General and Environmental Biology with Elements of Histology

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The purpose of this Course is to provide a straightforward explanation of the way in which the most important molecules and organelles of the cell, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic, cooperate to create a system that moves, feeds, responds to stimuli, grows and divides, i.e., in a word, that is alive.
Expected learning outcomes
The knowledge/skill acquired at the end of the Course will be: what is that we mean for life, how the life is likely appeared on the Earth, which are the biological macromolecules and how they are built, how such macromolecules cooperate on the ground of their structure/function, which are the cellular organelles, their role, appearance and meaning during evolution. Students will be able not only to identify a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell/organism, but also to understand that higher organisms are communities of specific and differentiated cells derived by growth and division from a single founder cell, the oocyte fertilized by the spermatozoon. Through observation at the light microscopy, with relative explanation, of a wide panel of histological specimen, students are qualified to recognize the kind of animal tissue and the basic function that the selected tissue plays in the general homeostasis.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

A - L

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Properties of the life - Cell Theory - Scientific methodology - Unity and diversity of cells - Different levels of complexity - Sizes of cells and organelles and the units in which they are measured -The light microscopy - The electron microscopy - Biochemical methods: subcellular fractionation and differential centrifugation - Small and big biological molecules - Properties of water - Natural elements and compounds - Carbon as outstanding element - Condensation and hydrolysis reactions - Macromolecules: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic Acids - A trip inside the cell - Procaryotes: Eubacteria and Archeobacteria - Eukaryotes: Protista, single-cell organisms, and metazoans, pluri-cell organisms - The plasma membrane: structure and function - The asymmetry of the membrane: its meaning - Osmosis - Facilitated diffusion and active transport - Cell communication: general principles - The intracellular membranes: the meaning of cell compartmentalization - The smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum - Golgi complex - Lysosomes - Vacuoles - Peroxisomes - Mitochondria: notes on their structure and function - The production of ATP - Chloroplasts - The endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts - Nuclear envelope - Chromatin organization - Nucleosomes - Nucleolus - Transport outside and inside the nucleus - Ribosomes - Protein synthesis: general principles - The Cytoskeleton - Microtubules and the centrosome - Stable microtubules: cilia and flagella - Dynamic microtubules: the mitotic spindle - Actin: globular actin and actin filaments - Cell movement - Intermediate filaments: notes on cell junctions - Cell cycle and mitosis - Mitosis in unicellular versus pluricellular organisms - Asexual reproduction (fission, budding) and sexual reproduction - Gametes and meiosis - Crossing over and genetic recombination - Fertilization and early development. Histology: Epithelia and glands; Connective tissues; Cartilage; Bone; Adipose tissue; Blood (Immunity system); Lymphoid tissue; Muscular tissues (smooth, skeletal, cardiac); Nervous tissue (Neurons, synapses; glial cells).
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures, interaction with students based on lecture slides and additional material provided on ariel at
Autotest and classroom test activities based on multiple choice test simulation. Hands on activities in the histology lab based on identification at the microscope of tissue sections on slides.
Teaching Resources
General Biology: Solomon, Berg, Martin. Elementi di BIOLOGIA, VI Ediz., EdiSES
Histology: Zaccheo e Pestarino. Citologia, Istologia e Anatomia Microscopica - Pearson
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam (multiple choice) for the general biology part. Open questions for the histology part. Oral exam based on discussion of mistakes in the written exam.
Practicals with elements of theory: 12 hours
Lessons: 56 hours

M - Z

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Properties of the life - Cell Theory - Scientific methodology - Unity and diversity of cells - Different levels of complexity - Sizes of cells and organelles and the units in which they are measured -The light microscopy - The electron microscopy - Biochemical methods: subcellular fractionation and differential centrifugation - Small and big biological molecules - Properties of water - Natural elements and compounds - Carbon as outstanding element - Condensation and hydrolysis reactions - Macromolecules: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic Acids - A trip inside the cell - Procaryotes: Eubacteria and Archeobacteria - Eukaryotes: Protista, single-cell organisms, and metazoans, pluri-cell organisms - The plasma membrane: structure and function - The asymmetry of the membrane: its meaning - Osmosis - Facilitated diffusion and active transport - Cell communication: general principles - The intracellular membranes: the meaning of cell compartmentalization - The smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum - Golgi complex - Lysosomes - Vacuoles - Peroxisomes - Mitochondria: notes on their structure and function - The production of ATP - Chloroplasts - The endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts - Nuclear envelope - Chromatin organization - Nucleosomes - Nucleolus - Transport outside and inside the nucleus - Ribosomes - Protein synthesis: general principles - The Cytoskeleton - Microtubules and the centrosome - Stable microtubules: cilia and flagella - Dynamic microtubules: the mitotic spindle - Actin: globular actin and actin filaments - Cell movement - Intermediate filaments: notes on cell junctions - Cell cycle and mitosis - Mitosis in unicellular versus pluricellular organisms - Asexual reproduction (fission, budding) and sexual reproduction - Gametes and meiosis - Crossing over and genetic recombination - Fertilization and early development.
Histology: Epithelia and glands; Connective tissues; Cartilage; Bone; Adipose tissue; Blood (Immunity system); Lymphoid tissue; Muscular tissues (smooth, skeletal, cardiac); Nervous tissue (Neurons, synapses; glial cells).
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures, question and answer sessions. Interaction with students based on lecture slides and additional material provided on the platform Ariel
Classroom test activities for histology and biology (multiple choice) based on test simulations. Hands on activities in the histology lab based on identification at the microscope of tissue sections on slides.
Teaching Resources
Genaral Biology and Histology (all in one):
Dalle Donne I. et al., Citologia e Istologia, I Ediz. 2019, EdiSES

General Biology:
Solomon, Berg, Martin, Elementi di BIOLOGIA, VI Ediz., EdiSES

Dalle Donne I., Gagliano N., Bertolini B. et al. Istologia ed elementi di anatomia microscopica, Ediz. 2009, EdiSES
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam:

HISTOLOGY: Fifteen histological images to identify. It is necessary to recognize at least 10 out of 15 slides to approve histology test.

BIOLOGY: Thirty three multiple choice questions. Right answer = 1 pt, Wrong answer = -0,2 pt, No answer = 0 pt.
The mark is the sum of the scores on 33 questions. Additional bonus of 2 points or 1 point for those who recognized 15 histology slides or at least 13 slides respectively.

Oral exam (optional for marks greater than or equal to 22/30, compulsory for marks lower than 22/30)

Questions on the histology and biology program starting from the grade of the written paper. Oral assessment parameters: reasoning and deduction skills, properties in the specific language, knowledge of the main concepts. Type of evaluation: mark out of thirty.
Method of communicating results: on Ariel. Students have the right to accept or refuse the grade.
Practicals with elements of theory: 12 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Professor: Colombo Graziano
Monday 10.00-18.00 (by appointment)
Department of Biosciences, Via Celoria 26, 20133 Milan.
Thursday 17-18 (by appointment)
office 2b