German Ii
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide language skills at C2 level, to improve skills in the field of mediation and to develop metalinguistic reflection also through contrastive analysis applied to specialized texts (legal language and business language).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- Produce written and oral texts on political, economic and current topics;
- Translate texts of levels C1 and C2 (law and economics);
- Paraphrase and summarize texts of levels C1 and C2 (law and economics);
- Define the main features of legal language;
- Define the main features of business language;
- Describe the concept of metaphor;
- Identify metaphors and their function in specialized texts;
- Work in groups and present the results of the analysis orally.
- Produce written and oral texts on political, economic and current topics;
- Translate texts of levels C1 and C2 (law and economics);
- Paraphrase and summarize texts of levels C1 and C2 (law and economics);
- Define the main features of legal language;
- Define the main features of business language;
- Describe the concept of metaphor;
- Identify metaphors and their function in specialized texts;
- Work in groups and present the results of the analysis orally.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Unit 1
This course provides an overview of the characteristics of Business German and German as a Business Language in a broad sense. Text competence and textual skills are deepened and listening skills will be enhanced. Original texts, for instance from internet platforms dedicated to the topics in question, will be analysed. Adequate attention will be given to both the receptive competences—reading, listening, viewing (the so-called audio-visual comprehension (Hör-Seh-Verstehen) - and productive skills or competences (including speaking and writing) of the German language - also on a metalinguistic level - using various communicative strategies.
At the end of the course, students will be able to independently analyse a scientific test (audio, video, or written text) and present the results of the analysis in a digital presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi).
Unit 2
This course provides an overview of the characteristics of sociological German in a broad sense. Text competence and textual skills are deepened and listening skills will be enhanced. Original texts, for instance from internet platforms dedicated to the topics in question, will be analysed. Adequate attention will be given to both the receptive competences—reading, listening, viewing (the so-called audio-visual comprehension (Hör-Seh-Verstehen) - and productive skills or competences (including speaking and writing) of the German language - also on a metalinguistic level - using various communicative strategies.
At the end of the course, students will be able to independently analyse a scientific test (audio, video, or written text) and present the results of the analysis in a digital presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi).
Unit 3
The German legal language
The course in legal German is aimed at comparing text types and learning the syntax and terminology specific to the legal language of the German language, supported by an adequate structural reflection of the language. The course will be based on listening to and reading legal texts of various types, taken both from the recommended textbooks and from material on related topics (of a legal-economic nature), taken in an explanatory manner from , . The texts will be analysed and discussed, both in plenary and in pairs or small groups, and where appropriate, grammatical and syntactical reinforcement will be introduced, aimed at expanding the content.
This course provides an overview of the characteristics of Business German and German as a Business Language in a broad sense. Text competence and textual skills are deepened and listening skills will be enhanced. Original texts, for instance from internet platforms dedicated to the topics in question, will be analysed. Adequate attention will be given to both the receptive competences—reading, listening, viewing (the so-called audio-visual comprehension (Hör-Seh-Verstehen) - and productive skills or competences (including speaking and writing) of the German language - also on a metalinguistic level - using various communicative strategies.
At the end of the course, students will be able to independently analyse a scientific test (audio, video, or written text) and present the results of the analysis in a digital presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi).
Unit 2
This course provides an overview of the characteristics of sociological German in a broad sense. Text competence and textual skills are deepened and listening skills will be enhanced. Original texts, for instance from internet platforms dedicated to the topics in question, will be analysed. Adequate attention will be given to both the receptive competences—reading, listening, viewing (the so-called audio-visual comprehension (Hör-Seh-Verstehen) - and productive skills or competences (including speaking and writing) of the German language - also on a metalinguistic level - using various communicative strategies.
At the end of the course, students will be able to independently analyse a scientific test (audio, video, or written text) and present the results of the analysis in a digital presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi).
Unit 3
The German legal language
The course in legal German is aimed at comparing text types and learning the syntax and terminology specific to the legal language of the German language, supported by an adequate structural reflection of the language. The course will be based on listening to and reading legal texts of various types, taken both from the recommended textbooks and from material on related topics (of a legal-economic nature), taken in an explanatory manner from , . The texts will be analysed and discussed, both in plenary and in pairs or small groups, and where appropriate, grammatical and syntactical reinforcement will be introduced, aimed at expanding the content.
