Food Industry Design, Technology and Innovation

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is intended for the development of Food Science & Technology & Product Development knowledge and cognitive skills.
In the course, the role of design for sustainable innovation over the whole food value chain is described and challenged, inspiring new ideas and practices through real-world examples.
Food design for innovation is declined in sustainable technology terms, which complement the economic and quality aspects of the industrial activities, in a way that responsibility for sustainable improvement of food products can be generated.
The attended outcomes are (a) the students' ability to understand the technological innovation in food system, to identify the challenges, risks and benefit of food design for innovation and (b) the ability to identify critical issues for benefits and detriments of conducting sustainable innovative policies in food industry or within the public food area.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students are expected to have acquired cognitive tools, logic elements and familiarity with essential concepts of food technology and of frontier technological innovations, that allow them to stay informed on the continuous technological updating from the food manufacturing professional sector. At the end of the course, students will have the knowledge and autonomous judgment skills for analyzing innovation opportunities within food production and market contexts. Students will become capable of collaborating with food production experts and will have sufficient technical communication tools to be participate in programme actions and to manage intervention in innovation. Students will be adequately trained to perform advisory and managerial tasks for private companies and public institutions, in relation to food and health.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
The course will be delivered in the manner indicated in the University directives in relation to the evolution of the COVID pandemic. Communications on how to deliver the course in person or remotely and the access criteria will be communicated in time to students by the start of the lessons on the ARIEL message board of the course. In relation to the evolution of the pandemic and the general health situation, the provisions may vary according to national and regional provisions.
Course syllabus
The course programme is focoused on the sustainable innovation in the food system and is developped on the following themes:
Challenges for sustainability in the food system;
-New indicators for innovation in the food industry;
-Basic elements of food science and technology: formulation, processing and preservation technologies, packaging;
-Sustainable diets, sustainable ingredients;
-Innovation in food processing: emerging technologies, eco-design;
-Assessment of sustainability: indicators of food and nutrition security;
-Food loss and waste;
-Case studies relating to avant-garde innovations (plastics, new products, new consumption opportunities).
Prerequisites for admission
The course is open to both scientific / technological and economic / human sciences previous fields of study. The concepts of food science and technology and technological innovations sustainable development will be appropriately delivered so that a large audience with different backgrounds can benefit from them.
Teaching methods
This is a course that is delivered using formats that include lectures, discussions and participation in group work. The development of a project is required, carried out in a group, agreed and discussed with the teacher, relating to a topic assigned at the beginning of the course. The project must be delivered by the end of the course period and is discussed in the exam by each individual student. This teaching mode therefore requires the participation in the lessons and the constructive interaction of the students with the teacher.
Teaching Resources
Course slides published on ARIEL-UNIMI; scientific literature provided by the teacher. The video lessons will remain published on ARIEL for the entire duration of the semester of the course, then they will be removed. The course lecture notes, unknown authors, NOT AUTHORIZED BY THE TEACHER are not recognized as teaching material.
With regard to the recording and publication of videolessons, indications provided by the University are awaited.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Mode: the learning assessment will be carried out using by means of an oral exam on the topics developed in the lectures. No ongoing tests are scheduled.
- Typology: the first part will be an interview on the course contents: two questions will be formulated, one at the discretion of the teacher, one relating to a topic of the program chosen by the student. After passing the first part of the oral exam, a final question will refer to the project / exercise developed during the course;
- Evaluation parameters: the correctness of the answers, the appropriateness of the language, the ability to include interdisciplinary elements and notions will be evaluated, if required.
- Type of evaluation used: grade out of thirty.
- Useful materials to take the test: any technical tabe/sheets useful for formulating the answers will be provided by the teacher.
AGR/15 - FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Piazza Laura