Sociology and Methods of Education On Legality
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to enhance the strategic importance of the processes of lawfulness education for the quality of democracies in the first part, with special reference to social systems, such as the Italian one, characterized by a high presence of corruption and organized crime. Its premise is that the fight against corruption and crime must take place by operating on a vast system of cultural, elitist or widespread complicity. And that this work, instead of being peaceful, leads to conflict with models of thought, social customs and consolidated languages. For this purpose, it selects some analytical categories of social, legal and political thought, from Machiavelli to Gramsci, from Kelsen to Bobbio or Bourdieu, from Leopardi to Pasolini or Don Milani, to understand the mechanisms that concretely hinder the processes of education and civil progress.
In its second part, the course aims to focus the functional processes for the development of the spirit of legality. On the one hand, therefore, it seeks to design the paths that, without being intentionally oriented towards the objective of legality, contribute to its construction in daily life: from the attributions of meaning and value to the development of principles of solidarity, freedom or justice. On the other hand, it contextualizes and studies, with particular reference to the Italian experience, educational, active citizenship or anti-mafia movements, which have grown especially in the youth world and which appear to be potential carriers of a new public ethic as well as a renewed theory of conflict and civil modernization.
In its second part, the course aims to focus the functional processes for the development of the spirit of legality. On the one hand, therefore, it seeks to design the paths that, without being intentionally oriented towards the objective of legality, contribute to its construction in daily life: from the attributions of meaning and value to the development of principles of solidarity, freedom or justice. On the other hand, it contextualizes and studies, with particular reference to the Italian experience, educational, active citizenship or anti-mafia movements, which have grown especially in the youth world and which appear to be potential carriers of a new public ethic as well as a renewed theory of conflict and civil modernization.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the weaknesses and ambiguities of the Italian "public spirit", and of their roots, as well as the historical significance of the educational and cultural processes that in different ways cooperate for the development of a more advanced ethics of legality.
The acquired knowledge and understanding aim to provide the necessary skills to recognize in one's own time the attitudes and mentalities that can positively or negatively guide the relationships between civil culture and criminal phenomena.
Critical and judgment skills are developed through comparison with numerous external witnesses, especially deepening an empirical analysis of the limits of the same experiences of education to legality.
The ability to communicate what has been learned is promoted in several ways: written papers from the very first part of the course, the final oral examination, open and continuous discussions in the classroom on specific topics, the opportunity to participate in supplementary educational paths, such as the anti-mafia journalism laboratory, or trips (with tutoring functions towards younger students) organized by the university or by the Ministry of Education, as in the case of the so-called "Falcone Ship".
The acquired knowledge and understanding aim to provide the necessary skills to recognize in one's own time the attitudes and mentalities that can positively or negatively guide the relationships between civil culture and criminal phenomena.
Critical and judgment skills are developed through comparison with numerous external witnesses, especially deepening an empirical analysis of the limits of the same experiences of education to legality.
The ability to communicate what has been learned is promoted in several ways: written papers from the very first part of the course, the final oral examination, open and continuous discussions in the classroom on specific topics, the opportunity to participate in supplementary educational paths, such as the anti-mafia journalism laboratory, or trips (with tutoring functions towards younger students) organized by the university or by the Ministry of Education, as in the case of the so-called "Falcone Ship".
Lesson period: Third trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
In the first part the course, through an experimental and interactive approach, develops a reflection on the general relationship between educational processes and quality of social systems, with particular reference to the values of freedom, responsibility and democracy. It analyzes the mass ethical, cultural and psychological factors that influence the public spirit in the Italian social and institutional context, indicating legality as a major unresolved issue in national history. The second part of the course studies the path taken in Italy by the lawfulness education movement since the end of the 20th century. It explains the birth of this movement, its close relationship with some relevant social traumas, especially related to the aggression of criminal organizations towards institutions and civil coexistence; and point out the theoretical and practical approaches with which it has been nourished. Going from the "road teachers" of Naples to the different anti-mafia didactic projects carried out in high schools or to the path of re-socialization in prisons, the course progressively enumerates the most innovative educational strands expressed by the recent Italian reality. And it hosts witnesses of experiences realized in the most problematic urban and social contexts to acquire new cognitive perspectives and new ideas of general theory. To that end it problematizes the relationship of these educational strands with the main cultural and ethical problems of Italian society, trying to verify their possible sintonies with the social and civil movements ongoing in the national and international context.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no particular requirements
Teaching methods
Integrated lessons from testimonials on significant experiences and from visits to significant places, with subsequent analyzes and classroom discussions, open to the presentation of written contributions.