Prerequisites for admission
Very high level of written and spoken German (level C1);
solid basic knowledge of German linguistics.
solid basic knowledge of German linguistics.
Teaching methods
Face to face lessons with use of multimedia supports, exercises, group work.
Attendance is optional; however, students are strongly advised to attend the lessons in order to take the intermediate written tests.
Attendance is optional; however, students are strongly advised to attend the lessons in order to take the intermediate written tests.
Teaching Resources
Unit 1
1) Material and slides provided during lessons on Microsoft Teams Modul LIN II Joebstl-Berger Tedesco Economico: Teamcode xfahm43
2) Egle Kontutyte: Einführung in die Fachsprachenlinguistik. Lehrwerk. Lehrstuhl für Deutsche Philologie der Universität Vilnius, 2017 ISBN 978-609-459-814-2 LINK: DOWNLOAD als PDF: 3) Brigitta Joebstl-Berger: Sprachspiele Fachsprache Wirtschaft DaF. Ein universitäres Experiment. Tredition 2021 (E-Book oder Paperback) LINK: Buch Info. [Auch auf Amazon] ISBN: 9783347218765
Unit 2
1) Material and slides provided during the lessons on Microsoft Teams Modul LIN II Joebstl-Berger Sociologia Tedesca Teamcode: 936824j
2) Egle Kontutyte: Einführung in die Fachsprachenlinguistik. Lehrwerk. Lehrstuhl für Deutsche Philologie der Universität Vilnius, 2017 ISBN 978-609-459-814-2 LINK: DOWNLOAD als PDF: 3) Brigitta Joebstl-Berger: Sprachspiele Fachsprache Wirtschaft DaF. Ein universitäres Experiment. Tredition 2021 (E-Book oder Paperback) LINK: Buch Info. [Auch auf Amazon] ISBN: 9783347218765
Unit 3
M. Veldenz-Dunne, Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Juristen PAL, Medienpaket, Goethe-Institut München, 2005 (ISBN: LM-978-3-936753-08-0)
1) Material and slides provided during lessons on Microsoft Teams Modul LIN II Joebstl-Berger Tedesco Economico: Teamcode xfahm43
2) Egle Kontutyte: Einführung in die Fachsprachenlinguistik. Lehrwerk. Lehrstuhl für Deutsche Philologie der Universität Vilnius, 2017 ISBN 978-609-459-814-2 LINK: DOWNLOAD als PDF: 3) Brigitta Joebstl-Berger: Sprachspiele Fachsprache Wirtschaft DaF. Ein universitäres Experiment. Tredition 2021 (E-Book oder Paperback) LINK: Buch Info. [Auch auf Amazon] ISBN: 9783347218765
Unit 2
1) Material and slides provided during the lessons on Microsoft Teams Modul LIN II Joebstl-Berger Sociologia Tedesca Teamcode: 936824j
2) Egle Kontutyte: Einführung in die Fachsprachenlinguistik. Lehrwerk. Lehrstuhl für Deutsche Philologie der Universität Vilnius, 2017 ISBN 978-609-459-814-2 LINK: DOWNLOAD als PDF: 3) Brigitta Joebstl-Berger: Sprachspiele Fachsprache Wirtschaft DaF. Ein universitäres Experiment. Tredition 2021 (E-Book oder Paperback) LINK: Buch Info. [Auch auf Amazon] ISBN: 9783347218765
Unit 3
M. Veldenz-Dunne, Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Juristen PAL, Medienpaket, Goethe-Institut München, 2005 (ISBN: LM-978-3-936753-08-0)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment method "German Linguistics": intermediate written tests or oral exam during official exam sessions.
Assessment method "Language Practice Sessions": intermediate written tests or written exam during official exam sessions; intermediate oral test or oral exam during official exam sessions.
Intermediate written tests ("German Linguistics" s): these take place at the end of each module. Types of questions: exercises similar to those carried out in class; theoretical questions. Number of exercises/questions for each intermediate test: 6-8. Indicative duration of the intermediate tests: 60 minutes. Those who pass the three intermediate tests (at least 18/30 each) do not have to take the oral exam during the official exam session.
Intermediate written tests ("Language Practice Sessions"): these take place at the end of each semester. Types of questions: written production of a "Kommentar" or "Erörterung" (on topics of general interest) of at least 300 words on topics covered in the classroom. Indicative duration of the intermediate tests: 90 minutes. The students who pass the two partial tests (result of at least 18/30 in both the first and the second test) do not have to take the official written exam.
