Latest Developments in Advanced Assistive Technology and Environmental Design

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing the basic knowledge in Bioengineering to be able to apply this knowledge to the pathologies of interest in occupational therapy and to understand the possible innovation technologies that can be used in rehabilitation.
It will also provide basic knowledge in the construction and use of high-tech assistive technology in the orthotic and prosthetic field and provide elements regarding the accessible environment.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
· discuss in general terms some theoretical aspects in Bioengineering and apply it to occupational therapy with particular attention to the new technologies for the disabled;
· identify and use tools and techniques (in particular: assistive technology, orthoses and prostheses) that are part of occupational therapy, to be able to apply the knowledge to the social, motor and psycho-relational needs of the patient.
· propose interventions (in particular: environmental adaptations and therapeutic interventions at home) that are part of occupational therapy in order to be able to apply them to the persons' social, motor and psycho-relational needs.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
To be enrolled in the 3° year of the course
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with oral integration
Industrial design
Course syllabus
Adapt the environment for the independence of the person
- Introduction to Accessible Design, Universal Design, Design for All, Universal Design, Universal Architecture
- Attention to Design for a wide usership
- ICF: the importance of environmental factors: barriers and facilitators - the designer's point of view
- The independence of the person is the center of the project of environmental adaptations
- The principles of Design for a wide usership
- The principles of Universal Design
- The Normative Approach: general principles
- Accessible Design Criteria: Accessibility, Visibility, Adaptability
- Brief review of the Italian legislation
- Regulations: technical prescriptions
- Normative indications for interventions in buildings
- Home adaptations
- The contributions for home adaptations: rules and procedures
- Home automation for social use: technologies, functions and solutions for the home environment
- Adaptation of the environment: team work experiences with designers and occupational therapists.
- The stages of adaptations: from the inspection to the construction in site
- The survey of the environment: tools and methods (practical exercises)
- Analysis of case studies: interventions for overcoming vertical differences
- Analysis of case studies: bathroom adaptations
- Analysis of case studies: interventions on furniture and kitchen furniture / equipment
- A practical case: definition of a solution for a particular condition of disability (individual exercise)
Teaching methods
Class room lessons, group work, individual home work
Teaching Resources
Arenghi, A., Design For All, UTET, 2007
Ornati, A., Architetture e barriere. Storia e fatti delle barriere architettoniche in Italia e all'estero, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2000
Pisano, E., Progettare, stare, fare, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1987
Del Zanna, G., Quattro normative a confronto, Rima Ed. Ass. Paraplegici Lombardia, Milano, 1994
Del Zanna, G., Uomo, disabilità, ambiente, Abitare Segesta, Milano, 1996
Del Zanna, G., et al., Progettare l'accessibilità, Grafill, Palermo, 2005
Scullica, F. Del Zanna, G. Fossati, M.R., Human Hotel Design, Franco Angeli, 2012
Electronic and informatics bioengineering
Course syllabus
Aims of the course:
To provide knowledge in the operating principles and applications of the main electronic equipment and informatics applications used in the rehabilitation field. The course will cover tools and devices for evaluation and functional diagnosis, for therapy and rehabilitation, for orthotic and prosthetic support and assistive technologies for the autonomy of persons with disability.
Course program:
- Introduction to bioengineering and the role of bioengineering in rehabilitation
- Robotic systems and virtual reality in rehabilitation
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of movement and posture
- Instruments for the acquisition of kinematic, dynamic and electromyographic data
- Modeling of musculoskeletal system
- Gait analysis and applications of motion analysis to the upper limbs
- Functional electrical stimulation (FES) and applications to CNS lesions
- Muscle contraction induced by FES
- FES systems for the lower limbs and for the upper limbs
- Classification of aids, cost / benefit ratio evaluation
- Assistive Technologies for communication, manipulation, robotic assistive devices
- The user interface, command sensors and operating systems Accessibility
- Home automation and environmental control
- Assistive devices for hearing and visual disabilities
- Upper limb prostheses: classification and components
- Myoelectric prostheses
- Instruments and methods for movement analysis (laboratory exercise)
- Functional Electrical Stimulation: stimulation devices and applications (laboratory exercise)
- Low vision assistive devices (external visit)
Teaching methods
Class room lessons and Laboratory
Teaching Resources
"Analisi del movimento", J. Perry, ed. italiana a cura di M.G. Benedetti, Elsevier, 2005
"Progettare per l'autonomia", a cura di Renzo Andrich, Ed. Giunti, Firenze, 2008
"Assistive technologies: Principles and practice", Cook, A. M., & Polgar, J. M.: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014
"Manuale degli ausili elettronici ed informatici. Tecnologie assistive a supporto della qualità della vita", C. Bitelli, M. Guerreschi, A. Rossi:, 2016
Electronic and informatics bioengineering
Practicals: 15 hours
Lessons: 20 hours
Industrial design
ICAR/13 - DESIGN - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Del Zanna Giovanni