Medical Surgical Specialties

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
MED/28 MED/29 MED/30 MED/31
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the tools to:
i) recognize the most frequent pathologies in dentistry, otolaryngology, of the maxillofacial district and of the eye;
ii) be able to evaluate and assess diagnostic pathways and therapy;
iii) single out the conditions that may need the support of the specialist.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will be able to identify and understand the epidemiology, the aetiology, symptomatology, clinical examination, differential diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of the mayor disease of the district.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
All knowledge is acquired during the first 3 years of the course
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in a written test with open questions and/or multiple choice questions on the topics covered by the lectures. No intermediate tests are planned. The evaluation parameter is linked to the number of correct answers and the evidence regarding the correct workup and knowledge of the pathology. Students will have the opportunity to consult the material shown and explained during the lessons, relevant articles and specific textbooks.
Course syllabus
The Nose:
o Examination of the nasal cavities and sinuses
o Epistaxis
o Inflammatory and allergic disease and its complications (Rhinitis, Sinusitis)
o Adenoidal hypertrophy
o Benign and malignant neoplasms of the nasal cavities, sinuses and rhinopharynx
The Mouth and Oropharynx
o Examination of the mouth and oropharynx
o Inflammatory disease and its complications (tonsillitis, pharyngitis)
o Benign and malignant neoplasms of the mouth and oropharynx
The Salivary Glands
o Inflammatory disease
o Salivary stones
o Neoplasms
The Larynx
o Inflammatory disease and its complications (pharyngeal reflux)
o Malformations
o Neoplasms
o Dysphonia
o Dysphagia
o Dyspnoea
The Ear:
o Examination of the ear/audiometry
o Deafness in the adult, in the child (neurosensory/ conductive)
o Inflammatory disease and its complications (EOM, AOM, COM)
o Otosclerosis
o Bed side examination of vestibular function
o Vertigo
The Neck
o Cervical masses (inflammatory, malformative, neoplastic): Examination and Diagnosis
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures with the help of teaching material (slides and / or videos, including discussion of clinical cases) and mornings of professional skills in the department, ambulatories and operating room.
Teaching Resources
· Pignataro L., Cesarani A., Felisati G., Schindler A. "Trattato di Otorinoalringoiatria ed Audiologia. Ed. EdiSES Srl Napoli

Materiale didattico caricato sulla piattaforma Ariel
Oral diseases and dentistry
Course syllabus
Prevalence, clinical presentation, outline of therapy and any complications of caries and periodontal diseases;
-Fluoroprophylaxis and prevention of the main oral diseases in the infant, child and adult;
-Ipo and hypersalivation;
-Diagnosis and therapy of the main diseases of the oral mucous membranes;
- Potentially malignant oral lesions;
-Cancer of the oral cavity;
-Medical emergencies in dental clinics.
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures with the help of teaching material (slides and / or videos, including discussion of clinical cases).
Teaching Resources
Teaching material uploaded on the Ariel platform
Maxillofacial surgery
Course syllabus
- maxillofacial trauma
- tumors of the oral cavity, parotid, face and craniofacial tumors, focusing on squamous cell carcinoma and osteosarcoma
- reconstructive surgery, with particular attention to microsurgical flaps
- facial paralysis
- oral nerves lesions
- dysmorphosis
- craniofacial malformations and cleft lip and palate
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures with the help of teaching material (slides and / or videos, including discussion of clinical cases).
Teaching Resources
· Manuale di Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale, di E. Belli, G. Fini, EPC, 2017
Eye diseases
Course syllabus
- The correct process of vision: the role of ocular media and their physiopathology.
- The red Eye
- Abnormal Eye Movements
- Orbital pathology
- The visual system in the child
- The blind eye:
- The aging eye:
- What is a real emergency?
- Clinical cases
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures with the help of teaching material (slides and / or videos, including discussion of clinical cases) and mornings of professional skills in the department, ambulatories and operating room.
Teaching Resources
· Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology, 8th Ed 2016 (Elsevier)
Eye diseases
MED/30 - OPHTHALMOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
: 8 hours
Maxillofacial surgery
MED/29 - MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Professor: Biglioli Federico
Oral diseases and dentistry
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 12 hours
MED/31 - OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
: 10 hours
email appointments
ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo. Blocco C, 9th floor
Wednesday afternoon, starting 2 p.m. - email contact for scheduling required
9th floor, building C, San Paolo hospital, Milan