Sociology of Migration

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Conoscenza e comprensione delle principali coordinate delle politiche migratorie, con particolare riferimento alle tre aree delle politiche dell'immigrazione, delle politiche per gli immigrati e delle politiche locali.
Approfondimento di questioni specifiche: politiche degli ingressi, immigrazione irregolare, multiculturalismo, cittadinanza.
Analisi delle visioni e delle modalità di inquadramento del tema da parte dei diversi attori, con riferimento ai principali interessi e valori in gioco.
Expected learning outcomes
Applicazione delle conoscenze acquisite all'analisi critica dei principali nodi problematici delle politiche migratorie
Promozione della capacità di comprensione delle forme di stratificazione civica della popolazione residente (dai cittadini a pieno titolo ai soggiornanti irregolari) e delle disuguaglianze nella distribuzione del diritto alla mobilità attraverso le frontiere
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
In principle, classes will be held in presence.
If this will not be allowed, classes will be held on the Platform TEAMS. Students will be allowed to attend them both in synchronous (Second term, from January to March) and asyncronous form, as they will be recorded and made available on the same platform.
Course syllabus
The course aims to provide a solid knowledge and a set of tools to understand migration policies, paying particular attention to the Italian and European case compared to the international context. The course is divided into four parts:
1) Immigration policies: borders, right of mobility, irregular immigration
2) Policies for immigrants: multiculturalism, civic integration, reception of refugees, citizenship as a legal frame and as a practical activity
3) Local policies for immigrants as a battleground
4) Immigrant care workers and invisible Welfare.

During the course seminars, activities and presentations of recent research studies will be also planned

First part: Immigration policies.
1. Immigration as a challenge of national sovereignty
2. The right to mobility and the selective regulation of access to the national territory
3. The issue of irregular immigration
4. The paths to regularization of irregular immigrants
5. The policies towards asylum seekers and refugees

Second part: Policies for the immigrants
1. The discussion on multiculturalism
2. The new emphasis on "civic integration" in the European Union and neo-assimilationist policies
3. Diversity and interculturalism
4. The reception of asylum seekers
5. Citizenship: legal rules and social practices

Third part: Local policies and trends
1. Diversity policies at the local level
2. Local policies of exclusion against immigrants and refugees
3. The action of civil society. Migration policies as a battleground
4. Immigrants' religions and integration

Fourth part: Immigrants' contribution to the informal Welfare
1. Immigrant careworkers and native families
2. Transnational families of immigrants
3. The contradictions between the care regime and migration regime
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of general sociology is recommended as a prerequisite. For students speaking Italian, attendance of the course "Migration processes" is equally recommended
Teaching methods
Each class will consist of a lecture-style presentation accompanied by slides and an open discussion with the participants.
Active participation by students will be encouraged. Students are expected to constructively participate with questions and comments, to highlight main points and/or comparative aspects of the issue at stake.
Active participation by students is strongly recommended. In order to be recognized as a participant, a student is required to attend at least 75 per cent of the classes, signing the sheet.
No exceptions are admitted.
Teaching Resources
M.Ambrosini, Irregular Immigration in Southern Europe. Actors, Dynamics and Governance, Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, 2018.
M.Ambrosini, M. Cinalli, D. Jacobson, Migrations, Borders and Citizenship, Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, 2019.

Other articles will be suggested during the classes.
Slides and notes taken during the classes will complement the bibliography.

Students are invited to download the slides of the course from the Professor's website, or from ARIEL.
[Web site]:
Assessment methods and Criteria
If rules will allow, the exam will be written and will consist of a list of ten open questions, with 10' for each question (1 hour 40 minutes).
It will evaluate the level of knowledge of the main issues of the course, the ability to critically analyse the concepts, the competence in discussing migration policies at international, national and local level.
If this will not be allowed, the exam will be due in written form, but at a distance, with the same requirements
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Ambrosini Maurizio
Monday and Tuesday, 10:30-12:30, taking an appointment by email. If necessary, other appointments on-line can be established, upon students' request
via Passione 15, office 312, third floor