Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim is to provide some basic knowledge of nuclear and subnuclear
physics. The main properties that characterize nuclei, their constituents, the elementary particles
and interactions are illustrated. Selected topics are introduced by discussing the physical problems, the experimental approach, and the comparison beteween experimental data and predictions. The latters, in case of simple models are described in detail.

Analogies with other systems are also presented as well as the technologies and methods specific to subatomic physics. Topics of current research relevant for this subject are also briefly
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the students:
1) will acquire the main notions
that are the basis of the experiments and phenomenology that have
led to the description of the nuclei, their consituents, elementary particles and
their interactions at a fundamental level.
2) will know the
laws and properties of radioactive decays, fusion and fission
together with the mechanisms and the interactions that underline these
physical processes.
3) As to the structure of the nuclei, they will known the basic principles and
the relevant ingredients of the models describing the organization of
4) As far as elementary particles are concerned, they will be able to
identify the effects due to their constituents and to the symmetries of
the interactions which are at play during the formation and decay phases.
5) will be able to recognize the properties of the mediators of the
different forces, electromagnetic, strong and weak.

The knowledge gained by the students in this course is essential if one
wants to learn more on these subjects with other more advanced courses
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First semester
Instructions will be followed during the year
Course syllabus
The course covers general methods in subatomic physics and fundamental concepts in the
phenomenlogy of nuclei, of elementary particles and of their interactions.

Methods in subatomic physics:
- Cross section and decay probability.
- Kinematics of scattering and decay, both classical and relativistic.
- Fermi's golden rule and phase space.
- electron elastic scattering and the charge distribution of nuclei
- Interaction of radiation with matter and particle detectors.
- Basic concepts of particle accelerators.

Nuclear Physics:
- Properties of nuclei, stability valley.
- Weizsacker's semi-empiric formula.
- The Fermi Gas Model
- Alpha decay
- Beta decay and electron capture
- Gamma radiation
- The deuteron and nucleon-nucleon interaction.
- The shell model: magic numbers, spin-orbit coupling, magnetic moments.
- Nuclear fission and neutrino cross sections
- Nuclear fusion and reactions in the stars

Fundamental particles and interactions:
- Discrete simmetries (parity, charge conjugation, time reversal) and conservation
principles. Quantum numbers of states and parity violation.
- Matter and anti-matter.
- Classification of fundamental interactions, vector bosons.
- The physics of mesons and their interactions (strong, electromagnetic and weak).
Production and decay processes, resonances.
- Strange particles and their interactions, the quark model.
- The CP simmetry violation in kaon decay.
- Deep inelastic scattering and evidence of quarks and gluons.
- The Standard Model of Particle Physics.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the topics of calculus, mechanics and electromagnetism treated in the
first and second year courses. Basic knowledge of special relativity (Lorenz
transofrmations) and quantum mechanics (Schroedinger equations, concept of eigenstate and of discrete and continuous spectra).
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures and excercises

Attendance is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
A. Das and T. Ferbel., Introduction to nuclear and particle physics, World Scientific
K. S. Krane, Introductory Nuclear Physics, John Wiley and Sons
S. D'Auria, Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, Springer
Slides of the lectures :
see also the web page
Assessment methods and Criteria
general an methodological aspects of the treated topics; ii) selected topics in both Nuclear and Particle Physics.
Emphasis is given to the capability to master the concepts illustrated in the lectures and to identify their connections.
FIS/04 - NUCLEAR AND SUBNUCLEAR PHYSICS - University credits: 9
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 56 hours


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course cover general methods in subatomic physics and fundamentals in the phenomenlogy of nuclei, fundamental particles and interactions.

Methods in subatomic physics:
- Cross section and decay probability.
- Kinematics of scattering and decay, both classical and relativistic.
- Fermi's golden rule and phase space.
- Ineraction of radiation with matter and particle detectors.
- Basic concepts of article accelerators.

Nuclear Physics:
- Properties of nuclei, stability valley.
- Weizsacker's semi-empiric formula.
- Alpha decay
- Beta decay and electron capture
- Gamma radiation
- Electromagnetic interactions and nuclear form factors.
- The deuteron and nucleon-nucleon interaction.
- The shell model: magic numbers, spin-orbit coupling, magnetic moments.
- Nuclear fission and neutrino cross sections.
- Nuclear fusion and reactions in the stars.

Fundamental particles and interactions:
- Discrete simmetries (parity, charge conjugation, time reversal) and conservation principles. Quantum numbers of states and parity violation.
- Matter and anti-matter.
- Classification of fundamental interactions, vector bosons.
- The physics of mesons and their interactions (strong, electromagnetic and weak). Production and decay processes, resonances.
- Strange particles and their interactions, the quark model.
- The CP simmetry violation in kaon decay.
- Deep inelastic scattering and evidence of quarks and gluons.
- The Standard Model of Particle Physics.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the topics of calculus, mechanics and electromagnetism treated in the first and second year courses. Basic knowledge of special relativity (Lorenz transofrmations) and quantum mechanics (Schroedinger equations, concept of eigenstate and of discrete and continuous spectra).
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures and excercises.

Attendance is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
A. Das and T. Ferbel., Introduction to nuclear and particle physics, World Scientific
K. S. Krane, Introductory Nuclear Physics, John Wiley and Sons
D. H. Perkins., Introduction to high energy physics, Cambridge University Press
S. D'Auria, Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, Springer
Slides of the lectures, text of the excercise, numerical code for simulation are available on the course's ARIEL web site:
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment is a mark resulting from an interview focusing on: 1-2 exercises from a pool of 10 selected by the student; general and methodological aspect of the subject; specific topics in both Nuclear and Particle Physics. Emphasis is given to the capability to master the concepts introduces by the course and to perform connections between the different topics presented during the lectures.
FIS/04 - NUCLEAR AND SUBNUCLEAR PHYSICS - University credits: 9
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
LITA building, office a/1/C13, Physics Department via celoria 16