Extensive Farming and Eco-Parasitology

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
AGR/19 VET/06
Learning objectives
The course introduces to the fundamental principles of extensive animal husbandry in view of a multifunctional land use, integrating general management principles with specific principles related to ecoparasitology and to the relationships between domestic and wild animals
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will have learned and understood the basic principles and the practical implications related to the dynamics of extensive breeding and interactions with the environment, and will be able to illustrate the aspects related to the correct management and enhancement of the relationship with the surrounding environment.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
No specific prerequisite is required.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview aimed at ascertaining the acquisition, the correct understanding and the ability to re-elaborate the course contents. The educational material available on the Ariel platform allows the formulation of questions aimed at verifying the knowledge of the subject, the expository capacity, the capacity for critical analysis of the contents. The outcome will be expressed in thirtieths and the final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the answers, as well as the communication skills and the ability to adequately motivate statements, analyses and judgments during the interview.
Modulo: Tecnologie di allevamento estensivo
Course syllabus
- Introduction and definition of extensive husbandry systems (1 hour)
- Characteristics and problems of extensive husbandry systems (1 hour)
- Pasture management (carrying capacity, management techniques, etc.) (3 hours)
- Transhumant systems (summer grazing, nomadic sheep flocks) (3 hours)
- Extensive systems for meat production (cattle, swine) (2 hours)
- Extensive systems for fibre production (2 hours)
- Methods for predation prevention (2 hours)
- Tropical animal husbandry (2 hours)
- Projection and discussion of videos (4 hours)
- Seminars (2 hours)
- On-farm visits (8 hours)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, supplemented by projection and discussion of videos on extensive farming experiences and problems of predation. The course ends with a technical visit to extensive farms. Depending on the availability of external speakers, seminars can also be organized to integrate the topics covered during the course.
Teaching Resources
- Slides and supplementary material in pdf format available on the Ariel platform of the course
- Quaderni SoZooAlp (available at www.sozooalp.it)
- Gusmeroli F. (2012) Prati, pascoli e paesaggio alpino. Ed. SoZooAlp (available at http://www.sozooalp.it/Prati-pascoli-e-paesaggio-alp.55.0.html)
Modulo: Parassiti, biodiversità e salute ambientale
Course syllabus
- Definition of biodiversity and environmental health (2 hours)
- Parasites as components of the ecosystem (4 hours)
- Animal-parasite relationship and host specificity (6 hours)
- Environmental and zootechnical management in view of parasite control (2 hours)
- Farming management in view of public health protection (2 hours)

- Activities in laboratory and computer classroom (8 hours)
- In-field,-farm visits (8 hours)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, supplemented by practical activities on the computer, laboratory and on-farm methodologies for the identification and monitoring of animal parasites. The course ends with a technical visit to extensive farms.
Teaching Resources
- Slides of the course, available on the Ariel platform
- Taylor, Coop, Wall. Parassitologia e malattie parassitarie degli animali. Ed. EMSI
- M. Genchi, G. Traldi, C. Genchi - Manuale di parassitologia veterinaria - ED. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Modulo: Parassiti, biodiversità e salute ambientale
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Mortarino Michele
Modulo: Tecnologie di allevamento estensivo
AGR/19 - ANIMAL SCIENCE - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Mattiello Silvana
Wednesday 11.00-12.00
DIVAS - - Lodi Via Dell'Università 6