History of Archives and Libraries

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge of the history of archives and library history and to develop research knowledge in publisher archives and author libraries. The first module examines monographic texts within cultural archives and more specifically on those of editorial relevance. The second module, based on institutional studies, is aimed at retracing the history of libraries from antiquity to the present day. The third module has a seminar approach and is aimed at deepening the presence of the library as a literary theme, as well as other problems related to the contemporary history of libraries and archives through a choice of themes to be addressed, where possible, in direct comparison with sources. The lessons will be supported by guided tours at the Braidense National Library and/or the Archivio di Stato di Milano and/or the Apice Centre of the University of Milan and/or the Arnoldo and Alberto Mondadori Foundation in Milan.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, the student will have to demonstrate that they has acquired the main knowledge relating to the disciplines of the different documentary sciences, historical evolution and the organization of libraries in Italy, and the different types of public and private archives, with particular focus on the cases of private libraries and editorial archives that will be presented during lecture (or, for those opting not to attend the course, those that are covered in the texts scheduled). The student will have to demonstrate that they can apply the knowledge acquired to today's library contexts and documentary collections, will have to demonstrate that they know how to communicate the learned content clearly and correctly having mastered the specialist lexicon of the discipline.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
On the course page on Ariel, students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the programme and its related documents (bibliography etc).
The lesson calendar will be published on the Ariel course page.
Students attending, in addition to the bibliography already reported in the program, will obviously have to know the contents of the lessons, as well as the materials and resources published in the online course.
For students who decide not to make use of the lessons uploaded on the platform, the program for non-attendants will be valid.
In case it proves impossible to hold the exam face to face, the exam will take place remotely, in ways which will be communicated on the course page on Ariel at the end of the course.
Course syllabus
Module A: Publishers' archives
The first specialistic module concerns cultural archives and more specifically those of editorial relevance.
Module B: History of libraries
The second generalistic module is aimed at tracing the history of libraries from antiquity to the present.
Module C: Private libraries
The third module has a seminar format and it is aimed at examining themes and problems relating to the contemporary history of private libraries and cultural archives through a choice of topics to be addressed, where possible, in direct comparison with the sources.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements different from those requested for the admission to the MA degree in historical sciences.
Teaching methods
Attendance at classes is strongly recommended although not compulsory. Teaching is delivered through frontal lectures aimed primarily at the acquisition of knowledge, competence, and specific language of the subject matter. Discussion with the teacher in the classroom is an integral part of the didactic method and aims at promoting a critical attitude and the ability to apply the acquired competence and knowledge.
The teaching is also based on didactic material provided in ARIEL.
In addition to frontal lectures, team works, individual presentations, attendance at conferences and seminars, visit to libraries and archives are planned (if possible).
Teaching Resources
Programme for 6 ECTS:

1. Patrizia Angelucci, Breve storia degli archivi e dell'archivistica, Perugia, Morlacchi Editore, 2017
2. Frédéric Barbier, Storia delle biblioteche. Dall'antichità a oggi, Milano, Bibliografica 2016
3. Roberta Cesana, Sui cataloghi editoriali e altri saggi, Macerata, Biblohaus, 2015
4. Papers assigned in class (full bibliography will be available on Ariel site at the end of the course).

Programme for 9 ECTS:

1. Patrizia Angelucci, Breve storia degli archivi e dell'archivistica, Perugia, Morlacchi Editore, 2017
2. Frédéric Barbier, Storia delle biblioteche. Dall'antichità a oggi, Milano, Bibliografica 2016
3. Roberta Cesana, Sui cataloghi editoriali e altri saggi, Macerata, Biblohaus, 2015
4. Alberto Manguel, La biblioteca di notte, Milano, Archinto, 2007
5. Papers assigned in class (full bibliography will be available on Ariel site at the end of the course).

Programme for 6 ECTS:

1. Patrizia Angelucci, Breve storia degli archivi e dell'archivistica, Perugia, Morlacchi Editore, 2017
2. Frédéric Barbier, Storia delle biblioteche. Dall'antichità a oggi, Milano, Bibliografica 2016
3. Giorgio Montecchi, Storie di biblioteche, di libri e di lettori, Milano, Franco Angeli 2018
4. Roberta Cesana, Sui cataloghi editoriali e altri saggi, Macerata, Biblohaus, 2015
5. Alberto Manguel, La biblioteca di notte, Milano, Archinto, 2007

Programme for 9 ECTS:

1. Patrizia Angelucci, Breve storia degli archivi e dell'archivistica, Perugia, Morlacchi Editore, 2017
2. Frédéric Barbier, Storia delle biblioteche. Dall'antichità a oggi, Milano, Bibliografica 2016
3. Giorgio Montecchi, Storie di biblioteche, di libri e di lettori, Milano, Franco Angeli 2018
4. Andrea Capaccioni, Le origini della biblioteca contemporanea, Milano, Bibliografica, 2017
5. Roberta Cesana, Sui cataloghi editoriali e altri saggi, Macerata, Biblohaus, 2015
6. Alberto Manguel, La biblioteca di notte, Milano, Archinto, 2007

International and Erasmus students are invited to promptly get in touch with the professor in order to arrange a reading plan (available in English) for exam preparation.
Assessment methods and Criteria
- Method: oral exam
- Type of examination: oral interrogation
- Evaluation criteria: ability to demonstrate and elaborate knowledge; ability for critical reflection on the completed work; quality of exposition, competence in the use of specialised lexicon, efficacy, clarity
- Type of evaluation method: mark in 30s
The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the professor, as well as the relevant office.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours