History of Photography
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students withthe essential historical knoledge and methodological perspective for the in-depht study of Twentieth-Century art researches, based on photography and new media.
Expected learning outcomes
- explain the fundamental theoretical and thematic issues concerning the artistic practices based on photography and new media in Twentieth-Century;
- explain the main trends in Contemporary art based on photography and new media in Twentieth-Century;
- analyze artworks based on photography and new media (technic, form, style), according to the specific cultural and historic context and by using an historic or critical method;
- apply different theoretical approaches and methods, getting a specific historiographical methodology to study subjects of lessons.
- explain the main trends in Contemporary art based on photography and new media in Twentieth-Century;
- analyze artworks based on photography and new media (technic, form, style), according to the specific cultural and historic context and by using an historic or critical method;
- apply different theoretical approaches and methods, getting a specific historiographical methodology to study subjects of lessons.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Part A (40 ore, 6 ects):
Photography and new media: theory, methods, themes and issues
Part B (20 ore, 3 ects; for the exam of 9 ects):
Space and Behaviour: a study case
Topics of lessons:
Part A: Photography and new media: theoretical topics, themes and issues, historical models, and significant examples
Part B: Space and Behaviour. A study case: focus on Bruce Nauman (1941-).
The lessons include lectures by other professors and scholars, visits to museums, archives and exhibitions.
Attending lessons of Part A is requested for the exam of 6 ects; attending lessons of Part A and B is requested for the exam of 9 ects.
Photography and new media: theory, methods, themes and issues
Part B (20 ore, 3 ects; for the exam of 9 ects):
Space and Behaviour: a study case
Topics of lessons:
Part A: Photography and new media: theoretical topics, themes and issues, historical models, and significant examples
Part B: Space and Behaviour. A study case: focus on Bruce Nauman (1941-).
The lessons include lectures by other professors and scholars, visits to museums, archives and exhibitions.
Attending lessons of Part A is requested for the exam of 6 ects; attending lessons of Part A and B is requested for the exam of 9 ects.
Prerequisites for admission
Photography and New Media in Contemporary Art.
Very good knowledge of contemporary history and contemporary art history (since the Age of Enlightment to today), and of history of photography of Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century.
Very good knowledge of contemporary history and contemporary art history (since the Age of Enlightment to today), and of history of photography of Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century.
Teaching methods
Different strategies and teaching methods:
- frontal lesson (by different approaches: analysis of single photographs, philological and archives paper-based analysis, critics and theoretical analysis, by studying historical, social and political background )
- interaction during frontal lessons
- Q&A and polling app
- group research projects
- guided tour in museums, exhibitions, archives
- seminars and study days
- after the end of lessons, the showed images will be available on Ariel website - Course on Photography and New Media in Contemporary Art
- frontal lesson (by different approaches: analysis of single photographs, philological and archives paper-based analysis, critics and theoretical analysis, by studying historical, social and political background )
- interaction during frontal lessons
- Q&A and polling app
- group research projects
- guided tour in museums, exhibitions, archives
- seminars and study days
- after the end of lessons, the showed images will be available on Ariel website - Course on Photography and New Media in Contemporary Art
Teaching Resources
Study program (bibliography) for students ATTENDING THE LESSONS:
(Part A is requested for the exam of 6 ects)
Part A (6 ects)
- Topics of the lessons in Part A;
- Jean Claude Lemagny, André Rouillé (a cura di), Storia della fotografia, Sansoni, 1988, (1a ediz. Histoire de la photographie, Paris, Larousse - Bordas, 1986) [pp. 11-211, pp. 258-270]
- selected parts:
. Rosalind Krauss, Teoria e storia della fotografia, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 1996 (ediz. italiana a cura di Elio Grazioli; 1a ediz. Le photographique. Pour une théorie des écarts, Paris, Macula, 1990) [Prefazione, Introduzione, Cap. 1, 4, 5, 6, 11];
