Final Exam

A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The student must prepare a manuscript (thesis) for proving his/her capability of applying original ideas in the context of biomedical and translational research. The subject must be agreed with a professor of the degree course and/or of the Faculty of Medicine.
Expected learning outcomes
The student must be able to describe with reference to the international bibliography the scientific background of his/her research and the applied methodologies. Moreover, he/she is expected to elaborate and discuss the obtained results, assessing their possible effects on human health.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
All topics covered during the three years of study.
Prerequisites for admission
The student should have all the professional knowledge reached through all the exams scheduled in the plan of studies. In particular, the student may proceed to the final examination with a positive evaluation of all the training theoretical and practical activities and internship for a total of 342 credits
Teaching methods
The final assesed intership (TPV) includes 5 CFU for Internal Medicine, 5 CFU for Surgery and 5 CFU for General Practice. The students should receive a positive evaluation fromthe professional tutor, assessed by his/her signature. Failure in the TPV preclude the admission to the oral presentation of the thesis.
The final exam has the value of State Examination and consists of dissertation of a written paper (thesis).
Teaching Resources
All the material already indicated to the student during the three years of course. For the written work, the student, under the guidance of the Speaker, will have to independently search for the bibliography related to the topic assigned for the written work.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final examination concerns a discussion of a thesis presented by the student and with the guide of a UNIMI Professor, who is the supervisor; a co-supervisor may be also involved inthe thesis.
Three sessions are scheduled for the discussion of the thesis during summer (July), Autumn (October) and Winter (March)
A committee, composed by 11 Professors, discusses the thesis and decides a score: the thesis' score, together with the career's score, will determinate the final degree score. The maximum score attributable to the thesis is 10 points (one undred and ten is first class honor) .
- University credits: 18
Individual study and practice: 0 hours