Japanese Culture Ii
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
This year the course will be focused on the analysis of the socioeconomic structures of contemporary Japan, discussed in a historical perspective and within the regional and global context. The goal is to provide the student with the knowledge and the instruments for a critical appraisal of the main tendencies and of the scholarly interpretations of Japanese post-war economic development.
Expected learning outcomes
As a result, by the end of this course the students will have acquired a wide knowledge of the socioeconomic structures of contemporary Japan, their evolution in the post-war period and their distinctive characteristics analysed in a comparative perspective. This knowledge will enable the student to understand the current reality and the main trends that are shaping and changing the Japanese economy and society.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
In case of the emergency continuing in the second term, classes will be held using the following platform: Microsoft Teams.
Course syllabus
In the first part of the course, the relevant aspects and the structural characteristics of Japanese capitalism will be analysed in a historical perspective.
In the second part, the following topics will be discussed: the role of the state in the promotion of economic development, the organization of the financial system, the industrial structure and the role of big business, industrial relations and the organization of the labour movement, the Japanese approach to company management and the economic relations with other regions and countries.
In the third and final part, current issues will be discussed. Namely, the ageing of population, the role and the change of women role, the opening of the labour market, the growing public debt and the Japanese government and society approach to climate change.
In the second part, the following topics will be discussed: the role of the state in the promotion of economic development, the organization of the financial system, the industrial structure and the role of big business, industrial relations and the organization of the labour movement, the Japanese approach to company management and the economic relations with other regions and countries.
In the third and final part, current issues will be discussed. Namely, the ageing of population, the role and the change of women role, the opening of the labour market, the growing public debt and the Japanese government and society approach to climate change.
Prerequisites for admission
o attend this course students should have already acquired a good knowledge of the modern and contemporary history of Japan. Students are advised to read the volume by Caroli and Gatti on the history of Japan, the 2017 edition published by Laterza and the recent Andrea Revelant, Il Giappone moderno dall'Ottocento al 1945, Einaudi, Torino, 2018.
Students are strongly invited to read the two chapters on the economic history of Japan in David Flath, The Japanese Economy, Oxford University Press, 2014 edition.
Students are strongly invited to read the two chapters on the economic history of Japan in David Flath, The Japanese Economy, Oxford University Press, 2014 edition.
Teaching methods
Lectures taught by the instructor. Depending on the evolution of the situation, a few classes on specific topics will be taught by experts invited by the instructor.
Teaching Resources
Beside the instructors' slides, student are expected to refer to the following two texts:
David Flath, The Japanese Economy, Oxford University Press, Oxfors, 2014 edition,
Parissa Haghirian (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management, Routledge, London, 2016.
David Flath, The Japanese Economy, Oxford University Press, Oxfors, 2014 edition,
Parissa Haghirian (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management, Routledge, London, 2016.
Assessment methods and Criteria
At the end of the course students will have to pass an oral examination. To prepare for the exam students can refer to the slides prepared by the instructor and made available after the classes.
Lessons: 40 hours
Molteni Corrado