. Roberto Signorini, Arte del fotografico. I confini della fotografia e la riflessione teorica degli ultimi vent'anni, Editore CRT, 2001 [Introduzione, Capitolo 1]
- A book to be chosen by the student from the list below:
. Valentina Valentini (a cura di), Le storie del video, Roma, Bulzoni editore, Roma 2003
. Elena Volpato (a cura di), Cronostasi. Tempo filmico e tempo fotografico, Hopefulmonster, Torino 2009;
. Cosetta Saba (a cura di), Arte in videotape, Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2007;
. Domenico Quaranta, Media New Media, Postmedia, Postmedia Books, Milano 2018
- A book to be chosen by the student from the list below:
. Lucy Lippard, Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972, University of California Press, 1997 (1° ed. 1973)
. Germano Celant, Precronistoria 1966-69, Quodlibet, Macerata 2017 (1° ed. 1976)
. Daniela Lancioni (a cura di), Anni '70. Arte a Roma, Iacobelli Editore, Roma 2013
. Cristina Casero, Elena Di Raddo (a cura di), Anni Settanta. La rivoluzione nei linguaggi dell'arte, Postmedia books, Milano 2015
. Lara Conte, Materia, corpo, azione. Ricerche artistiche processuali tra Europa e Stati Uniti. 1966-1970, Electa, Milano 2010
Part B (3 ects; it's requested for the exam of 9 ects)
- Topics of the lessons in Part B;
. Bruce Nauman. Contrapposto Studies, a cura di Carlos Basualdo, Caroline Bourgeois, Palazzo Grassi-Punt della Dogana / Marsilio, Venezia 2021
. Bruce Nauman, Inventa e muori. Interviste 1967-2001, a cura di Farid Rahimi, Milano, Gian Enzo Sperone, a+mbookstore edizioni, 2005;
. Please Pay Attention Please. Le parole di Bruce Nauman, a cura di Janet Kraynak, Postmedia Books, Milano 2004
At the end of lessons, images showed will be available on Ariel website - Course on History of Photography.
Study program (bibliography) for students NOT ATTENDING THE LESSONS:
(Part A is requested for the exam of 6 ects)
Attending lessons is strongly suggested and it is requested for students who aim to request a dissertation in History of Photography and History of Contemporary Art.
Part A (6 ects)
- Jean Claude Lemagny, André Rouillé (a cura di), Storia della fotografia, Sansoni, 1988, (1a ediz. Histoire de la photographie, Paris, Larousse - Bordas, 1986)
- selected parts:
. Rosalind Krauss, Teoria e storia della fotografia, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 1996 (ediz. italiana a cura di Elio Grazioli; 1a ediz. Le photographique. Pour une théorie des écarts, Paris, Macula, 1990) [Prefazione, Introduzione, Cap. 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12];
. Roberto Signorini, Arte del fotografico. I confini della fotografia e la riflessione teorica degli ultimi vent'anni, Editore CRT, 2001 [Introduzione, Capitolo 1]
- Valentina Valentini (a cura di), Le storie del video, Roma, Bulzoni editore, Roma 2003
- Domenico Quaranta, Media New Media, Postmedia, Postmedia Books, Milano 2018
- A book to be chosen by the student from the list below:
. Rosalind Krauss, L'arte nell'era postmediale. Marcel Broodthaers, ad esempio, Postmedia Books, Milano 2005;
. Elena Volpato (a cura di), Cronostasi. Tempo filmico e tempo fotografico, Hopefulmonster, Torino 2009;
. Cosetta Saba (a cura di), Arte in videotape, Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2007;
- A book to be chosen by the student from the list below:
. Lucy Lippard, Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972, University of California Press, 1997 (1° ed. 1973)
. Germano Celant, Precronistoria 1966-69, Quodlibet, Macerata 2017 (1° ed. 1976)
. Daniela Lancioni (a cura di), Anni '70. Arte a Roma, Iacobelli Editore, Roma 2013
. Cristina Casero, Elena Di Raddo (a cura di), Anni Settanta. La rivoluzione nei linguaggi dell'arte, Postmedia books, Milano 2015
. Lara Conte, Materia, corpo, azione. Ricerche artistiche processuali tra Europa e Stati Uniti. 1966-1970, Electa, Milano 2010
Part B (3 ects; it's requested for the exam of 9 ects)
. Bruce Nauman. Contrapposto Studies, a cura di Carlos Basualdo, Caroline Bourgeois, Palazzo Grassi-Punt della Dogana / Marsilio, Venezia 2021
. Bruce Nauman, Inventa e muori. Interviste 1967-2001, a cura di Farid Rahimi, Milano, Gian Enzo Sperone, a+mbookstore edizioni, 2005;
. Please Pay Attention Please. Le parole di Bruce Nauman, a cura di Janet Kraynak, Postmedia Books, Milano 2004;
. Mario Diacono, Materia-destruttura: Richard Serra, Bruce Nauman, Joseph Kosuth, in Mario Diacono, KA. Da Kounellis ad Acconci. Arte materia concetto 1960-1975, Postmedia Books, Milano 2013, pp. 145-169.