Teaching Resources
Mandatory Texts:
Nando dalla Chiesa, La legalità è un sentimento. Manuale controcorrente di educazione civica, Bompiani, Milano, 2021
One option between:
Luigi Ciotti, La speranza non è in vendita, Edizioni Gruppo Abele-Giunti, Torino-Firenze, 2011; Luigi Ciotti, L'eresia della verità, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, Torino, 2017;
Carla Melazzini, Insegnare al principe di Danimarca, Sellerio, Palermo, 2011;
CROSS, Storia dell'educazione alla legalità nella scuola italiana, 2018, (Introduction and two chapters to be chosen between Lombardia, Campania, Calabria and Sicilia)
Recommended reading:
One of the following:
Antonino Caponnetto, Io non tacerò: una vita contro la mafia, Melampo, Milano, 2011
Gherardo Colombo, Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Il legno storto della giustizia, Garzanti, Milano, 2017
Nando dalla Chiesa, La scuola di via Pasquale Scura, Filema, Napoli, 2004
Nando dalla Chiesa, Manifesto dell'Antimafia, Einaudi, Torino, 2014
Elvio Fassone, Fine pena ora, Sellerio, Palermo, 2015
Aurelio Grimaldi, Meri per sempre, La Luna , Palermo, 1987
don Lorenzo Milani, Lettera a una professoressa, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, Firenze, 1976
Further teaching material will be offered and created within the course
Further teaching material will be offered and created within the course
Further teaching material will be offered and created within the course
Nando dalla Chiesa, La legalità è un sentimento. Manuale controcorrente di educazione civica, Bompiani, Milano, 2021
One option between:
Luigi Ciotti, La speranza non è in vendita, Edizioni Gruppo Abele-Giunti, Torino-Firenze, 2011; Luigi Ciotti, L'eresia della verità, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, Torino, 2017;
Carla Melazzini, Insegnare al principe di Danimarca, Sellerio, Palermo, 2011;
CROSS, Storia dell'educazione alla legalità nella scuola italiana, 2018, (Introduction and two chapters to be chosen between Lombardia, Campania, Calabria and Sicilia)
Recommended reading:
One of the following:
Antonino Caponnetto, Io non tacerò: una vita contro la mafia, Melampo, Milano, 2011
Gherardo Colombo, Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Il legno storto della giustizia, Garzanti, Milano, 2017
Nando dalla Chiesa, La scuola di via Pasquale Scura, Filema, Napoli, 2004
Nando dalla Chiesa, Manifesto dell'Antimafia, Einaudi, Torino, 2014
Elvio Fassone, Fine pena ora, Sellerio, Palermo, 2015
Aurelio Grimaldi, Meri per sempre, La Luna , Palermo, 1987
don Lorenzo Milani, Lettera a una professoressa, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, Firenze, 1976
Further teaching material will be offered and created within the course
Further teaching material will be offered and created within the course
Further teaching material will be offered and created within the course
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral test, with the aim of assessing the maturity of knowledge and theoretical and methodological perspectives acquired within the course and through reading the texts. Faculty to discuss, in addition, a free written reflection on the contents of the course, also in reference to the didactic and training activities carried out laterally (external testimonies, travel, visits, etc.), or in reference to educational experiences carried out independently by the student in the association or institutional field. This discussion contributes to forming the final evaluation.
Lessons: 40 hours
Dalla Chiesa Fernando, Panzarasa Martina