Francophone Cultures I

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Through a transdisciplinary approach, the course aims to give the students an extensive knowledge of the cultural practices in the main French-speaking areas. To this purpose, various media (literary texts, critical texts, images, videos) will be used to understand the cultural and transcultural dynamics set up in those areas.
Expected learning outcomes
The ability, through specific critical tools, to understand, analyse and compare different cultural phenomena, sociological dynamics of relationship, intercultural and transcultural connections. More specifically, the student should get a wider vision of the multiple diversity of contemporary society and develop possible answers to the issues that will arise during this socio-cultural research.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Teaching method
The lessons will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform, at the time indicated on the timetable of the first semester. The lessons will also be recorded for the students who are not able to be present at that time.

The programm does not change.

Exam and evaluation
The exam will be oral and will consist in a discussion in which the professor will ask the student to analyse literary texts and to make links with the course.
Course syllabus
Ce cours envisagera la question des indépendances en se focalisant sur trois pays, à savoir Haïti, le Congo et l'Algérie. Nous commencerons par aborder la révolution haïtienne : l'histoire de cette révolution, puis les représentations fictionnelles et théâtrales de cette révolution par des écrivains tels que Hugo, Glissant, et enfin La Tragédie du roi Christophe de Césaire. Dans la partie suivante du cours, nous aborderons l'indépendance congolaise, d'un point de vue historique, puis nous analyserons la pensée de Lumumba, son devenir mythique, et enfin Une Saison au Congo de Césaire. Enfin, nous nous pencherons sur la guerre d'Algérie, en analysant les écrits de Frantz Fanon ainsi que le film La Bataille d'Alger. La dernière partie du cours se focalisera sur un roman du congolais Tchikaya U Tam'si, Ces fruits si doux de l'arbre à pain.
Prerequisites for admission
The prerequists are the following: capacity to analyse and understand literary texts.
Teaching methods
The lessons will be held in the classroom, at the time indicated on the timetable of the first semester. The lessons could also be recorded.
Teaching Resources
Programma Unità didattica 1:
L'indépendance haïtienne et l'indépendance congolaise
Bibliografia e altri materiali didattici Unità didattica 1:
1) Aimé Césaire, La tragédie du roi Christophe, Paris, Présence Africaine, 2000 (153 p.)
2) Aimé Césaire, Une Saison au Congo, Paris, Seuil, 2021 (130 p.).

Bibliografia e altri materiali didattici Unita' didattica 1 per non frequentanti
Oltre ai testi previsti per i frequentanti, gli studenti non frequentanti sono tenuti a studiare i seguenti testi:
1) CLR James, Les Jacobins Noirs: Toussaint Louverture et la Révolution de Saint-Domingue, Ed. Amsterdam, 2008.
2) Didier Van Reybrouck, Congo. Une Histoire, Actes Sud, 2012.

Si invitano gli studenti NON FREQUENTANTI a contattare i docenti prima di sostenere l'esame.
Programma Unita' didattica 2:
L'indépendance algérienne et la pensée postcoloniale
Bibliografia e altri materiali didattici Unita' didattica 2:
1) Frantz Fanon, Les Damnés de la terre, Paris, La Découverte, 2004 (extraits)
2) Tchikaya U Tam'si, Ces fruits si doux de l'arbre à pain
Bibliografia e altri materiali didattici Unita' didattica 2 per non frequentanti
Oltre ai testi previsti per i frequentanti, gli studenti non frequentanti sono tenuti a studiare i seguenti testi:
1) Frantz Fanon, Les Damnés de la terre, Paris, La Découverte, 2004.
2) Benjamin Stora, La Gangrène et l'oubli, Paris, La Découverte, 2005.
3) A. Chemain, "L'écriture symbolique des Fruits si doux de l'arbre à pain, œuvre ultime", in Imaginaire et Littérature. Recherches francophones II, publication de la Faculté des Lettres de Nice, 1998.
4) Nicolas Bancel, Le Postcolonialisme, Paris, Que sais-je, 2019
Si invitano gli studenti NON FREQUENTANTI a contattare i docenti prima di sostenere l'esame.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be oral and will consist in a discussion in which the professor will ask the student to analyse literary texts and to make links with the course.
L-LIN/03 - FRENCH LITERATURE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professors: Jeusette Julien, Magaudda Biagio