Medical Physics

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with:
i) the basics of the scientific method,
ii) knowledge of the fundamental concepts of physics underlying the structure and functionality of the organism,
iii) the physical principles underlying the main diagnostic methods.
Expected learning outcomes
a) know the main physical quantities of relevance for medical physics and for understanding the structure and functionality of the organism;
b) learn to apply the knowledge of such quantities within exemplary problems;
c) learn the physical and technological bases of diagnostics, with particular attention to imaging diagnostics.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Vectors. Fundamentals of dynamics: Principles of dynamics - Force, work and energy - weight force, normal force, elastic force, friction force - Kinetic energy theorem - Conservative force fields - Potential energy - Conservation of mechanical energy -- Conservation of quantity of motion.
Thermology and Thermodynamics: Thermal expansion - Temperature and heat - Heat propagation - Thermoregulation of the human body - Laws of gases and absolute temperature - Elements of kinetic theory of gases - Gas mixtures - Solubility of gases in liquids - Hemoglobin saturation - Hyperbaric respiration - Specific heat - Passages of state and latent heat - Mechanisms of heat propagation - First and second principles of thermodynamics - Thermal machines and efficiency - Entropy and disorder - introduction to thermodynamic potentials (enthalpy, entropy and free energy)
Center of mass and its properties - Torque - Introduction to the motion of rigid bodies - Levers and the human body - Elastic phenomena, Hooke's law and elasticity modules - Flexion and torsion - Elasticity of blood vessels and bones.
Statics and Dynamics of fluids: Pressure - Stevin, Pascal and Archimedes' Laws - Flow rate of a pipe - Ideal liquid and Bernoulli's theorem - Its implications for blood circulation - Real liquids and viscosity - Laminar flow and Poiseuille's theorem - Hydraulic resistance - Turbulent regime and Reynolds number - Notes on cardiac work and cardiac power.
Surface tension and Laplace formula -- hints on respiratory mechanics.
Electricity, magnetism and electric currents: Electric charges and Coulomb's law - Electric field - Work of the electric field and electrostatic potential - Dipolar field - Current intensity - Ohm's laws - Series and parallel resistances - Electromotive force - Thermal effect of the current - Electrical capacity and capacitor - flat capacitor with dielectric - Charge and discharge - Accumulated energy - Defibrillator -
Magnetic field and its action on currents - Lorentz's law - Coil in magnetic fields - Induction
Waves: Wave processes, wave equation and characteristic parameters
Electromagnetic waves. Electr. Radiation spectrum and its medical applications. Corpuscular nature and photoelectric effect. X-ray - production and x-ray tube - interaction with biological tissue - radiological imaging.
Acoustic waves - Interference and standing waves - Sound and its distinctive characteristics - Intensity - Doppler effect - Ultrasound and their application in the biomedical field.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic principles of mathematics and physics, as required by the admission notice. Powers, logarithms, algebraic calculation, Euclidean geometry (polygons, circle, measures of lengths, surfaces and volumes), elements of trigonometry. Basic notions on the principles of mechanics, thermodynamics and electrostatics.
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures (5 CFU) with the aid of teaching material (slides) and group exercises (1 ECTS) in which students carry out, personally and / or in small groups, a series of exercises proposed by the teacher and under her guidance. The teaching uses the Ariel platform to provide students with teaching materials ( slides, videos or website links ) on specific medical physics topics not easily found in general physics textbooks.
Teaching Resources
- Kane J.W. e Sternheim M.M., Fisica Biomedica (corso introduttivo per Medicina, Scienze Biologiche, Scienze Naturali, Farmacia), E.M.S.I. , Roma.
- Giancoli, Fisica con Fisica Moderna, C.E.A., Milano.
- Scannicchio, Fisica Biomedica, EdiSES, Napoli
- Scannicchio Elementi di Fisica Biomedica (con espansione online), EdiSEs, Napoli.
- Borsa, Lascialfari Principi di fisica per indirizzo biomedico e farmaceutico, ), EdiSEs, Napoli.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists:
· in a preliminary written test consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions (only one correct answer), time available 60 minutes. The evaluation will check the full resolution method of each question. Each unjustified, not given or incorrect answers will give a score of 0. The score range will be A - D for approved tests. Passing the written test allows admission to the oral exam. With D the maximum final mark will be 25.
of an oral test in which the student will be evaluated for her/his ability to express with clarity, precision and reasoning skill the topics covered during the course.
Passing the test will result in a mark expressed in thirtieths.
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
: 12 hours
Professor: Del Favero Elena
Professor: Del Favero Elena
Gruppo 1
Professor: Del Favero Elena
Gruppo 2
Professor: Del Favero Elena
Educational website(s)