Eventual changes in bibliography will be communicated.
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the professor in order to agree upon the program.
Assessement methods for students with disabilities and/or DSA due to be planned with the professor, according to specific Unimi Office.
Students can find information by consulting website:
Gli studenti potranno trovare tutte le principali informazioni organizzative consultando sul web:
- Unimi website
- Humanities Faculty website
- Cultural Heritage and Environment website
- History and Criticism of Art Master's Degree website
(Part A is requested for the exam of 6 ects)
Part A (6 ects)
- Topics of the lessons in Part A;
- Jean Claude Lemagny, André Rouillé (a cura di), Storia della fotografia, Sansoni, 1988, (1a ediz. Histoire de la photographie, Paris, Larousse - Bordas, 1986) [pp. 11-211, pp. 258-270]
- selected parts:
. Rosalind Krauss, Teoria e storia della fotografia, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 1996 (ediz. italiana a cura di Elio Grazioli; 1a ediz. Le photographique. Pour une théorie des écarts, Paris, Macula, 1990) [Prefazione, Introduzione, Cap. 1, 4, 5, 6, 11];
. Roberto Signorini, Arte del fotografico. I confini della fotografia e la riflessione teorica degli ultimi vent'anni, Editore CRT, 2001 [Introduzione, Capitolo 1]
- A book to be chosen by the student from the list below:
. Valentina Valentini (a cura di), Le storie del video, Roma, Bulzoni editore, Roma 2003
. Elena Volpato (a cura di), Cronostasi. Tempo filmico e tempo fotografico, Hopefulmonster, Torino 2009;
. Cosetta Saba (a cura di), Arte in videotape, Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2007;
. Domenico Quaranta, Media New Media, Postmedia, Postmedia Books, Milano 2018
- A book to be chosen by the student from the list below:
. Lucy Lippard, Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972, University of California Press, 1997 (1° ed. 1973)
. Germano Celant, Precronistoria 1966-69, Quodlibet, Macerata 2017 (1° ed. 1976)
. Daniela Lancioni (a cura di), Anni '70. Arte a Roma, Iacobelli Editore, Roma 2013
. Cristina Casero, Elena Di Raddo (a cura di), Anni Settanta. La rivoluzione nei linguaggi dell'arte, Postmedia books, Milano 2015
. Lara Conte, Materia, corpo, azione. Ricerche artistiche processuali tra Europa e Stati Uniti. 1966-1970, Electa, Milano 2010
Part B (3 ects; it's requested for the exam of 9 ects)
- Topics of the lessons in Part B;
. Bruce Nauman. Contrapposto Studies, a cura di Carlos Basualdo, Caroline Bourgeois, Palazzo Grassi-Punt della Dogana / Marsilio, Venezia 2021
. Bruce Nauman, Inventa e muori. Interviste 1967-2001, a cura di Farid Rahimi, Milano, Gian Enzo Sperone, a+mbookstore edizioni, 2005;
. Please Pay Attention Please. Le parole di Bruce Nauman, a cura di Janet Kraynak, Postmedia Books, Milano 2004
At the end of lessons, images showed will be available on Ariel website - Course on History of Photography.