Intermediate oral tests ("Language Practice Sessions"): these take place at the end of each semester. These are dialogues in pairs on assigned topics (preparation time 10 minutes, duration of dialogues approx. 4 minutes).
Official exam: this is divided into a written examination and an oral examination.
1. Written exam ("Language Practice Sessions": May 2020, September 2020, January 2021): written production of a "Kommentar" or "Erörterung" (n topics of general interest) of at least 400 words on topics covered in the classroom. Duration of the written exam: 180 minutes.
2. Oral exam ("German Linguistics": June, July 2020; September 2020; January, February 2021): it is related to the 3 modules of "German Linguistics" (Economic German; Metaphors; Legal Language) and aims to test the knowledge and skills acquired during the lessons. It consists of open questions of a theoretical and practical nature. Oral examination ("Language Practice Sessions"): these are dialogues in pairs on assigned topics (preparation time 10 minutes, duration of dialogues approx. 4 minutes).
Both the intermediate and the official examinations are held in German.
Evaluation parameters:
- Intermediate written tests ("German Linguistics") / oral exam ("German Linguistics"): knowledge of specialist terminology; ability to actively use theoretical knowledge.
- Intermediate written tests ("Language Practice Sessions") / written exam ("Language Practice Sessions"): ability to produce an argumentative written text.
- Intermediate oral tests ("Language Practice Sessions") / oral exam ("Language Practice Sessions"): ability to interact and express oneself on general and specialist subjects.
The final mark is composed as follows: average of the marks (Language Practice Sessions + German Linguistics).
Further important information:
- The marks of the intermediate written tests are published in Ariel.
- The assessment methods are the same for students attending and not.
Assessment method "Language Practice Sessions": intermediate written tests or written exam during official exam sessions; intermediate oral test or oral exam during official exam sessions.
Intermediate written tests ("German Linguistics" s): these take place at the end of each module. Types of questions: exercises similar to those carried out in class; theoretical questions. Number of exercises/questions for each intermediate test: 6-8. Indicative duration of the intermediate tests: 60 minutes. Those who pass the three intermediate tests (at least 18/30 each) do not have to take the oral exam during the official exam session.
Intermediate written tests ("Language Practice Sessions"): these take place at the end of each semester. Types of questions: written production of a "Kommentar" or "Erörterung" (on topics of general interest) of at least 300 words on topics covered in the classroom. Indicative duration of the intermediate tests: 90 minutes. The students who pass the two partial tests (result of at least 18/30 in both the first and the second test) do not have to take the official written exam.
Intermediate oral tests ("Language Practice Sessions"): these take place at the end of each semester. These are dialogues in pairs on assigned topics (preparation time 10 minutes, duration of dialogues approx. 4 minutes).
Official exam: this is divided into a written examination and an oral examination.
1. Written exam ("Language Practice Sessions": May 2020, September 2020, January 2021): written production of a "Kommentar" or "Erörterung" (n topics of general interest) of at least 400 words on topics covered in the classroom. Duration of the written exam: 180 minutes.
2. Oral exam ("German Linguistics": June, July 2020; September 2020; January, February 2021): it is related to the 3 modules of "German Linguistics" (Economic German; Metaphors; Legal Language) and aims to test the knowledge and skills acquired during the lessons. It consists of open questions of a theoretical and practical nature. Oral examination ("Language Practice Sessions"): these are dialogues in pairs on assigned topics (preparation time 10 minutes, duration of dialogues approx. 4 minutes).
Both the intermediate and the official examinations are held in German.
Evaluation parameters:
- Intermediate written tests ("German Linguistics") / oral exam ("German Linguistics"): knowledge of specialist terminology; ability to actively use theoretical knowledge.
- Intermediate written tests ("Language Practice Sessions") / written exam ("Language Practice Sessions"): ability to produce an argumentative written text.
- Intermediate oral tests ("Language Practice Sessions") / oral exam ("Language Practice Sessions"): ability to interact and express oneself on general and specialist subjects.
The final mark is composed as follows: average of the marks (Language Practice Sessions + German Linguistics).
Further important information:
- The marks of the intermediate written tests are published in Ariel.
- The assessment methods are the same for students attending and not.
L-LIN/14 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - GERMAN - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Brambilla Marina Marzia, Joebstl-berger Brigitta Marianne