Hindi I

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
First learning objective of this teaching is developing the knowledge related to a general understanding of online publications and online videos (extracts) in Hindi language related to the area of information and current affairs, focusing on lexical, syntactic and grammatical peculiarities that characterize it. Furthermore, this teaching aims to introduce the students to the phases and logics that accompany the realization of this communicative process in heterogeneous contemporary Indian society (indigenous communities, NRIs, PIOs etc.). In addition to the more purely linguistic and, above all, lexical notions, this teaching aims to offer the theoretical tools necessary to identify, analyze and understand the ideological, cultural, social and economic logics and dynamics that guide and govern communication and its process in Hindi, determining its expressive modalities and linguistic choices.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this teaching, the students should have improved their lexical knowledge by acquiring the terminology that characterizes the language of information communication in its various online forms: written and audiovisual ones. The analysis of a large number of productions will allow them to improve and consolidate their skills, refining the sensitivity necessary to understand and transpose, if necessary, not only the contents, but the socio-cultural basics and extra-linguistic elements increasing the persuasive force of the message expressed. Furthermore, the study of the extra-linguistic component of communication will allow the students to consolidate their knowledge of the socio-cultural dynamics and ideological orientations that permeate the various components of contemporary Indian society as a heterogeneous entity. The students will therefore learn to apply their knowledge of Indian history and culture to the deciphering of messages related to linguistic and cultural mediation, thus developing their critical skills and learning to rework previous knowledge in order to penetrate the complexity of contemporary socio-cultural and linguistic products.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021/22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
Course syllabus
During the lessons will be analyzed some theoretical essays concerning the communication area in Hindi language which will, then, be dealt with and examined practically in depth by communications taken from online publications, online videos etc. The teaching will focus, therefore, as well as on the contents, on the lexicon adopted, in order to acquire both theoretical, linguistic and lexical tools to be able to reflect and examine linguistic components and socio-cultural implications of a series of news and communications considered during the lessons.
Program for non-attending students is the same adopted for attending students. Non-attending students who will face difficulties in preparing for the exam program do not hesitate to contact the teacher to request explanations about the contents of the exam program.
Since attendance is considered an integral part of the learning process, which is not intended only for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge of a grammatical nature, but, in equal measure, of expressive and oral skills, it is highly recommended.
Prerequisites for admission
This teaching requires knowledge of the Indian historical-political fundamental features, Indian socio-cultural contexts and good command of Hindi language (understanding, expression, production) as prerequisites.
Teaching methods
The teacher will use: a) frontal lessons; b) thematic insights offered to students (with oral discussions and analyzes in the classroom of the conclusions reached); c) preparation (by students) of written papers; d) telematic supports; e) disciplinary laboratory of exercises. Since attendance at lessons is considered an integral part of the learning process, which is not intended only for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge of a grammatical nature, but, equally, for expressive and oral skills, it is highly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Reference texts are: S. Staurengo, Corso di Traduzione Specialistica di Lingua Hindi. Società, cultura, lingua, Edizioni Unicopli, Milano 2013; महिपाल सिंह , देवेंद्र मिश्र , विश्व बाज़ार में हिंदी , वाणी प्रकाशन , नयी दिल्ली , ( प्रथम संस्करण ) 2008.

In case of need, the teacher has some extra copies of the aforementioned texts for attending students.

Further bibliographical indications will be provided to the students at the beginning of the teaching. However, it is highly recommended to have one of the following dictionaries:
R.S. McGregor (ed.), Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1993.
R.C. Pathak, Bhargava's Standard Illustrated Dictionary of the Hindi Language (Hindi-English Edition), Bhargava Book Depot, Varanasi, 2004.

In the study of Prof. Angelillo, then, there are always several copies of the Hindi magazine Bhārat Pariprekṣyă (India Perspectives) published by the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The students who are interested can view the numbers of the magazine in the room and choose those of their interest.
Program for non-attending students is the same adopted for attending ones.
Assessment methods and Criteria
This exam includes a written test and an oral test. Passing successfully the written test is binding for access to the oral one. The written test involves the writing of a critical article about one of the topics covered. MODERATE use of the dictionary is allowed. Oral test will start from the correction of the written one and will provide a translation from Hindi to Italian. The teacher will then evaluate the oral expression skills of the candidate by asking him/her to answer questions or to talk about a topic known to the student.
The exam is the same for both attending and non-attending students.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Staurengo Silvia