Medical Surgical Specialties (qualifying activity)

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
MED/30 MED/31
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the tools to:
i) recognize the most frequent pathologies in dentistry, otolaryngology, of the maxillofacial district and of the eye;
ii) be able to evaluate and assess diagnostic pathways and therapy;
iii) single out the conditions that may need the support of the specialist.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will be able to identify and understand the epidemiology, the aetiology, symptomatology, clinical examination, differential diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of the mayor disease of the district.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
All knowledge is acquired during the first 3 years of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in a written test with open questions and/or multiple choice questions on the topics covered by the lectures. No intermediate tests are planned. The evaluation parameter is linked to the number of correct answers and the evidence regarding the correct workup and knowledge of the pathology. Students will have the opportunity to consult the material shown and explained during the lessons, relevant articles and specific textbooks.
Eye diseases
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Attendance in hospital wards, clinics, day hospitals, operating rooms, first aid activities, discussion of clinical cases.
Teaching Resources
· Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology, 8th Ed 2016 (Elsevier)
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Attendance in hospital wards, clinics, day hospitals, operating rooms, first aid activities, discussion of clinical cases.
Teaching Resources
· Pignataro L., Cesarani A., Felisati G., Schindler A. "Trattato di Otorinoalringoiatria ed Audiologia. Ed. EdiSES Srl Napoli

Materiale didattico caricato sulla piattaforma Ariel
Eye diseases
MED/30 - OPHTHALMOLOGY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Gruppo 1
Professor: Rossetti Luca Mario
Gruppo 2
Professor: Rossetti Luca Mario
Gruppo 3
Professor: Rossetti Luca Mario
Gruppo 4
Professor: Rossetti Luca Mario
Gruppo 5
Professor: Fogagnolo Paolo
Gruppo 6
Professor: Fogagnolo Paolo
MED/31 - OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Gruppo 1
Professor: Felisati Giovanni
Gruppo 10
Professor: Saibene Alberto Maria
Gruppo 11
Professor: Saibene Alberto Maria
Gruppo 12
Professor: Saibene Alberto Maria
Gruppo 2
Professor: Felisati Giovanni
Gruppo 3
Professor: Felisati Giovanni
Gruppo 4
Professor: Felisati Giovanni
Gruppo 5
Professor: Pipolo Giorgia Carlotta
Gruppo 6
Professor: Pipolo Giorgia Carlotta
Gruppo 7
Professor: Pipolo Giorgia Carlotta
Gruppo 8
Professor: Pipolo Giorgia Carlotta
Gruppo 9
Professor: Saibene Alberto Maria
Wednesday 9AM-10AM - appointment by mail
San Paolo Hospital, Ophthalmology Ward
email appointments
ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo. Blocco C, 9th floor
Wednesday afternoon, starting 2 p.m. - email contact for scheduling required
9th floor, building C, San Paolo hospital, Milan