Clinical Training, 2nd Year

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The educational aim of the internship is to develop the skills of interaction with patients, to refine the abilities of observation and application of the evaluation methods in the various pathological areas and with different age groups.
Interaction with tutors will also be stimulated in order to be able to discuss methods and applications of the therapeutic programmes.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the internship the student will be able to:
- Experiment how to enter into a therapeutic relationship with patients
- Collect patient information, through interviewing and consulting the medical records
- Learn the techniques for assessing occupational performance in the various areas of geriatrics, psychiatry, neurology, pediatrics, child neuropsychiatry, orthopedics, rheumatology, intellectual and developmental disability
- Deepen the methods of observation in patients during occupational performance
- Understand and explain the goals and the treatment plans proposed by the tutor
- Reflect on the dynamic relationships in the therapeutic setting
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The student will experience internship under the supervision of experienced and qualified occupational therapists and participate actively in the therapeutic process on which he/she will have to report from time to time. The student will develop observation skills in evaluating and analyzing the level of occupational performance during significant activities for the person. The goal of the 2nd year internship is to:

1. Experimenting how to enter into a therapeutic relationship with patients through empathic ability, identification and use of the individual resources of the person.
2.Gather information on the patient's status, through interviewing according to the Human Occupation Model and consulting the medical records
3. Learn techniques for assessing occupational performance in the different areas of geriatrics, psychiatry, neurology, pediatrics, childhood neuropsychiatry, orthopedics, rheumatology and mental delay.
4. Deepen knowledge in patient observation methodologies during meaningful therapeutic activities and to define the level of occupational performance
5. Understand and explain the goals and treatment plan proposed by the tutor
6. Reflect on dynamic relationships in the therapeutic setting

In adult rehabilitation (neurological-orthopedic-geriatrics) it is desirable to make it possible for the studento to participate in: a small group in occupational therapy (2-3 people); home visits; team meetings; transfers of the patient from WC to wheelchair; from bed to wheelchair; from wheelchair to the car; activities in personal care (clothing, hygiene, nutrition); study/work; play/recreational activities; mobilization of the upper limbs; evaluation of joint motion in the upper limbs; evaluation of the muscle force in the upper limbs; observation of the posture in wheelchair, in upright position, during the activity.

Clinical reasoning:
The student is obliged to attend the sessions of clinical reasoning that will take place every Friday morning during the period of the internship. The student will be asked to share, questions, doubts, observations, both of positive and negative experiences, regarding patients and situations experienced during the internship.
Prerequisites for admission
Be enrolled in the 2st year of the course of study
Teaching methods
The student will experience internship under the supervision of experienced and qualified occupational therapists in which he/she will have to develop observation skills. The verification of the progressive acquisitions achieved through the internship will take place through an annual evaluation which will include the discussion of the cases being treated.
Teaching Resources
The student will be given a written guide on how to observe persons engaged in activities and how to draw up an observational report.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification of the progressive acquisitions achieved through the internship will take place through an annual evaluation which will include the oral discussion of two cases being treated on the basis of a written report that the student has to present.

The written report must be organized in the following way:
1. introducing the clinical aspects and the reason for the patient being referred to Occupational Therapy
2. making an interview to define the occupational performance profile of the person: a) interviewing the patient and / or family to find out the roles, habits, interests, the physical and social environment in which the person lives, the request of the person and / or of the family, the planning of the future of the person and / or the family, self-perception; b) filling in the Components / Criticality form and at the end of the treatment the Components / Criticality / Intervention form
3. filling in the form with the questions for clinical reasoning
4. undertaking an observation in significant activities to establish the level of occupational performance and define the occupational performance problem. Refer to the guide "How and what to observe in occupational therapy" to establish the person's skills and identify problem areas.
5. making conclusions referring to the results obtained through the evaluation process and the clinical reasoning
Practicals - Exercises: 500 hours