Final Examination
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing necessary knowledge to evaluate an occupational therapy process in childhood with somatic and neuropsychiatric disabilities. Necessary notions will be presented for taking charge in occupational therapy and understand the role of the occupational therapist in different contexts (medical team-family-school).
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to work as an Occupational Therapist, as required by the Dublin Descriptors, and to present the written thesis.
Lesson period: Open sessions
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
The final test has the value of a State Examination, enabling the graduate for professional exercise. It takes place in front of a Commission consisting of 7 to 11 members, 2 of them are selected by the most representative professional association. The final exam takes place in two moments that consist of a practical test and a discussion of a written thesis:
1. Practical test (application value) in which the candidate will prove to have acquired skills of the specific professional profile. In this test, the skills required are referred to the Dublin Descriptors No 2, 3 and 4:
a. Applied knowledge and understanding
B. Making judjements
C. Communication skills.
In particular the following abilities are assessed: the ability to identify problems, make decisions, prioritize patient needs and work processes; to design and decide interventions based on available evidence and organisational conditions; to act safely, to consider ethical and legal dimensions; to refer to inter-professional practice; to evaluate risks and effects on patients.
To pass the practical part of the examination, it is necessary to achieve the sufficiency (1 in a rating from 1 to 5).
2. Dissertation of a thesis. The thesis will have to be relevant to issues related to occupational therapy and developed by the graduate under the guidance of a supervisor and co-supervisor. The thesis can be constructed as a bibliographic or as an experimental research. The thesis makes it possible to ascertain the achievement of the skills indicated in the 5th Dublin Descriptor, that is, the student's ability to learn autonomously and in a methodologically correct way.
The aim of the thesis is to engage the student in a research work, that will contribute to the completion of his/her professional and scientific training. The thesis will be evaluated with regard to the quality, actuality, originality of the content.
1. Practical test (application value) in which the candidate will prove to have acquired skills of the specific professional profile. In this test, the skills required are referred to the Dublin Descriptors No 2, 3 and 4:
a. Applied knowledge and understanding
B. Making judjements
C. Communication skills.
In particular the following abilities are assessed: the ability to identify problems, make decisions, prioritize patient needs and work processes; to design and decide interventions based on available evidence and organisational conditions; to act safely, to consider ethical and legal dimensions; to refer to inter-professional practice; to evaluate risks and effects on patients.
To pass the practical part of the examination, it is necessary to achieve the sufficiency (1 in a rating from 1 to 5).
2. Dissertation of a thesis. The thesis will have to be relevant to issues related to occupational therapy and developed by the graduate under the guidance of a supervisor and co-supervisor. The thesis can be constructed as a bibliographic or as an experimental research. The thesis makes it possible to ascertain the achievement of the skills indicated in the 5th Dublin Descriptor, that is, the student's ability to learn autonomously and in a methodologically correct way.
The aim of the thesis is to engage the student in a research work, that will contribute to the completion of his/her professional and scientific training. The thesis will be evaluated with regard to the quality, actuality, originality of the content.
Prerequisites for admission
Successful examinations of all planned educational activities, to an amount of 173 CFU.
Teaching methods
The practical part of the exam is based upon a videotaped case study. The students have to describe their observations as regards to motricity, cognitive ability and emotions/social interaction during the activity. The student is also invited to make a proposal of intervention plan. The exam is written. The report is then evaluated by the commission in anonymity.
Teaching Resources
To facilitate the organization of the dissertation: follow "Le linee guida tesi" of Jan., 5th 2018. To prepare the students for the practical part of the exam, classroom based lessons are organized.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The committee at the end of the dissertation of the thesis, assigns the final score, determined by the average of the exams, including that of internship, the result of the practical test and the evaluation assigned to the thesis. The two parts of the final test are evaluated equally, both of which will contribute to the determination of the final vote, which will be made up by: weighted average of the curricular examinations compared to 110ths; 5 points for the practical test (1 is minimum to pass); 5 points for dissertation of the thesis. In the case of insufficient evaluation (in the practical test less than 1) the final test is interrupted and must be repeated entirely in the next session.
- University credits: 7
Individual study and practice: 0 hours