Innovative Drugs and Radiopharmaceuticals

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Overall, the course represents the natural extension of the two basic courses of Medicinal and Toxicological Chemistry I and II.
The main aims of the Innovative Drugs module are (a) to provide
the fundamentals to better understand the development/evolution of innovative fields of the medicinal chemistry research, in order (b) to delve into the relevant features concerning the development of
promising drug candidates, in scientific areas such as those of regenerative and personalized medicine.
The main objective of the Radiopharmaceuticals module is to provide the students with the theoretical foundations of radiochemistry necessary for the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals, with particular reference to diagnostic agents. In addition to the knowledge of the fundamental basis, critical skills will be developed in judging the fundamental parameters involved in this discipline.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding. The module of Innovative Drugs, which belongs to the main characterizing area of the whole master's degree, aims to ascertaining the student's knowledge of advanced approaches and methods in medchem sciences, intended to improve the basic skills in the medicinal chemistry field in view of her/his professional training. Regarding the course of Radiopharmaceuticals, the acquired skills will allow the student to develop a critical sense in the evaluation of the basic knowledge of radiochemistry, with particular reference to the understanding of nuclear reactions, and to the definition of the peculiar features of the radiopharmaceuticals, acquiring the ability to critically evaluate the proposed topics.
Applying knowledge and understanding. During the exam, the student should be able to apply the new concepts and methods. In addition, the student should be able to analyze and discuss the scientific results published in the recent literature.
Making judgements. The student should be able to discuss with pertinence, awareness and criticism the topics chosen for the exam. For both course modules, correlations and comments pertaining to the medicinal chemistry research will be encouraged and evaluated by the teacher.
Communication. For both modules, exams involve the dissertation of subjects chosen among those illustrated during the lectures, which the student can further develop by an independent bibliographic search. Clarity of presentation and critical elaboration of the concepts are part of the overall evaluation.
Lifelong learning skills. The main objective of the course is that to ascertain the strengthening of the student's background in the medchem disciplines, by evaluating the acquirement of skills aiming to a professional figure able to work in the framework of academic/nonacademic institutions and in multidisciplinary projects.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

(non attivo nel 22/23)

Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
INNOVATIVE DRUGS: Prior knowledge to fruitfully address the contents of this module comes from attending classes of Medicinal and Toxicological Chemistry 1 and 2.
RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS: Prior knowledge to fruitfully address the contents of this module comes from attending the class of General and Inorganic Chemistry.
Assessment methods and Criteria
INNOVATIVE DRUGS: The exam is based on the discussion of a PowerPoint presentation of about 30 min. To this end, the students will select one topic among those presented, then they collect, analyze and discuss the contents of recent articles found in the recent literature and related to the subject. The evaluation of the exam takes into account the student's ability to both understand and deepen the subject and to make use of an appropriate scientific language. The grade of the module is out of thirty, and the overall final grade is the average of the marks of modules I (Innovative drugs) and II (Radiopharmaceuticals).
RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS: The exam includes a written test having 3/4 points regarding open questions related to the program.
The student must generally answer all the questions proposed in a maximum time of two hours.
The evaluation of the written test will take into account the student's ability to understand the questions and know how they apply the knowledge acquired through the use of an appropriate scientific language. The grade of the module is out of thirty, and the overall final grade is the average of the marks of modules I (Innovative drugs) and II (Radiopharmaceuticals).
Innovative drugs
Course syllabus
TThe course includes frontal lessons, in which the following topics will be presented and developed.
· Which is the meaning of "innovative drug"?
· Protein-protein interactions (PPI) as a target for the development of new candidate drugs
· The PROTAC (PRoteolysis TArgeting Chimeras) strategy in medicinal chemistry
· Photopharmacology as an innovative therapeutic strategy
· The regenerative approach in medicinal chemistry
· Application of the regenerative strategy to the design of drugs: case examples
· The drug discovery process in the precision and personalized medicine era
The teaching material will be available on the Ariel platform to attending as well as non-attending students.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures whose topics are illustrated by means of slides. For each topic, theoretical aspects are supported by the discussion of relevant case studies selected from the recent scientific literature.
Teaching Resources
The teaching material will be available on the Ariel platform to attending as well as non-attending students.
Course syllabus
The course includes frontal lessons. The study program here reported is for both attending and non-attending students. During the frontal lectures, the following topics will be chronologically illustrated:
· Radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear medicine
· Radioactivity
· Definition of radiopharmaceuticals
· Radionuclides for diagnostics and therapy
· Chemical-physical characteristics of the Tc-99m
· Mo-99 / Tc-99m generators
· Types of gamma-emitting radiopharmaceuticals
· The "kits" for the preparation of gamma-emitting radiopharmaceuticals
· Radiopharmaceuticals conjugated with Tc-99m: outline of clinical applications
· Positron-emitting radiopharmaceuticals: outline of clinical applications
· The cyclotron
· Practical aspects of the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals
· Quality control of radiopharmaceuticals
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures where the topics will be illustrated through the use of slides or videos, also by means the discussion of specific case studies taken from the recent literature.
Teaching Resources
All the teaching material shown during the lectures will be available to students on the Ariel platform. This educational material will be available also for non-attending students. Students will also be able to deepen the topics in the following texts:
-Volterrani et al. - Fondamenti di medicina nucleare. Tecniche e applicazioni;
-Lucignani G. La qualità nella preparazione dei radiofarmaci. Indicazioni per la pratica clinica
Innovative drugs
CHIM/08 - PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours
CHIM/08 - PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours