Floriculture and Turfgrasses

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim is to provide the necessary knowledge for managing the cultivation of the main ornamental species, in greenhouses and in the open air, highlighting the problems and proposing possible solutions, with particular reference to the most innovative ones. Furthermore, the basic knowledge for the installation and maintenance of the different types of turf will be provided. The ultimate goal is to train competent professional figures for the horticultural sector, with adequate technical and critical skills.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire a knowledge of the characteristics and problems of the ornamental crop sector and will obtain a preparation for cultivating the main species in greenhouses and in open air. In addition, he will acquire skills in the installation and management of different types of turf.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus

· Origin and history of floriculture.
· Overview of floriculture in Italy, types of cultivation and diffusion.
· Flowering physiology
· Salient aspects of cultivation techniques (substrates, containers, soil and soilless systems, greenhouses)
· Management of fertilization and irrigation.
· Application of plant growth regulators in floriculture and regulation of flowering.
· Flower nurseries and propagation: seed, cutting, grafting, offshoot, micropropagation.
· Biotechnology in floriculture (notes).
· Post-harvest physiology and technology of cut flowers.


Botanical description and cultivation techniques of some of the most important cultivated species, including: rose, gerbera, carnation, gladiolus, acidophilic, poinsettia, bulbous plants.

· Introduction and economic importance of turf.
· Types of turf: functional, ornamental and recreational, sports.
· Species and mixtures used.
· Cultivation techniques: seedbed preparation, planting, fertilization, irrigation, cutting, weed control, phytosanitary treatments.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of agronomical techniques
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Slides in Power Point with audio and documents in Ariel.
Florovivaismo Principi e tecniche di: Valentina Scariot, Stefania De Pascale, Antonio Ferrante, Daniela Romano. (2022) Ed. Tecniche Nuove.

Tappeti erbosi Costruzione e manutenzione di Fabio Veronesi, Paolo Croce, Alessandro De Luca, Massimo Mocioni, Francesco Saverio Modestini, Luigi Russi, Marco Volterrani. (2023) Ed. Tecniche Nuove.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test. Multiple choice (15) and open questions (3-4). Evaluation in thirtieths. The assessment will consider the level of understanding, correctness in the presentation, appropriateness in the use of technical-scientific language and the ability to synthesize. The result of the written tests will be communicated to the students via e-mail and they will be given the opportunity to discuss the evaluation together with the teacher. The result is refusable.
AGR/04 - VEGETABLE AND ORNAMENTAL CROPS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Cocetta Giacomo