Clinical Training, 3rd Year

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The educational aim of the internship is to refine the skills of interaction with the patients, the ability to observe, the ability to apply evaluation methods, the ability to make a therapeutic plan based on data collection in various pathological areas and with different age groups.
In addition, the student will be stimulated to develop the ability to follow treatments, to evaluate the outcome, to make the final evaluation.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the internship the student will be able to:
- Establish a therapeutic relationship with patients
- Evaluate the patient during occupational performance
- Define treatment goals
- Plan treatment programmes
- Follow and conduct individual treatments under the supervision of the Tutor
- Follow and conduct the treatment of small groups under the supervision of the Tutor
- Participate in home visits
- Evaluate and propose environmental adaptations and assistive technologies under Tutorial supervision
- Do written reports of environmental adaptations
- Do the final evaluation with conclusions of patient treatments
- Discuss the dynamic relationships in the therapeutic setting
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The student will experience internship under the supervision of experienced and qualified occupational therapists and participate actively in the therapeutic process on which he/she will have to report from time to time. The student will develop observation skills in evaluating and analyzing the level of occupational performance during significant activities for the person. The goal of the 2nd year internship is to:

Clinical reasoning:
The student is obliged to attend the sessions of clinical reasoning that will take place every Friday morning during the period of the internship. The student will be asked to share, questions, doubts, observations, both of positive and negative experiences, regarding patients and situations experienced during the internship.
Prerequisites for admission
Be enrolled in the 3rd year of the course of study
Teaching methods
The student will experience internship under the supervision of experienced and qualified occupational therapists in which he/she will have to develop observation skills. The verification of the progressive acquisitions achieved through the internship will take place through an annual evaluation which will include the discussion of the cases being treated.
Teaching Resources
The student will be given a written guide on how to observe persons engaged in activities and how to draw up an observational report.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification of the progressive acquisitions achieved through the internship will take place through an on-going formative assessment and an annual certification assessment which will include the oral discussion of the cases being treated on the basis of a written report produced by the student.
Process to be submitted for the internship exam:
The student must present a written document concerning the treatment carried out in Occupational Therapy of two patients chosen in collaboration with the internship guide.
· The paper must be organized according to the methods of a scientific article:
· Introduction
· Method and tools
· Results
· Discussion
· Conclusion
Practicals - Exercises: 600 hours