Anatomy of Farm Animals

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is designed to provide useful information about morphology and structure of the animal body species of zoo-economic interest. Specifically, the course aims to 1) train the student in the scientific language of anatomy; 2) provide adequate theoretical notions of histology of the fundamental tissues; 3) provide theoretical and practical notions of microscopic and macroscopic anatomy.
During the course the structural and topographical differences of the organs and anatomical apparatuses in the different species to be studied will be emphasized (ruminants, pigs, horses, rabbits and poultry). Students are encouraged to take into account the link with Biology and Histology and to gain the anatomical knowledge in view of the successive study of Physiology.
Expected learning outcomes
Each student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in recognizing and describing the four fundamental tissues: each tissue will be commented in a simple and rational way, describing the main structural elements that distinguish it and highlighting the characteristic elements that allow its histological classification.
In this way the student will be able to apply the knowledge and understanding to organize the micro-anatomical structure of the studied organs.
At the end of the course the student will be able know and understand, in a rational way, the general and species-specific microscopic and macroscopic characteristics of the apparatus of zoo-economic animals studied in the course (pig, horse, cattle, sheep, goat, rabbit and poultry). Finally, the students will have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for a.y. 2022-23 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
Course syllabus
The course concerns topics of histology, and macro- as well as microscopic anatomy referring to food animal species.

-epithelial tissues, glandular tissue (exocrine and endocrine glands and endocrine system (8 hours)
- connective tissues: connective tissue, adipose tissue, connective tissues specialized for supporting functions, blood (4 hours)
- muscle and nervous tissues (4 hours)

Macroscopic and microscopic anatomy:
Anatomical terminology, reference planes and axes, body regions, serous cavities (2 hours);
Generalities on bones and skeleton and general concepts of arthro-myology (4 hours)
General information on the cardiovascular system: heart, blood and lymphatic circulation (6 hours)
Digestive system (14 hours);
Urinary system, male and female reproductive system, embryonic development and placentation (12 hours);
Integumentary system: skin, nails and breast (2 hours).

Practical lessons
Microscopic anatomy - 4 hours common to all students: seminar activity on how to prepare the histological preparations, how to proceed with the reading and interpretation of the histological preparations (also carried out with the aid of multimedia supports); 4 hours in the microscopy laboratory: individual work on histological preparations of tissues and organs
Macroscopic anatomy - 4 hours common to all students: seminar activity on how to deal with the study of macroscopic and comparative and systematic anatomy with the aid of multimedia.
4 hours in the bone lab: individual study with models and bones
Prerequisites for admission
No special prerequisites are required: basic knowledge of animal biology is a valid aid for understanding the contents.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face lessons in the classroom also with the aid of 3D models for the study of the various anatomical apparatuses of the course
Teaching Resources
Recommended text:
R. Bortolami, E. Callegari, P. Clavenzani, V. Beghelli: Anatomia e Fisiologia degli Animali Domestici. Edagricole, Bologna, 2009. ISBN-978-88-506-5311-9.
The online course is active on the University's ARIEL portal:
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview aimed at ascertaining the acquisition, correct understanding and ability to rework the content of the course. The educational material available on the Ariel platform allows the formulation of questions aimed at verifying the knowledge of the topic, the exhibition capacity, the ability to critically analyze the contents. The test will be assessed out of thirty and the final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the answers, as well as the communicative ability and the ability to adequately motivate statements, analyzes and judgments during the final interview. For students enrolled in the first year of the course, an intermediate written histology test is scheduled during the teaching break in November.
VET/01 - VETERINARY ANATOMY - University credits: 8
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Educational website(s)
By appointment
Lodi - Via dell'Università 6 - 26900 - Lodi (LO)