Political and Economic Geography (advanced)
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide, to students of the master's degree course, the theoretical and analytical tools of political and economic geography to allow to develop critical thinking and interpretations of main economic and political phenomena which take place in space and landscape. Attention will be paid in particular to the themes of globalization and post-globalization, development and underdevelopment, spatial relations, international cooperation and tourism, in harmony with the more general training foreseen by the master's degree course in "Languages and Cultures for International Communication and Cooperation". Specifically, the objectives of the course include:
- gain knowledge and interpretive skills with reference to the spatial aspects of economic, political and geopolitical phenomena;
- the development of independent judgment and communication skills in an advanced argumentation and interpretation of relevant geo-economic and geopolitical phenomena.
- gain knowledge and interpretive skills with reference to the spatial aspects of economic, political and geopolitical phenomena;
- the development of independent judgment and communication skills in an advanced argumentation and interpretation of relevant geo-economic and geopolitical phenomena.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must have developed knowledge and sensitivity functional to the use of a 'geographical and critical view' on a vast number of economic and political phenomena.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021-22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
Course syllabus
The first part of the course aims to introduce students to a critical reflection and to the global scale on contents, practices and tools of political and economic geography. The course will tend to grasp the great diversity of the contemporary world (with its regions that know different forms of development, underdevelopment and cooperation) and to highlight the different actors and points of view present on the international political scene and in world economic circuits. The main political-economic flows, transnational and technological networks, forms of governance at different geographical scales will also be analyzed.
The second part of the course will study the theme of the Anthropocene with its forms, its practices, its flows and its circuits. Globalization, current socio-economic relations and today's geopolitical realities seem to have opened a new era for the Earth and new challenges for its inhabitants.
The second part of the course will study the theme of the Anthropocene with its forms, its practices, its flows and its circuits. Globalization, current socio-economic relations and today's geopolitical realities seem to have opened a new era for the Earth and new challenges for its inhabitants.
Prerequisites for admission
Students should know the main concepts of regional, urban, political and economic geography. Students who do not possess these prerequisites are invited to read the text of Frémont A., Vi piace la geografia? Carocci, Roma, 2007.
Teaching methods
Lectures useful to privilege the logical-conceptual language; participatory lessons supported by images, pictures, cartographic and paracartographic representations to strengthen the learning of the visual and iconographic language; interactive lessons conducted by the teacher and by experts on specific topics.
Teaching Resources
The teaching will be organized in two teaching unit, A and B.
The student who intends to take the exam as an attending student will bring the following program:
Teaching Unit A
- E-learning lessons and documents uploaded on "Ariel" digital teaching platform;
- Conti S., Giaccaria P., Rossi U., Salone C., Geografia economica e politica, Pearson, Milano-Torino, 2014.
Teaching Unit B
- E-learning lessons and documents uploaded on "Ariel" digital teaching platform;
- Padoa-Schioppa E., Antropocene. Una nuova epoca per la Terra. Una sfida per l'umanità, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2021.
The student who intends to take the exam as a Non-attending student will bring the following program:
Teaching Unit A
- Cerreti C., Marconi M., Sellari P., Manuale di geografia politica ed economica, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2019. Students have to prepare the first four parts of the text. The fifth part of the text, on the other hand, is not to be studied.
Teaching Unit B
- Moore J.W., Antropocene o capitalocene? Scenari di ecologia-mondo nella crisi planetaria, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2017.
The student who intends to take the exam as an attending student will bring the following program:
Teaching Unit A
- E-learning lessons and documents uploaded on "Ariel" digital teaching platform;
- Conti S., Giaccaria P., Rossi U., Salone C., Geografia economica e politica, Pearson, Milano-Torino, 2014.
Teaching Unit B
- E-learning lessons and documents uploaded on "Ariel" digital teaching platform;
- Padoa-Schioppa E., Antropocene. Una nuova epoca per la Terra. Una sfida per l'umanità, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2021.
The student who intends to take the exam as a Non-attending student will bring the following program:
Teaching Unit A
- Cerreti C., Marconi M., Sellari P., Manuale di geografia politica ed economica, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2019. Students have to prepare the first four parts of the text. The fifth part of the text, on the other hand, is not to be studied.
Teaching Unit B
- Moore J.W., Antropocene o capitalocene? Scenari di ecologia-mondo nella crisi planetaria, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2017.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview. The aim is to verify the knowledge of the main themes of political and economic geography (dealt in class or present in the texts indicated in the course program). Specifically, the master's degree student will be assessed: on her/his ability to interpret the spatial aspects of socio-economic and political phenomena; on her/his communication skills of the main themes of the discipline; on her/his critical interpretative skills towards the topics studied.
Lessons: 40 hours
Gavinelli Dino
Office hours are held every Tuesday, on a weekly basis, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. It is not necessary to book.
Office hours will be held in presence in the office 1044 in Sesto San Giovanni or, for specific reasons, via skype. The skype address during reception hours is: dinogavinelli.