Methods in Biotechnology
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course is subdivided in 2 modules. A general introduction will allow the student to gather sufficient knowledge in genetics and molecular biology to be able to proficously understand the scientific content of the two modules. The goal of the course is to acquire knowledge and operational competencies in genomics, functional genomics and applications to plant improvement. More in details, the genomics module will provide knowledge in sequencing technologies, genome analysis, and their applications to plant breeding with focus on sustainability objectives. The functional genomics module will provide knowledge on RNA biology, methods for studying the transcriptome and integration of omics approaches to infer gene function.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire competencies in generating and analyzing data through the genomics and functional-genomics techniques. The student will be able to plan experiments using genomic sequencing, gene expression analyses, and their integration with metabolomics and proteomics. More in details, the student will be able to design a positional cloning mapping experiment, and to analyze genomics data using one or more benchmark software for genome wide analyses. The student will be able to interpret transcriptomic experiments, design and analyse qPCR experiment for validation of transcriptomic data and use databases with valuable functional genomics information.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
· Introduction to genetics (basics concepts in formal genetics)
· QTLs and their importance in breeding
· Mapping monogenic and polygenic traits
· Plant breeding basics
· Basics in population genetics
· DNA sequencing: from first to third generation and beyond
· Exploiting the information contained in the DNA: comparative genomics
· Using genomics for gene discovery: from positional cloning to forward/reverse genetics
· Sequencing the epigenome and resequencing the genome
· Extracting the information contained in the DNA: reading and annotating the sequences
· From cross-based to genome-based mapping: linkage disequilibrium, genome wide association studies, population structure
· Molecular markers at work: marker assisted selection
· Genome informed diversity studiesTechniques and approaches in RNA analysis (spatial and temporal assessment);
· Strategies for genome modification;
· - Integration of high throughput /content techniques (omics) and data analysis for gene function and cell modifications;
· Workshop on RNA expression analysis
· QTLs and their importance in breeding
· Mapping monogenic and polygenic traits
· Plant breeding basics
· Basics in population genetics
· DNA sequencing: from first to third generation and beyond
· Exploiting the information contained in the DNA: comparative genomics
· Using genomics for gene discovery: from positional cloning to forward/reverse genetics
· Sequencing the epigenome and resequencing the genome
· Extracting the information contained in the DNA: reading and annotating the sequences
· From cross-based to genome-based mapping: linkage disequilibrium, genome wide association studies, population structure
· Molecular markers at work: marker assisted selection
· Genome informed diversity studiesTechniques and approaches in RNA analysis (spatial and temporal assessment);
· Strategies for genome modification;
· - Integration of high throughput /content techniques (omics) and data analysis for gene function and cell modifications;
· Workshop on RNA expression analysis
Prerequisites for admission
In order to best understand the content of this course, you should have basics in:
1. Mendelian and formal genetics (i.e. the genetics you had at the High School or during the BA; in case you did not have any genetics, please contact the teacher BEFORE the course)
2. DNA and gene structure
3. Recombination and its use in molecular mapping (i.e. what is a molecular map where traits/genes are distributed)
4. Molecular markers (i.e. a basic understanding of what a molecular marker is)
5. Basics in nucleic acids sequencing (i.e. what does it mean to sequence a DNA molecule)
6. Basics in plant breeding (i.e. what is plant breeding, and what are its goals);
8. Basics in molecular biology (plasmids, cloning techniques and strategies, bacterial and eukaryotes transformation, restriction enzymes and their use in molecular biology, DNA labeling, nucleic acid analysis)
9. Basics in statistics
10. Basics in classification of living organisms
11. Basics in cell biology
12. Basics in PC use
In order to best understand the content of this course, you should have basics in:
1. Mendelian and formal genetics (i.e. the genetics you had at the High School or during the BA; in case you did not have any genetics, please contact the teacher BEFORE the course)
2. DNA and gene structure
3. Recombination and its use in molecular mapping (i.e. what is a molecular map where traits/genes are distributed)
4. Molecular markers (i.e. a basic understanding of what a molecular marker is)
5. Basics in nucleic acids sequencing (i.e. what does it mean to sequence a DNA molecule)
6. Basics in plant breeding (i.e. what is plant breeding, and what are its goals);
8. Basics in molecular biology (plasmids, cloning techniques and strategies, bacterial and eukaryotes transformation, restriction enzymes and their use in molecular biology, DNA labeling, nucleic acid analysis)
9. Basics in statistics
10. Basics in classification of living organisms
11. Basics in cell biology
12. Basics in PC use
Teaching methods
Lectures; active learning; interactive didactic workshops; didactic trip
Teaching Resources
Pdf files of the lectures, available on MOODLE and/or ARIEL platform; papers and textbooks and videos (provided by the teacher and made available on MOODLE and/or ARIEL), additional online resources made available through the slides.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The student is offered to take the exam in an oral or written form. The written exam will be offered only if allowed by current health regulations. In general, the written exam requires at least 4 enrolled students. It is composed of 6 closed and 4 open questions and lasts for 2 hours. For each of the modules, the oral exam is composed of 6 questions (during 30 minutes), the first of which is a choice of the student.
The students are evaluated based on their knowledge of the tested topics, their capacity of leading an exposition of a topic for about 5 minutes, their capacity of connecting topics pertaining to different areas of the study subject.
Specific procedures for students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA) will be applied. Here the complete information:
In case you need specific procedures, please inform the teacher by mail at least 10 days before the exam, including in the addresses [email protected] or [email protected].
The students are evaluated based on their knowledge of the tested topics, their capacity of leading an exposition of a topic for about 5 minutes, their capacity of connecting topics pertaining to different areas of the study subject.
Specific procedures for students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA) will be applied. Here the complete information:
In case you need specific procedures, please inform the teacher by mail at least 10 days before the exam, including in the addresses [email protected] or [email protected].
Computer room practicals: 32 hours
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Pasquali Matias, Pozzi Carlo Massimo