Study program (bibliography) for students NOT ATTENDING THE LESSONS:
(Part A is requested for the exam of 6 ects)
Attending lessons is strongly suggested and it is requested for students who aim to request a dissertation in History of Photography and History of Contemporary Art.
Part A (6 ects)
- Jean Claude Lemagny, André Rouillé (a cura di), Storia della fotografia, Sansoni, 1988, (1a ediz. Histoire de la photographie, Paris, Larousse - Bordas, 1986)
- selected parts:
. Rosalind Krauss, Teoria e storia della fotografia, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 1996 (ediz. italiana a cura di Elio Grazioli; 1a ediz. Le photographique. Pour une théorie des écarts, Paris, Macula, 1990) [Prefazione, Introduzione, Cap. 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12];
. Roberto Signorini, Arte del fotografico. I confini della fotografia e la riflessione teorica degli ultimi vent'anni, Editore CRT, 2001 [Introduzione, Capitolo 1]
- Valentina Valentini (a cura di), Le storie del video, Roma, Bulzoni editore, Roma 2003
- Domenico Quaranta, Media New Media, Postmedia, Postmedia Books, Milano 2018
- A book to be chosen by the student from the list below:
. Rosalind Krauss, L'arte nell'era postmediale. Marcel Broodthaers, ad esempio, Postmedia Books, Milano 2005;
. Elena Volpato (a cura di), Cronostasi. Tempo filmico e tempo fotografico, Hopefulmonster, Torino 2009;
. Cosetta Saba (a cura di), Arte in videotape, Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2007;
- A book to be chosen by the student from the list below:
. Lucy Lippard, Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972, University of California Press, 1997 (1° ed. 1973)
. Germano Celant, Precronistoria 1966-69, Quodlibet, Macerata 2017 (1° ed. 1976)
. Daniela Lancioni (a cura di), Anni '70. Arte a Roma, Iacobelli Editore, Roma 2013
. Cristina Casero, Elena Di Raddo (a cura di), Anni Settanta. La rivoluzione nei linguaggi dell'arte, Postmedia books, Milano 2015
. Lara Conte, Materia, corpo, azione. Ricerche artistiche processuali tra Europa e Stati Uniti. 1966-1970, Electa, Milano 2010
Part B (3 ects; it's requested for the exam of 9 ects)
. Bruce Nauman. Contrapposto Studies, a cura di Carlos Basualdo, Caroline Bourgeois, Palazzo Grassi-Punt della Dogana / Marsilio, Venezia 2021
. Bruce Nauman, Inventa e muori. Interviste 1967-2001, a cura di Farid Rahimi, Milano, Gian Enzo Sperone, a+mbookstore edizioni, 2005;
. Please Pay Attention Please. Le parole di Bruce Nauman, a cura di Janet Kraynak, Postmedia Books, Milano 2004;
. Mario Diacono, Materia-destruttura: Richard Serra, Bruce Nauman, Joseph Kosuth, in Mario Diacono, KA. Da Kounellis ad Acconci. Arte materia concetto 1960-1975, Postmedia Books, Milano 2013, pp. 145-169.
Eventual changes in bibliography will be communicated.
International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the professor in order to agree upon the program.
Assessement methods for students with disabilities and/or DSA due to be planned with the professor, according to specific Unimi Office.
Students can find information by consulting website:
Gli studenti potranno trovare tutte le principali informazioni organizzative consultando sul web:
- Unimi website
- Humanities Faculty website
- Cultural Heritage and Environment website
- History and Criticism of Art Master's Degree website
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment of knowledge and skills: by oral exam about topics of the program and starting from identification and analysis of artworks of Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century.
L-ART/03 - HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY ART - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Colombo Davide
After Christmas Holiday, from Tuesday 7th January 2025, h. 2 pm; appointemt by email is requested.
Dipartimento di Beni culturali e ambientali, via Noto 6, Milan