Genetics and Ethology

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
AGR/17 AGR/19
Learning objectives
The aim of the genetic course section is to provide the student with an effective tool in genetic study of the dogs and the cats. The course will develop the main genetic principles concerning dog and cat breeding procedures and selection choices. Plenty of space will be dedicated to the application of new technologies from genomics sequencing. The ethology section will deal with dog and cat behavior and communication and learning principles. Lessons about the preventions of behavioral problems will be given in order to improve a successful animal-human relationship
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding

·demonstrate knowledge of the basic genetics and qualitative genetics; understanding of goals and methods of the selection schemes applied to the breeding of dogs and cats

·demonstrate knowledge in dogs and cats ethogram and in training and learning protocols

Applying knowledge and understanding

·read results of parentage tests. Manage genetic evaluation information

·improve a successful animal-human relationship and prevent the main behavioral problems

Making Judgements

·be able to interpret genetic evaluation to advise breeders regarding the selection of breeding animals

Communication skills

·students must be able to correctly use the specific scientific and technological terminology

Learning skills

·develop an ability of learning related to the professional context
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for a.y. 2022-23 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation
Prerequisites for admission
No preconditions. The exam is divided into two written tests aimed at the finding of the acquisition, of the correct understanding and of the ability of reworking the contents of the course
Assessment methods and Criteria
Exercises and open-ended questions
The test will be evaluated in thirtieths and the final mark will take into account the accuracy and the quality of the answers
Genetics of pets Animal
Course syllabus
Theoretical lessons 16 hours
Inheritance selection traits (hours 2)
Breeding strategies, knowledge and elimination of recessive genes (hours 2)
Sex linked, sex limited and sex influenced traits (hours 1)
Epistasis , interaction, lethal genes in dog and cat (hours 2)
The influence of environment on heritability, penetrance, expressivity and pleiotropic effects (hours 2)
Coat Colour genetic (hours 3)
Application of DNA techniques on dog and cat selection and breeding (4 hours):
- Genetic identification and parentage test
- Pathologic inheritance
- Genetic variability control
- Gene analysis in morphologically important traits
Practical lessons 16 hours
Exercises about the topics dealt with in the theoretical section
Teaching methods
The lectures will be held at the university classrooms, whereas the practical training at the laboratories. The technical visits will take place in purebred dogs breeding
Teaching Resources
Text: "Genetica animale e applicazioni zootecniche e veterinarie" Casa Editrice Ambrosiana Prof. Giulio Pagnacco
· Professor's lecture notes in PDF format
· Online materials available on Ariel website
Applied Ethology and management of dogs and cats
Course syllabus
lectures: # 2 credits, 16 hours
Tutorials: # 1, 16 hours
dog ethogram (2 h)
cat ethogram (2 h)
Dogs' and Cats'Communication (3 h)
learning (1h)
Welfare in breeding, kennell, cattery and household (2 h)
Prevention of behavioral problems (3 h)
Management problmes in dogs and cats (3 h)
Seminar on canine and feline breeds (2 h)
Techniques and prevention of behavioral problems (4 h)
Techniques of management behavior (4 h)
Management and welfare in kennel and cattery (6 h)
Teaching methods
The lectures will be held at the university classrooms. The technical visits will take place in purebred dogs breeding
Teaching Resources
Online materials available on Ariel website
Text: EDUCAZIONE E COMPORTAMENTO DEL CANE E DEL GATTO. Manuale teorico-pratico J. Shaw, D. Martin. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Testo di approfondimento:
Text: Etologia Applicata e Benessere Animale. A cura di Corrado Carenzi e Michele Panzera. Editore Le Point Vétérinaire d'Italie. Vol 1, 2
Applied Ethology and management of dogs and cats
AGR/19 - ANIMAL SCIENCE - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Cannas Simona
Genetics of pets Animal
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Polli Michele