, EdiSES Università.
Fisiologia delle Molecole e dei sistemi integrati. Carbone, Aicardi, Maggi, EdiSES Università.
Berne & Levi Fisiologia 7a Edizione Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Pathological aspects of nutrition
Course syllabus
The Unit of "Pathologic aspect of Nutrition" will address the following topics:
Biomarkers and metabolic biomarkers.
Pathologic aspect of Nutrition: Food allergies and intolerances; how dietary substances are involved in the onset of systemic diseases.
Obesity, metabolic syndrome, disorder of lipid metabolism, diabetes mellitus (DM): molecular features, therapeutic approaches, animal models.
Eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorders, bulimia.
Influence of obesity, DM, eating disorders on pregnancy.
Endocrine disruptor chemicals and their role in obesity and DM.
Intestinal microbiota.
Teaching methods
The course is based on frontal teaching and seminars, by using slides and/or videos. Material of lectures will be provided on UNIMI-Ariel website
Teaching Resources
Slides and materials will be provided on UNIMI-Ariel website
Endocrinology, Greenspan and Strewler
Nutritional requirement during lifetime
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Bottai Daniele
Pathological aspects of nutrition
MED/05 - CLINICAL PATHOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Giatti Silvia